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Acta Neurologica Belgica

Ausgabe 1/2022

Inhalt (43 Artikel)

Vitamin D as a modifiable risk factor, predictor, and theoretical therapeutic agent for vasospasm in spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage

  • Review article

Brian Fiani, Michaela Barthelmass, Imran Siddiqi, Michael Kortz, Elisabeth Pennington, Kory Pasko

Peripheral nervous system involvement in Q fever

  • Review article

F. Martínez-Dubarbie, M. Rollán-Martínez-Herrera

Telemedicine as a strategic intervention for cognitive rehabilitation in MS patients during COVID-19

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  • COVID-19
  • Review article

Fereshteh Ghadiri, Abdorreza Naser Moghadasi, Mohammad Ali Sahraian

Relationships between anthropometric measurements, muscle strength and body awareness

  • Original article

Şahi Nur Kalkışım, Mehmet Ali Çan, Arzu Erden, Özlem Uzun, Canan Ertemoğlu Öksüz, Nihat Burak Zihni

Botulinum toxin A improves psychological distress in patients with hemifacial spasm

  • Original article

Chengyun Wang, Xiangyu Zhu, Lei Xia, Peng Xie, Xiangyang Tian, Jin Shang, Qiu Han

The effects of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on people with epilepsy (PwE): an online survey-based study

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  • COVID-19
  • Original article

Fathi Abokalawa, Samar Farouk Ahmad, Jasem Al-Hashel, Ahmed Medhat Hassan, Maher Arabi

Headache education and management in Cameroon: a healthcare provider study

  • Original article

David García-Azorín, María Molina-Sánchez, Patricia Gómez-Iglesias, Celia Delgado-Suárez, Irene García-Morales, Mónica Kurtis-Urra, Mariana H. G. Monje

Headache changes after kidney transplant

  • Original article

Giovanna Viticchi, Lorenzo Falsetti, Sergio Salvemini, Marco Bartolini, Andrea Ranghino, Laura Buratti, Mauro Silvestrini

Cognitive impairment in patients with psoriatic arthritis

  • Original article

Leonardo Ogawara Kawamoto Lahoz Garcia, Armando Takao Suehiro Júnior, Deusimar Cristian dos Santos Gómez, Gabriel Seiji Sato Yoshikawa, Caio Kumassaka Kamikoga, Bruno Kusznir Vitturi

Clinical and demographic characteristics of patients with functional movement disorders: a consecutive cohort study from a specialized clinic

  • Original article

Celia Delgado, Mónica Kurtis, Beatriz Martin, Pilar Rada, Leticia Martinez, Marta Sanz, Blanca Borda, Carmen Vicente, Montserrat Garcia, Oriol Franch, Isabel Pareés

Rivaroxaban for the treatment of cerebral venous thrombosis: a single-center experience

  • Original article

Zoltan Bajko, Smaranda Maier, Anca Motataianu, Rares Cristian Filep, Adina Stoian, Sebastian Andone, Rodica Balasa

The clinical and cognitive spectrum of locked-in syndrome: 1-year follow-up of 100 patients

  • Original article

Emre Kumral, Mesut Dorukoğlu, Cansu Uzunoğlu, Fatma Ece Çetin

Neurological impact of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis

  • Original article

Inês Gomes, Adriana Girão, João Gomes, Olinda Rebelo, Joana Jesus-Ribeiro

Lost diagnoses in not otherwise specified headache in Emergency Department

  • Open Access
  • Original article

Antonio Granato, Laura D’Acunto, Maria Elisa Morelli, Giulia Bellavita, Franco Cominotto, Paolo Manganotti

Comparative study of AQP4-NMOSD, MOGAD and seronegative NMOSD: a single-center Belgian cohort

  • Open Access
  • Original article

Solène Dauby, Dominique Dive, Laurence Lutteri, Cécile Andris, Isabelle Hansen, Pierre Maquet, Emilie Lommers

Gray matter heterotopia: clinical and neuroimaging report on 22 children

  • Open Access
  • Original article

A. Di Nora, G. Costanza, F. Pizzo, C. F. Oliva, A. Di Mari, F. Greco, P. Pavone

Thrombectomy is a cost-saving procedure up to 24 h after onset

  • Original article

Emilia Nivelle, Sarah Dewilde, André Peeters, Geert Vanhooren, Vincent Thijs

Interaction between stroke severity and quality indicators of acute stroke care: a single-center retrospective analysis

  • Original article

Sofie Ordies, Gwendolyne Peeters, Anouk Lesenne, Patrick Wouters, Ludovic Ernon, Kim Bekelaar, Dieter Mesotten

Correlation of ATP7B gene mutations with clinical phenotype and radiological features in Indian Wilson disease patients

  • Original article

Jasodhara Chaudhuri, Samar Biswas, Goutam Gangopadhyay, Tamoghna Biswas, Jyotishka Datta, Atanu Biswas, Alak Pandit, Amlan Kusum Datta, Adreesh Mukherjee, Atanu Kumar Dutta, Paramita Bhattacharya, Avijit Hazra

Physical activity level is associated with gait performance and five times sit-to-stand in Parkinson’s disease individuals

  • Original article

Vitória Leite Domingues, José Eduardo Pompeu, Tatiana Beline de Freitas, Janaine Polese, Camila Torriani-Pasin

Subthalamic deep brain stimulation versus best medical treatment: a 12-year follow-up

  • Open Access
  • Original article

Alain Maertens de Noordhout, Micheline Mouchamps, Jean-Michel Remacle, Stéphanie Delstanche, Vincent Bonhomme, Michel Gonce

Neuro-image: nitrous oxide-induced myelopathy due to vitamin B12 deficiency

  • Neuro-Images

Carst van den Hoven, Stéphanie Lambrechts, Tatjana Reynders

A 72-year-old man with fatigable leg weakness: think out of the box

  • Neuro-Images

Efthalia Angelopoulou, Panagiotis Toulas, Vasiliki Zouvelou

Diffusion tensor tractography of heatstroke

  • Neuro-Images

Haoran Xu, Qinglong Li, Lei Zheng, Jun Li

Sudden coma onset following simultaneous bilateral carotid occlusion

  • Neuro-Images

Géraud Forestier, Antoine Dusonchet, François Lun, Grégoire Boulouis

A new-found cause of “guitar pick sign”: IGG4 related disease

  • Neuro-Images

Y. Muralidhar Reddy, Subhendu Parida, S. Bharathi Reddy, Vijaya Tourani, Jagarlapudi M. K. Murthy

Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome as the first clinical manifestation of lupus nephritis

  • Letter to the Editor

Frederico Carvalho de Medeiros, Bárbara Márcia Rocha Sousa, Dandara Noária Cruz Santos, Gisele Novais Matias Sion, Cibele Fontes Alves

A rare trigger for photosensitive seizure: fireworks

  • Letter to the Editor

Gürkan Gürbüz, Özge Berfu Gürbüz

Bing–Neel syndrome hidden by multiple sclerosis, a challenging overlay of diseases

  • Letter to the Editor

Sarah Bailly, Eric Van Den Neste, Thierry Duprez, Marc André, Vincent van Pesch

Case report: bilateral labyrinth hypofunction as a rare presentation of breast cancer

  • Letter to the Editor

Sylke Pijpen, Olivier Meeus, Katlijn Schotsmans, Emke Maréchal, Danielle Hernalsteen

Anterior spinal artery syndrome, intravenous alteplase or not

  • Letter to the Editor

Minjia Xiao, Xiang Huang

Paraneoplastic neurological syndrome associated with anti-amphiphysin antibodies misleaded the diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

  • Letter to the Editor

Giuseppe De Santis, Lucia Merico, Angelo Zenzola, Antonio Carbone, Gerardo Ciardo

A Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease patient with V180I mutation survived for 16.5 years after diagnosis

  • Letter to the Editor

Nayoung Ryoo, SangHak Yi, Seong Soo A. An, Young Ho Park, SangYun Kim

The diagnostic challenges of congenital mirror movements and hand stereotypies in a case with TUBB3-associated tubulinopathy

  • Letter to the Editor

Nurşah Yeniay Süt, Miraç Yıldırım, Ömer Bektaş, Mert Altıntaş, Serap Teber

Cobalamin E disease with a novel homozygous MTRR mutation as a cobalamin-related remethylation disorder: a treatable etiology in West syndrome

  • Letter to the Editor

Tuğçe Aksu Uzunhan, Bülent Uyanık, Melike Ersoy, Yelda Türkmenoğlu

Comment on “Paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis revealing burned-out seminoma”: confirmed case of anti-Kelch-like protein-11 encephalomyelitis

  • Commentary and Editorial

Sofia Maldonado Slootjes, Jon Landa, Lidia Sabater, Vincent van Pesch

Late onset Aicardi–Goutières syndrome case report: a rare white matter disease mimicking as pseudo-enzyme deficiency

  • Case Report

Melis Ulak Ozkan, Selahattin Katar, Edibe Pembegul Yildiz, Nur Aydinli, Mine Caliskan

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Neu im Fachgebiet Neurologie

Ein pulverisierter Plastiklöffel im Gehirn

Das menschliche Gehirn besteht zu etwa 0,5% aus Nanoplastik – Tendenz weiter steigend. Nach Resultaten eine Autopsiestudie reichert sich Plastik im Gehirn 10- bis 30-fach stärker an als in anderen Organen – mit bislang noch völlig unklaren Folgen.

Schlaganfall durch wandernde A. carotis interna

Die Thrombolyse nützte nichts, vielmehr war eine Teilresektion des Zungenbeins nötig: Es hatte eine verlagerte Carotis interna komprimiert und so bei einem älteren Mann einen Schlaganfall ausgelöst. Per Bildgebung lässt sich eine solche Ursache manchmal nur schwer nachweisen.

Epileptischer Anfall nach Darmreinigung

Die Darmreinigung vor einer Koloskopie führte einen älteren Mann auf die Intensivstation: Seine Natriumwerte waren durch die Prozedur so gesunken, dass er Bewusstseinstrübungen und Krampfanfälle entwickelte.

Welche Faktoren das Demenzrisiko bei Vorhofflimmern beeinflussen

In einer Metaanalyse wurden elf Faktoren identifiziert, die bei Vorhofflimmern(VHF)-Patienten mit dem Risiko für eine kognitive Beeinträchtigung assoziiert sind. Im besten Fall eröffnet sich damit ein Weg für die Prävention.

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