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11.04.2022 | IUJ Video

A “cooler” simulation model for robotic cuff closure and sacrocolpopexy

verfasst von: Darlene Vargas Maldonado, Brian J. Linder, John A. Occhino

Erschienen in: International Urogynecology Journal | Ausgabe 10/2022

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Introduction and hypothesis

The objective of this video was to demonstrate the build and use of a single robotic simulation model for a double-layer vaginal cuff closure and sacrocolpopexy vaginal mesh attachment. Simulation models are frequently used to improve surgical skills and augment operating room experience for surgical trainees.


To create our robotic simulation model, we utilized the Advincula arch manipulator handle with a sacrocolpopexy tip attached to the ALLY Uterine Positioning System. To simulate the vagina, we used a pink, slim can cooler/coozie attached to the sacrocolpopexy tip. The edges of the coozie represented the vaginal cuff following a hysterectomy. Mesh attachment was demonstrated using a precut Y-shaped polypropylene mesh.


Simulation has become a critical part of education in surgical training programs as it enhances learner knowledge and improves surgical confidence and preparedness in the operative setting.
Nur mit Berechtigung zugänglich
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Zurück zum Zitat Azadi S, Green IC, Arnold A, Truong M, Potts J, Martino MA. Robotic surgery: the impact of simulation and other innovative platforms on performance and training. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2021;28(3):490–5.CrossRef Azadi S, Green IC, Arnold A, Truong M, Potts J, Martino MA. Robotic surgery: the impact of simulation and other innovative platforms on performance and training. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2021;28(3):490–5.CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Myers EM, Anderson-Montoya BL, Fasano HT, Vilasagar S, Tarr ME. Robotic sacrocolpopexy simulation model and associated hierarchical task analysis. Obstet Gynecol. 2019;133(5):905–9.CrossRef Myers EM, Anderson-Montoya BL, Fasano HT, Vilasagar S, Tarr ME. Robotic sacrocolpopexy simulation model and associated hierarchical task analysis. Obstet Gynecol. 2019;133(5):905–9.CrossRef
A “cooler” simulation model for robotic cuff closure and sacrocolpopexy
verfasst von
Darlene Vargas Maldonado
Brian J. Linder
John A. Occhino
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
International Urogynecology Journal / Ausgabe 10/2022
Print ISSN: 0937-3462
Elektronische ISSN: 1433-3023

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