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06.09.2018 | Original Article

A new checklist method enhances treatment compliance and response of behavioural therapy for primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis: a prospective randomised controlled trial

verfasst von: Ahmet Metin Hascicek, Muhammet Fatih Kilinc, Yildiray Yildiz, Cem Nedim Yuceturk, Omer Gokhan Doluoglu

Erschienen in: World Journal of Urology | Ausgabe 6/2019

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The aim of the study was to demonstrate the benefits of a newly-established written checklist of behavioural instructions for monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis.


From a total of 96 parents with children who complain of bedwetting three or more nights per week for at least 14 days, 79 were randomly divided into three groups. Group I (n = 27) were instructed to apply only behavioural therapy as a written guideline, Group II (n = 26) were instructed to apply behavioural therapy with a written checklist for parents to fully complete and Group III (n = 26) received desmopressin treatment plus verbal behavioural therapy. All participants were analysed in respect of compliance and the response rate to treatment over a time period of 8 weeks.


A total of 63 participants completed the study period. The participants in all three groups were similar in terms of the age of the child and the parents, number of siblings, and the educational and economic status of the parents (p > 0.05). High rates of treatment compliance were determined for the participants with the checklist compared to those with written guideline. No statistically significant difference was determined between Group II and III in respect of compliance rates (p = 0.12). The treatment response rates of the participants in Group I were significantly lower compared to those of Group II and III (p = 0.001) with no statistical difference determined between Groups II and III (p = 0.15).


The success rate of behavioural therapy for MNE can be increased with the newly-designed method of a written checklist form of behavioural instructions.
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A new checklist method enhances treatment compliance and response of behavioural therapy for primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis: a prospective randomised controlled trial
verfasst von
Ahmet Metin Hascicek
Muhammet Fatih Kilinc
Yildiray Yildiz
Cem Nedim Yuceturk
Omer Gokhan Doluoglu
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Erschienen in
World Journal of Urology / Ausgabe 6/2019
Print ISSN: 0724-4983
Elektronische ISSN: 1433-8726

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