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28.11.2021 | Original Article

A prospective comparative study of mini-PCNL using Trilogy™ or thulium fibre laser with suction

verfasst von: Abhijit Patil, Rohan Sharma, Darshit Shah, Ankit Gupta, Abhishek Singh, Arvind Ganpule, Ravindra Sabnis, Mahesh Desai

Erschienen in: World Journal of Urology | Ausgabe 2/2022

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There has been recent introduction of novel lithotripters and high-power lasers for stone disintegration. With miniaturization of PCNL, there is need of effective disintegration and faster stone-clearance. This study aimed to evaluate efficiency of Trilogy™ and Thulium fibre laser (TFL) in mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy (mini-PCNL).


This is prospective study comparing efficiency and outcomes of Trilogy™ and TFL in mini-PCNL between January 2019 and February 2020. Primary objective was to compare stone fragmentation rates, with secondary objectives beings stone-free rates and complications.


There were 60 mini-PCNL with suction using either Trilogy™ or TFL energy source. Mean stone size and density were 27.60 ± 10.17 mm, 22.04 ± 9.69 mm (p = 0.05) and 1172.9 ± 313.5HU, 1308.9 ± 333.9HU (p = 0.10) for Trilogy™ and TFL, respectively. Using 3D doctor imaging software from CT images, mean stone volumes were 3718.9 ± 3038.7mm3 for Trilogy™ and 3425.9 ± 3096.1mm3 for TFL(p = 0.77). Using probe-activation time or lasing time, stone-fragmentation rate was 5.98 ± 4.25mm3/sec for Trilogy™ and 3.95 ± 1.00mm3/sec for TFL(p = 0.015). Treatment time (puncture to complete clearance) was 32.48 ± 15.39 min for Trilogy™ and 28.63 ± 18.56 min for TFL(p = 0.38). Haemoglobin drop was 1.19 ± 0.76gm/dl for Trilogy™ and 0.99 ± 0.74gm/dl for TFL (p = 0.30). Trilogy™ arm had 96.6% complete clearance and TFL had 76.6% in TFL at 48 h. One patient in Trilogy™ arm required auxiliary RIRS for residual stone. Both arms had complete stone clearance at 1 month follow-up. Trilogy™ arm had 3 Clavien–Dindo grade-II complications while TFL had 2 Clavien–Dindo grade-II complications (UTI requiring antibiotics). There was no blood transfusion in either of arm.


Trilogy™ had significantly better stone fragmentation rate than TFL in managing renal stones. However, stone-free rates and complications were comparable for Trilogy™ and TFL.
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A prospective comparative study of mini-PCNL using Trilogy™ or thulium fibre laser with suction
verfasst von
Abhijit Patil
Rohan Sharma
Darshit Shah
Ankit Gupta
Abhishek Singh
Arvind Ganpule
Ravindra Sabnis
Mahesh Desai
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Erschienen in
World Journal of Urology / Ausgabe 2/2022
Print ISSN: 0724-4983
Elektronische ISSN: 1433-8726

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