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Abdominal Radiology

Ausgabe 4/2019 Special Section: Distinguished Papers from the Japanese Society of Abdominal Radiology

Inhalt (53 Artikel)

Imaging findings of hemorrhagic hepatic cysts with enhancing mural nodules

  • Special Section: Distinguished Papers from JSAR

Shigeshi Kohno, Shigeki Arizono, Hiroyoshi Isoda, Akihiko Yoshizawa, Kaori Togashi

A case of human pancreatic eurytremiasis

  • Special Section: Distinguished Papers from JSAR

Hiroshi Ogawa, Yasuo Takehara, Shinji Naganawa, Junpei Yamaguchi, Masato Nakaguro

Fishbone migration to bile ducts after pancreaticoduodenectomy: a case series

  • Special Section: Distinguished Papers from JSAR

Masaaki Akahane, Masashi Kusakabe, Mizuho Murakami, Ichiro Shirouzu, Mariko Terasaki, Junichi Kazaoka, Hiroki Sasaki, Haruyasu Yamada

Duodenal obstruction induced by retroperitoneal progression of bladder cancer: a report of two cases

  • Special Section: Distinguished Papers from JSAR

Koji Tokunaga, Akihiro Furuta, Shigeki Arizono, Yuki Teramoto, Hiromitsu Negoro, Aki Kido, Hiroyoshi Isoda, Kaori Togashi

A case of immunoglobulin G4-related inflammatory pseudotumor mimicking renal cell carcinoma

  • Special Section: Distinguished Papers from JSAR

Hiroshi Watanabe, Hajime Tanaka, Yasuhisa Fujii, Makoto Kodama, Takumi Akashi, Tomoyuki Fujioka, Kazunori Kubota, Yukihisa Saida, Ukihide Tateishi

Comparison of characteristic computed tomographic findings of gastrointestinal and non-gastrointestinal stromal tumors in the small intestine

  • Special Section: Distinguished Papers from JSAR

Akitoshi Inoue, Shinichi Ota, Shigetaka Sato, Norihisa Nitta, Tomoharu Shimizu, Hiromichi Sonoda, Masaji Tani, Hiromitsu Ban, Osamu Inatomi, Akira Ando, Ryoji Kushima, Kiyoshi Murata

CT and MRI features of undifferentiated carcinomas with osteoclast-like giant cells of the pancreas: a case series

  • Special Section: Distinguished Papers from JSAR

Yoshihiko Fukukura, Yuichi Kumagae, Mitsuho Hirahara, Hiroto Hakamada, Hiroaki Nagano, Masanori Nakajo, Kiyohisa Kamimura, Masatoyo Nakajo, Michiyo Higashi, Takashi Yoshiura

MR findings of uterine PEComa in patients with tuberous sclerosis: report of two cases

  • Special Section: Distinguished Papers from JSAR

Naoko Nishio, Aki Kido, Sachiko Minamiguchi, Kayo Kiguchi, Yasuhisa Kurata, Kyoko Kameyama Nakao, Ryo Kuwahara, Ryo Yajima, Satoshi Otani, Masaki Mandai, Kaori Togashi, Manabu Minami

MRI features of mucinous adenocarcinoma of the prostate: report of four cases

  • Case Report

Kaori Yamada, Nana Kozawa, Hitomi Nagano, Masato Fujita, Kei Yamada

The hepatoduodenal ligament revisited: cross-sectional imaging spectrum of non-neoplastic conditions

  • Review

Francesco Alessandrino, Aleksandar M. Ivanovic, Daniel Souza, Amin S. Chaoui, Jelena Djokic-Kovac, Koenraad J. Mortele

Structured reporting of MRI for perianal fistula

  • Review

Seng Thipphavong, Andreu F. Costa, Hamideh Ale Ali, David Chenhan Wang, Mantaj S. Brar, Kartik S. Jhaveri

CT/MR LI-RADS 2018: clinical implications and management recommendations

  • Review

Amita Kamath, Alexandra Roudenko, Elizabeth Hecht, Claude Sirlin, Victoria Chernyak, Kathryn Fowler, Donald G. Mitchell

Clinical review of liver hydatid disease and its unusual presentations in developing countries

  • Pictorial essay

Sandra Abi Fadel, Karl Asmar, Walid Faraj, Mohammad Khalife, Maurice Haddad, Fadi El-Merhi

Assessing liver function: diagnostic efficacy of parenchymal enhancement and liver volume ratio of Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI study during interstitial and hepatobiliary phase

Davide Ippolito, Anna Pecorelli, Simone Famularo, Davide Bernasconi, Eleonora Benedetta Orsini, Alessandro Giani, Fabrizio Romano, Cammillo Talei Franzesi, Sandro Sironi

Radiological patterns of secondary sclerosing cholangitis in patients after lung transplantation

Hye Jin Kim, Mi-Suk Park, Jin Woo Son, Kyunghwa Han, Jei Hee Lee, Jai Keun Kim, Hyo Chae Paik

Differential diagnosis of gallbladder polypoid lesions using contrast-enhanced ultrasound

  • Technical

Haruo Miwa, Kazushi Numata, Kazuya Sugimori, Katsuyuki Sanga, Akane Hirotani, Shun Tezuka, Yoshihiro Goda, Kuniyasu Irie, Tomohiro Ishii, Takashi Kaneko, Katsuaki Tanaka, Shin Maeda

Multimodality imaging of the Meso-Rex bypass

  • Review

Vincenzo Carollo, Gianluca Marrone, Kelvin Cortis, Giuseppe Mamone, Settimo Caruso, Mariapina Milazzo, Luigi Maruzzelli, Fabrizio di Francesco, Martin Delle, Roberto Miraglia, Jean de Ville de Goyet

A comparative study of MR extracellular volume fraction measurement and two-dimensional shear-wave elastography in assessment of liver fibrosis with chronic hepatitis B

  • Hepatobiliary

Kaipu Jin, Heqing Wang, Mengsu Zeng, Shengxiang Rao, Lixia Yan, Yuan Ji, Caixia Fu, Ruofan Sheng

Association of advanced hepatic fibrosis and sonographic visualization score: a dual-center study using ACR US LI-RADS

  • Hepatobiliary

Hailey H. Choi, Marcelina G. Perez, John D. Millet, Tie Liang, Ashish P. Wasnik, Katherine E. Maturen, Aya Kamaya

Standardized report template for indeterminate renal masses at CT and MRI: a collaborative product of the SAR Disease-Focused Panel on Renal Cell Carcinoma

  • Society Report

Matthew S. Davenport, Eric M. Hu, Andrew Zhang, Atul B. Shinagare, Andrew D. Smith, Ivan Pedrosa, Samuel D. Kaffenberger, Stuart G. Silverman, Jane Wang, Erick Remer, Steve Raman, Raghu Vikram, Gary Israel, Hersh Chandarana, Ankur Doshi, Shane Wells, Nicole Curci, Nicola Schieda

Uncommon malignant renal tumors and atypical presentation of common ones: a guide for radiologists

  • Pictorial essay

Benjamin Laguna, Antonio C. Westphalen, C. T. Guimarães, Zhen Whang, Jeff Simko, Ronald Zagoria

Magnetic resonance imaging features of pubic symphysis urinary fistula with pubic bone osteomyelitis in the treated prostate cancer patient

  • Pelvis

Stephanie J. Sexton, Garjae Lavien, Nicholas Said, William Eward, Andrew C. Peterson, Rajan T. Gupta

Influence of slice thickness on result of CT histogram analysis in indeterminate adrenal masses

  • Open Access
  • Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, Retroperitoneum

Zbyněk Tüdös, Petr Kučera, Paulína Szász, Igor Hartmann, Kateřina Langová, Jozef Škarda, Filip Čtvrtlík

Juxtatumoral perinephric fat analysis in clear cell renal cell carcinoma

  • Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, Retroperitoneum

Tania S. Gill, Bino A. Varghese, Darryl H. Hwang, Steven Y. Cen, Manju Aron, Monish Aron, Vinay A. Duddalwar

Estimation of split renal function using different volumetric methods: inter- and intraindividual comparison between MRI and CT

  • Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, Retroperitoneum

Florian Siedek, Stefan Haneder, Jonas Dörner, John N. Morelli, Seung-Hun Chon, David Maintz, Christian Houbois

Imaging in secondary tumors of the ovary

  • Pictorial essay

Ali Devrim Karaosmanoglu, Mehmet Ruhi Onur, Mehmet Coskun Salman, Alp Usubutun, Musturay Karcaaltincaba, Mustafa Nasuh Ozmen, Deniz Akata

Overview of systemic treatment in recurrent and advanced cervical cancer: a primer for radiologists

  • Pictorial essay

Colin Marshall, Maharshi A. Rajdev, Bhanusupriya Somarouthu, Nikhil H. Ramaiya, Francesco Alessandrino

Investigating the role of DCE-MRI, over T2 and DWI, in accurate PI-RADS v2 assessment of clinically significant peripheral zone prostate lesions as defined at radical prostatectomy

Mehdi Taghipour, Alireza Ziaei, Francesco Alessandrino, Elmira Hassanzadeh, Mukesh Harisinghani, Mark Vangel, Clare M. Tempany, Fiona M. Fennessy

Quantification of fat deposition in the testis and epididymis using mDIXON Quant sequence: correlation with age and ejaculation

  • Pelvis

Ruo-mi Guo, Ru-zhen Zhao, Jie Zhang, Fei Yang, Hui-quan Wen, Jin Wang, Yong Zhang, Qing-ling Li

Fatty masses of the abdomen and pelvis and their complications

  • Pictorial essay

Monica R. Drylewicz, Meghan G. Lubner, Perry J. Pickhardt, Christine O. Menias, Vincent M. Mellnick

Percutaneous drainage and management of fluid collections associated with necrotic or cystic tumors in the abdomen and pelvis

  • Interventional Radiology

David H. Ballard, Mahati Mokkarala, Horacio B. D’Agostino

Orthopedic metallic hardware in routine abdomino-pelvic CT scans: occurrence and clinical significance

Vinit Baliyan, Hamed Kordbacheh, Amir H. Davarpanah, Amirhossein Mozafarry, Dushyant V. Sahani, Avinash Kambadakone

Tumor markers: myths and facts unfolded

  • Review

S. C. Faria, T. Sagebiel, M. Patnana, V. Cox, C. Viswanathan, C. Lall, A. Qayyum, P. R. Bhosale

Analysis of Abdominal Radiology fellowship website content and comprehensiveness

  • Practice

Jack H. Ruddell, Zachary J. Hartley-Blossom, Ankush I. Bajaj, David Grand, Adam E. M. Eltorai

The “central dot sign” in acute epiploic appendagitis

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

Dario Giambelluca, Mariangela Dimarco, Maria Roberta Vaccaro Notte, Giuseppe Lo Re, Massimo Midiri

The ringed esophagus

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

Sergey Leshchinskiy, Naiim Ali, Dmitriy Akselrod, Robert D’Agostino

The little rose sign

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

Eric Delabrousse, Franck Grillet, Paul Calame

Bright band sign

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

Venkatraman Indiran, Jagannathan Kokilavani

The female prostate sign

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

Philip K. Wong, Deborah A. Baumgarten

The “Target sign” and the “Lollipop sign” in hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

Giuseppe Mamone, Roberto Miraglia

Classics in abdominal imaging: the atoll sign

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

Aaron M. Bisig, Andres R. Ayoob, Joseph W. Owen

The “linguine” sign

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

Pavani T. Shah, Raymond B. Dyer

“Flip-flop enhancement” in renal infarction

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

Claudio Leto, Dario Giambelluca, Alberto Bruno, Massimo Midiri, Giuseppe Salvaggio

The “honeycomb” gallbladder

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

David W. Robinson, Michael Oliphant, Raymond B. Dyer

Moustache sign

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

Binit Sureka, Kuldeep Yadav, Pawan Kumar Garg, Pushpinder Singh Khera

The orange-cross section appearance in focal nodular hyperplasia

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

Hanna Rafaela Ferreira Dalla Pria, Eduardo Kaiser Ururahy Nunes Fonseca, Adham do Amaral e Castro

Correction to: ‘‘Bunch of grapes’’ in complete hydatidiform mole

  • Correction

Eduardo Kaiser Ururahy Nunes Fonseca, Mariana Athaniel Silva Rodrigues, Fernando Ide Yamauchi, Ronaldo Hueb Baroni

Correction to: Ultrasound-guided renal transplant biopsy: practical and pragmatic considerations

  • Correction

Maitray D. Patel, Scott W. Young, J. Scott Kriegshauser, Nirvikar Dahiya

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