02.01.2020 | Original Article
A subjective cognitive impairments scale for migraine attacks: validation of the Italian version of the MIG-SCOG
verfasst von:
Antonio Russo, Marcello Silvestro, Federica Garramone, Alessandro Tessitore, Maria Cropano, Fabrizio Scotto di Clemente, Luigi Trojano, Gioacchino Tedeschi, Gabriella Santangelo
Erschienen in:
Neurological Sciences
Ausgabe 5/2020
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The MIG-SCOG is a questionnaire to assess self-reported subjective cognitive symptoms during migraine attacks, consisting of 9 items evaluating executive functions and language. The aim of the study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the MIG-SCOG (I-MIG-SCOG) in patients with migraine without aura.
The I-MIG-SCOG underwent 20 Italian healthy subjects to assess its comprehensibility. Reliability and divergent validity of the I-MIG-SCOG were evaluated in a sample of 153 migraines without aura patients. They also underwent Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Beck Depression Inventory and Apathy Evaluation Scale.
The final I-MIG-SCOG was easily comprehensible. There were no missing data, no floor and ceiling effects; mean I-MIG-SCOG score was 7.54 ± 3.98; Cronbach’s alpha was 0.814. The I-MIG-SCOG score correlated poorly with Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Beck Depression Inventory and Apathy Evaluation Scale.
The I-MIG-SCOG should represent a reliable and valid patient-centred and disease-related instrument to identify cognitive symptoms experienced during migraine attacks and to monitor the divergent effects of symptomatic treatments on cognitive functions also in Italian migraine patients.