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Abdominal Radiology

Ausgabe 2/2021 SAR Annual Disease Focused Panel Reports

Inhalt (63 Artikel)

Crohn disease DFP report

  • SAR DFP Report

Emerging Technology Commission on AI report

  • SAR DFP Report

Andrew D. Smith, George Shih

GERD DFP report

  • SAR DFP Report

Endometriosis DFP report

  • SAR DFP Report

GI Bleed DFP report

  • SAR DFP Report

HCC diagnosis DFP report

  • SAR DFP Report

Rectal Cancer DFP report

  • SAR DFP Report

Pelvic floor DFP report

  • SAR DFP Report

HCC Treatment Response DFP report

  • SAR DFP Report

Mishal Mendiratta-Lala

Non-traumatic hemoperitoneum in the ED setting: causes, characteristics, prevalence and sex differences

  • Peritoneum

Meir H. Scheinfeld, Carly Schwartz, Vineet R. Jain, Inessa A. Goldman

How to accurately measure the distance from the anal verge to rectal cancer on MRI: a prospective study using anal verge markers

  • Hollow Organ GI

Yeo Eun Han, Beom Jin Park, Deuk Jae Sung, Min Ju Kim, Na Yeon Han, Ki Choon Sim, Sung Bum Cho, Jin Kim, Seon-Hahn Kim, Hyonggin An

Utility of texture analysis on T2-weighted MR for differentiating tumor deposits from mesorectal nodes in rectal cancer patients, in a retrospective cohort

  • Hollow Organ GI

Isha D. Atre, Kulyada Eurboonyanun, Yoshifumi Noda, Anushri Parakh, Aileen O’Shea, Rita Maria Lahoud, Naomi M. Sell, Hiroko Kunitake, Mukesh G. Harisinghani

Locoregional CT staging of colon cancer: does a learning curve exist?

  • Hollow Organ GI

Eun Kyoung Hong, Francesca Castagnoli, Nicolo Gennaro, Federica Landolfi, Carlos Perez-Serrano, Ieva Kurilova, Sander Roberti, Regina Beets-Tan

CT colonography’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic: a safe(r), socially distanced total colon examination

Courtney C. Moreno, Judy Yee, Firas S. Ahmed, Matthew A. Barish, Cecelia Brewington, Abraham H. Dachman, Marc J. Gollub, David H. Kim, Elizabeth McFarland, Perry J. Pickhardt, Syam Reddy, Michael Zalis, Kevin J. Chang

CT colonography followed by elective surgery in patients with acute diverticulitis: a radiological-pathological correlation study

  • Open Access
  • Hollow Organ GI

Nicola Flor, Perry J. Pickhardt, Giovanni Maconi, Silvia Panella, Monica Falleni, Valeria Merlo, Giovanni Di Leo

Accuracy of MRI for nodal restaging in rectal cancer: a retrospective study of 166 cases

  • Hollow Organ GI

Sayali Pangarkar, Kunal Mistry, Amit Choudhari, Vasundhara Smriti, Ankita Ahuja, Aparna Katdare, Reena Engineer, Vikas Ostwal, Mukta Ramadwar, Avanish Saklani, Akshay D. Baheti

Colonic stool burden on computed tomography does not correlate with bowel habit: a cross-sectional study

  • Hollow Organ GI

D. Ferguson, R. D. Holmes, R. Scott, M. Alsahafi, J. Buckley, F. Donnellan, D. O. Prichard

Vascular assessment in small bowel obstruction: can CT predict requirement for surgical intervention?

  • Hollow Organ GI

Baillie Ferris, Matthew Bastian-Jordan, John Fenwick, Jacqui Hislop-Jambrich

Diagnostic value of spleen stiffness by magnetic resonance elastography for prediction of esophageal varices in cirrhotic patients

  • Special Section: Diffuse Liver Disease

Zih-En Jhang, Kuan-Lin Wu, Chia-Bang Chen, Yao-Li Chen, Ping-Yi Lin, Chen-Te Chou

Deep learning for differentiation of benign and malignant solid liver lesions on ultrasonography

  • Hepatobiliary

Ianto Lin Xi, Jing Wu, Jing Guan, Paul J. Zhang, Steven C. Horii, Michael C. Soulen, Zishu Zhang, Harrison X. Bai

Typical imaging finding of hepatic infections: a pictorial essay

  • Open Access
  • Review

Sonaz Malekzadeh, Lucien Widmer, Faezeh Salahshour, Bernhard Egger, Maxime Ronot, Harriet C. Thoeny

Biliary excretion of gadobenate dimeglumine causing degradation of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)

  • Hepatobiliary

Lukas M. Trunz, Flavius F. Guglielmo, Santosh K. Selvarajan, Haresh V. Naringrekar, Abdullah Alturki, Jaydev K. Dave, Donald G. Mitchell

Magnetic resonance elastography to quantify liver disease severity in autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease

  • Hepatobiliary

Erum A. Hartung, Juan S. Calle-Toro, Carolina Maya Lopera, Jessica Wen, Robert H. Carson, Mohini Dutt, Kathryn Howarth, Susan L. Furth, Kassa Darge, Suraj D. Serai

Technical success rate of MR elastography in a population without known liver disease

  • Hepatobiliary

Howard E. Gill, Christopher J. Lisanti, Ryan B. Schwope, Jason Kim, Matthew Katz, Stephen Harrison

The characteristic splenic calcifications of systemic lupus erythematosus

  • Letter to the Editor

Thomas C. Winter, Akram Shaaban

Wirsungocele: evaluation by MRCP and clinical significance

  • Pancreas

Sehnaz Evrimler, Jordan K. Swensson, Mazhar Soufi, Temel Tirkes, C. Max Schmidt, Fatih Akisik

S100A4 overexpression in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: imaging biomarkers from whole-tumor evaluation with MRI and texture analysis

  • Pancreas

Liang Liang, Rongkui Luo, Ying Ding, Kai Liu, Licheng Shen, Haiying Zeng, Yingqian Ge, Mengsu Zeng

Is Cambridge scoring in chronic pancreatitis the same using ERCP and MRCP?: A need for revision of standards

  • Pancreas

Jordan Swensson, Fatih Akisik, David Collins, Søren Schou Olesen, Asbjørn Mohr Drewes, Jens Brøndum Frøkjær

Magnetic resonance imaging radiomic analysis can preoperatively predict G1 and G2/3 grades in patients with NF-pNETs

  • Pancreas

Yun Bian, Jing Li, Kai Cao, Xu Fang, Hui Jiang, Chao Ma, Gang Jin, Jianping Lu, Li Wang

Imaging spectrum of traumatic urinary bladder and urethral injuries

  • Review

Sirote Wongwaisayawan, Satheesh Krishna, Adnan Sheikh, Rathachai Kaewlai, Nicola Schieda

Possible radiologic renal signs of COVID-19

Isil Basara Akin, Canan Altay, Oya Eren Kutsoylu, Mustafa Secil

Lexicon for renal mass terms at CT and MRI: a consensus of the society of abdominal radiology disease-focused panel on renal cell carcinoma

  • Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, Retroperitoneum

Atul B. Shinagare, Matthew S. Davenport, Hyesun Park, Ivan Pedrosa, Erick M. Remer, Hersh Chandarana, Ankur M. Doshi, Nicola Schieda, Andrew D. Smith, Raghunandan Vikram, Zhen J. Wang, Stuart G. Silverman

Clinical and computed tomography factors associated with sepsis in women with clinically uncomplicated pyelonephritis

  • Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, Retroperitoneum

Young Rock Jang, Su Joa Ahn, Seung Joon Choi, Joong Sik Eom, Yong Kyun Cho, Young Sup Shim, So Hyun Park, Jeong Ho Kim, Hyung-Sik Kim

What radiologists should know about microRNA (miRNA) serum biomarkers for germ cell tumors

  • Review

Matthew A. Morgan, Joanie M. Garratt, David J. Vaughn

Lumen-apposing covered self-expanding metallic stent for symptomatic pancreatic fluid collections: assessment of outcomes and complications with CT and MRI

  • Pancreas

Khoschy Schawkat, Michael Luo, Kristy Lee, Kevin Beker, Mizrahi Meir, Tyler M. Berzin, Koenraad J. Mortele

Right-sided versus left-sided percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage in the management of malignant biliary obstruction: a randomized controlled study

  • Hepatobiliary

Rajendra Kumar Behera, Deep Narayan Srivastava, Pratik Kumar, Sujoy Pal, Nihar Ranjan, Pramod Garg, Peush Sahni, Kumble Seetharama Madhusudhan

Validation of computed tomography angiography using mean arterial pressure gradient as a reference in stented superior mesenteric artery

  • Open Access
  • Interventional Radiology

Niklas Lundin, Leena Lehti, Olle Ekberg, Stefan Acosta

A review of anatomy, pathology, and disease spread in the perisplenic region

  • Review

Ashley Etchison, Christine O. Menias, Dhakshina M. Ganeshan, Nikita Consul, Ayman Nada, Akram M. Shaaban, Ayman H. Gaballah, Sanaz Javadi, Khaled M. Elsayes

Visceral adipose tissue in patients with COVID-19: risk stratification for severity

Hersh Chandarana, Bari Dane, Artem Mikheev, Myles T. Taffel, Yang Feng, Henry Rusinek

Delayed bolus-tracking trigger at CT correlates with cardiac dysfunction and suboptimal portovenous contrast phase

  • Hepatobiliary

Corey T. Jensen, Rahul Khetan, Jake Adkins, Sanaz Javadi, Xinming Liu, Jia Sun, Saamir A. Hassan, Ajaykumar C. Morani

“Train-track appearance” in early non-traumatic adrenal hemorrhage

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

Kristof Coursier, Geert Verswijvel

The follicular ring sign

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

Stefanie Y. Lee

Bilateral renal artery parvus tardus: a sign of aortic coarctation in pediatric patients

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

Jonathan W. Revels, Sherry S. Wang, Allyson Richards

Response to a letter to the editor

  • Letter to the Editor

Venkatram Krishnan

Neu im Fachgebiet Radiologie

Abdominale CT bei Kindern: 40% mit Zufallsbefunden

Wird bei Kindern mit stumpfem Trauma eine CT des Bauchraums veranlasst, sind in rund 40% der Fälle Auffälligkeiten zu sehen, die nichts mit dem Trauma zu tun haben. Die allerwenigsten davon sind klinisch relevant.

Genügt die biparametrische MRT für die Prostatadiagnostik?

Die multiparametrische Magnetresonanztomografie hat einen festen Platz im Screening auf klinisch signifikante Prostatakarzinome. Ob auch ein biparametrisches Vorgehen ausreicht, ist in einer Metaanalyse untersucht worden.

Höhere Trefferquoten bei Brustkrebsscreening dank KI?

Künstliche Intelligenz unterstützt bei der Auswertung von Mammografie-Screenings und senkt somit den Arbeitsaufwand für Radiologen. Wie wirken sich diese Technologien auf die Trefferquote und die Falsch-positiv-Rate aus? Das hat jetzt eine Studie aus Schweden untersucht.

KI-gestütztes Mammografiescreening überzeugt im Praxistest

Mit dem Einsatz künstlicher Intelligenz lässt sich die Detektionsrate im Mammografiescreening offenbar deutlich steigern. Mehr unnötige Zusatzuntersuchungen sind laut der Studie aus Deutschland nicht zu befürchten.

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