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Abdominal Radiology

Ausgabe 9/2024

Inhalt (35 Artikel)

Improved overall image quality in low-dose dual-energy computed tomography enterography using deep-learning image reconstruction

  • Hollow Organ GI

Xu Lin, Yankun Gao, Chao Zhu, Jian Song, Ling Liu, Jianying Li, Xingwang Wu

Noninvasive identification of SOX9 status using radiomics signatures may help construct personalized treatment strategy in hepatocellular carcinoma

  • Hepatobiliary

Feng Che, Yi Wei, Qing Xu, Qian Li, Tong Zhang, Li-Ye Wang, Man Li, Fang Yuan, Bin Song

Baseline parenchymal blood volume is a potential prognostic imaging biomarker in patients with malignant liver tumors treated with transarterial chemoembolization

  • Open Access
  • Hepatobiliary

Thomas J. Vogl, Eileen Isabell Emrich, Tatjana Gruber, Jörg Trojan, Simon Bernatz

Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging of the liver and spleen in Gaucher disease

  • Hepatobiliary

Daniella Braz Parente, Fernanda Chagas Monteiro de Melo Malta, Renata de Souza Cravo, Ronir Raggio Luiz, Vivian Rotman, Renata Mello Perez, Rosana Souza Rodrigues

Deep learning-based arterial subtraction images improve the detection of LR-TR algorithm for viable HCC on extracellular agents-enhanced MRI

  • Hepatobiliary

Yuxin Wang, Dawei Yang, Lixue Xu, Siwei Yang, Wei Wang, Chao Zheng, Xiaolan Zhang, Botong Wu, Hongxia Yin, Zhenghan Yang, Hui Xu

Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) outperforms acoustic force radiation impulse (ARFI) in predicting oesophageal varices in obese NAFLD cirrhosis

  • Hepatobiliary

Akash Roy, Nipun Verma, Surabhi Jajodia, Usha Goenka, Awanish Tiwari, Nikhil Sonthalia, Mahesh Goenka

Interpretable multiphasic CT-based radiomic analysis for preoperatively differentiating benign and malignant solid renal tumors: a multicenter study

  • Open Access
  • Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, Retroperitoneum

Yaohai Wu, Fei Cao, Hanqi Lei, Shiqiang Zhang, Hongbing Mei, Liangchao Ni, Jun Pang

Imaging features of perinephric myxoid pseudotumors of fat

  • Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, Retroperitoneum

Stephen M. Broski, Jennifer A. Knight, Brandon T. Larsen, Andrew L. Folpe, Doris E. Wenger

Adrenal washout CT in patients with no history of cancer: a waste of time?

  • Open Access
  • Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, Retroperitoneum

Timo van Aswegen, Ben Trinh, Angela Jacques, Glen Lo

Higher objective responses by hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy following atezolizumab and bevacizumab failure than when used as initial therapy in hepatocellular carcinoma: a retrospective study

  • Interventional Radiology

Jae-Sung Yoo, Ji Hoon Kim, Hee Sun Cho, Ji Won Han, Jeong Won Jang, Jong Young Choi, Seung Kew Yoon, Suho Kim, Jung Suk Oh, Ho Jong Chun, Pil Soo Sung

Single-arm prospective study comparing ablation zone volume between time zero and 24 h after microwave ablation of liver tumors

  • Interventional Radiology

Sadeer Alzubaidi, Alex Wallace, Sailendra Naidu, Martha-Garcia Knuttinen, Scott J. Kriegshauser, Rahmi Oklu, Mustafa Al-Ogaili, Indravadan Patel

Unveiling the potential of strain elastography in perihilar cholangiocarcinoma biopsies

  • Interventional Radiology

Mustafa Özdemir, Ural Koç, Muhammet Batuhan Gökhan, Muhammed Said Beşler

Inter-reader agreement of pancreatic adenocarcinoma resectability assessment with photon counting versus energy integrating detector CT

  • Pancreas

Jesi Kim, Tarub Mabud, Chenchan Huang, Juan Lloret del Hoyo, Robert Petrocelli, Abhinav Vij, Bari Dane

Management of incidentally detected gallbladder polyps: a review of clinical scenarios using the 2022 SRU gallbladder polyp consensus guidelines

  • Review

Jessica Knight, Aya Kamaya, David Fetzer, Nirvikar Dahiya, Helena Gabriel, Shuchi K. Rodgers, Mitchell Tublin, Andrew Walsh, David Bingham, William Middleton, Christopher Fung

Enhancing prostate MRI expertise: educational strategies for radiologists

  • Review

Jesse W. Spinner, Andrei S. Purysko, Antonio C. Westphalen

Deep learning in magnetic resonance enterography for Crohn’s disease assessment: a systematic review

  • Open Access
  • Review

Ofir Brem, David Elisha, Eli Konen, Michal Amitai, Eyal Klang

A pictorial essay of PI-RADS pearls and pitfalls: toward less ambiguity and better practice

  • Review

Sung Yoon Park, Sungmin Woo, Kye Jin Park, Antonio C. Westphalen

Efficacy and safety of radiofrequency ablation and laparoscopic adrenalectomy for primary aldosteronism: a meta‑analysis

  • Special Section: Endometriosis and Adenomyosis

Ruchao Ma, Gang Chen, Taotao Wei, Guiqing Ma, Ruixia Song, Ying Feng, Xin Lin

Magnetic resonance imaging features of complete androgen insensitivity syndrome in comparison to Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome

  • Pelvis

Akihiro Nakamata, Mitsuru Matsuki, Yuko Otake, Yuki Himoto, Yo Kaneko, Moto Nakaya, Naohiro Sudo, Tomohiro Kikuchi, Yuriko Watanabe, Ryoma Kobayashi, Sota Masuoka, Naoki Kunitomo, Hiroyuki Fujii, Kohei Hamamoto, Harushi Mori

MRI of pelvic endometriosis: evaluation of the mr#Enzian classification and the importance of adenomyosis subtypes

  • Open Access
  • Original Paper

Antonia M. Pausch, Vivien Filleböck, Merve Benli, Isabell Witzel, Andreas M. Hötker

Approaches, advantages, and challenges to photon counting detector and multi-energy CT

  • Perspective

Giuseppe V. Toia, Achille Mileto, Amir A. Borhani, Guang-Hong Chen, Liqiang Ren, Jennifer W. Uyeda, Daniele Marin

Standardizing technical parameters and terms for abdominopelvic photon-counting CT: laying the groundwork for innovation and evidence sharing

  • Perspective from the SAR

Shuai Leng, Giuseppe V. Toia, Safa Hoodeshenas, Juan Carlos Ramirez-Giraldo, Yoad Yagil, Jonathan S. Maltz, Kirsten Boedeker, Ke Li, Francis Baffour, Joel G. Fletcher

Direct abdominal vein thrombus imaging (DATI): a contrast-free black-blood MR technique for the diagnosis of abdominal vein thrombosis

  • Technical

Liping Liao, Jiayuan Chen, Zeping Liu, Shengyuan Liang, Lei Qin, Xinmei Lin, Shengzhang Pan, Mingxia Tan, Lanbin Huang, Qizeng Ruan, Zehe Huang, Caiyun Shi, Guoxi Xie

The “flowering” sign

  • Classics in Abdominal Radiology

Davide Castiglione, Massimo Galia, Daniele Falsaperla, Federica Libra, Antonio Basile

Neu im Fachgebiet Radiologie

Ab sofort gelten die neuen Verordnungsausnahmen für Lipidsenker

Freie Fahrt für Lipidsenker? Das nicht, doch mit niedrigerem Schwellenwert fürs Infarktrisiko und neuen Indikationen hat der G-BA die Verordnungs-Handbremse ein gutes Stück weit gelockert.

Abdominale CT bei Kindern: 40% mit Zufallsbefunden

Wird bei Kindern mit stumpfem Trauma eine CT des Bauchraums veranlasst, sind in rund 40% der Fälle Auffälligkeiten zu sehen, die nichts mit dem Trauma zu tun haben. Die allerwenigsten davon sind klinisch relevant.

Genügt die biparametrische MRT für die Prostatadiagnostik?

Die multiparametrische Magnetresonanztomografie hat einen festen Platz im Screening auf klinisch signifikante Prostatakarzinome. Ob auch ein biparametrisches Vorgehen ausreicht, ist in einer Metaanalyse untersucht worden.

Höhere Trefferquoten bei Brustkrebsscreening dank KI?

Künstliche Intelligenz unterstützt bei der Auswertung von Mammografie-Screenings und senkt somit den radiologischen Arbeitsaufwand. Wie wirken sich diese Technologien auf die Trefferquote und die Falsch-positiv-Rate aus? Das hat jetzt eine Studie aus Schweden untersucht.

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