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Acta Neurologica Belgica

Ausgabe 1/2023

Inhalt (50 Artikel)

Constant current or constant voltage deep brain stimulation: short answers to a long story

  • Review article

Saeed Abdollahifard, Amirmohammad Farrokhi, Seyedarad Mosalamiaghili, Kasra Assadian, Omid Yousefi, Ali Razmkon

A review of the potential neurological adverse events of COVID-19 vaccines

Zeinab Mohseni Afshar, Akanksha Sharma, Arefeh Babazadeh, Ali Alizadeh-Khatir, Terence T. Sio, Mohamad Ali Taghizadeh Moghadam, Ali Tavakolli Pirzaman, Ahmadreza Mojadad, Rezvan Hosseinzadeh, Mohammad Barary, Soheil Ebrahimpour

An umbrella review of systematic reviews with meta-analysis on the role of vitamins in Parkinson’s disease

  • Review article

Sama Rahnemayan, Sasan Ghazanfar Ahari, Reza Rikhtegar, Sevda Riyahifar, Sarvin Sanaie

Alexithymia, depression, and cognition in patients with Parkinson’s disease

  • Original article

Gulay Kenangil, Mehmet Demir, Esma Tur, Fusun Domac

Is the cochleovestibular nerve function affected in patients with hemifacial spasm?

  • Original article

Seong Hoon Bae, Yutae Jeon, Chang Ki Hong, Chan Il Song

A resting-state functional MRI study in patients with vestibular migraine during interictal period

  • Original article

Shuqing Wang, Haiping Wang, Xuejun Liu, Wenjing Yan, Minghui Wang, Renliang Zhao

Clinical features and surgical outcomes of spinal epidural angiolipomas

  • Original article

Keda Wang, Liang Shi, Yibing Su, Hanbin Wang, Longqi Liu

Cerebral folate transporter deficiency: a potentially treatable neurometabolic disorder

  • Original article

Seda Kanmaz, Erdem Simsek, Sanem Yilmaz, Asude Durmaz, Hepsen Mine Serin, Sarenur Gokben

The circadian rhythm of arterial blood pressure in Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia

  • Original article

Matei Daniela, Carmen Grigoras, Dan Cuciureanu, Victor Constantinescu

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in carbon monoxide poisoning in Moroccan patients

  • Original article

Younes Ouahmane, Faiçal El Hattimy, Abdelmajid Soulaymani, Jamal Mounach, Amal Satte, Ahmed Bourazza, Ahmed Kaddouri

Post-stroke seizures: risk factors and management after ischemic stroke

  • Original article

Asma Ouerdiene, Mariem Messelmani, Hajer Derbali, Malek Mansour, Jamel Zaouali, Nejiba Mrissa, Ridha Mrissa

Clinical evaluation of efficacy of leflunomide combined with low-dose prednisone for treatment of myasthenia gravis

  • Original article

Xin Huang, Li Qiu, Yaru Lu, Jiaxin Chen, Wenhao Yang, Changyi Ou, Hao Ran, Weibin Liu

Emergent surgical evacuation of traumatic intracranial hematoma in patients with preoperative thrombocytopenia: surgical risk and early outcome

  • Original article

Haruka Tsuneoka, Masahiko Tosaka, Satoshi Nakata, Nobukazu Ishii, Sho Osawa, Hiroya Shimauchi-Ohtaki, Fumiaki Honda, Yuhei Yoshimoto

Effects of LSVT-BIG via telerehabilitation on non-motor and motor symptoms and quality of life in Parkinson’s disease

  • Original article

Yasemin Ekmekyapar Fırat, Türkan Turgay, Selver Seval Soğan, Pınar Günel Karadeniz

Motor and non-motor features in Parkinson’s Disease patients carrying GBA gene mutations

  • Original Article

Giovanna De Michele, Gianluigi Rosario Palmieri, Chiara Pane, Enza Maria Valente, Ilaria Palmieri, Carmen Diletta Paola Dello Iacovo, Nunzia Cuomo, Augusta Giglio, Natascia De Lucia, Tommasina Fico, Sandra Perillo, Giuseppe De Michele, Anna De Rosa

Paracoccidioidomycosis of the central nervous system with pulmonary involvement: typical imaging findings

  • Neuro-Images

Sérgio Ferreira Alves Júnior, Edson Marchiori, Nina Ventura

Cerebellar tuberculoma presenting as isolated skew deviation

  • Letter to the Editor

Young Joo Park, Yeon Jeong Lee, Jae-won Jang, Yung-Ju Yoo

Dynamic alteration of internal carotid artery related to granuloma in a case of Tolosa–Hunt syndrome

  • Letter to the Editor

Takafumi Wada, Atsushi Shima, Akira Kuzuya, Takakuni Maki, Hirofumi Yamashita, Ryosuke Takahashi

Longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis with mycobacterium tuberculosis infection

  • Open Access
  • Letter to the Editor

Le Fang, Yushuang Gong, Kai Han, Yalin Lv, Miao Li, Jie Wang

Concurrent antibody-mediated myasthenia gravis and myotonic dystrophy type 1

  • Letter to the Editor

Jae-Hyung Kim, Su-Keong Hwang, Ji-A. Kim, Jin-Sung Park

Is double-seropositive myasthenia gravis a distinct subtype?

  • Letter to the Editor

Vaibhav Seth, Suman Kushwaha, Prateek Bapat, KiranGowda Rajashekar, Deepti Grover

Acute attack in a patient with multiple sclerosis 2 days after COVID vaccination: a case report

Maral Seyed Ahadi, Fereshteh Ghadiri, Mohammad Ali ahraian, Abdorreza Naser Moghadasi

Bilateral hypoplasia of the internal carotid artery

  • Letter to the Editor

Elena Pacheco-Perea, Claudia Lerma, Alejandro Flores-Batres, Ericka León-Guerrero, Adriana Torres-Machorro

MRI brain features of CNS lead toxicity occurring covertly in an adult

  • Letter to the Editor

Sheetal Goyal, K. Raghavendra, Vivek Murumkar, Karthik Kulanthaivelu, Ajay Asranna

Postpartum ischemic stroke: a successful intravenous thrombolysis

  • Letter to the Editor

Maroua Melliti, Meriem Messelmani, Jamel Zaouali, Hajer Derbali, Ridha Mrissa

D-dimer elevation after first alemtuzumab administration in a multiple sclerosis patient: case report

  • Letter to the Editor

Jovana Ivanovic, Sarlota Mesaros, Tatjana Pekmezovic, Jelena Drulovic

Temporal lobe epilepsy with nocturnal wandering leading to discovery of Moyamoya Angiopathy

  • Letter to the Editor

Shambaditya Das, Biman Kanti Ray, Souvik Dubey

Overlap autoimmune syndrome: primary progressive multiple sclerosis, primary biliary cirrhosis, Raynaud phenomena with digital necrosis

  • Letter to the Editor

Cătălina Elena Bistriceanu, Florentina Anca Danciu, Dan Iulian Cuciureanu

Sneddon syndrome: a rare cause of stroke hidden in plain sight

  • Letter to the Editor

Rafaela Costa, Ana Martins, Joana Guimarães, Andreia Costa

Pontocerebellar hypoplasia type-9 due to a novel p.Arg503Ter truncating variant in AMPD2: a report from India

  • Letter to the Editor

Vikram V. Holla, Shrunga Tejasvi, Rahul Reddy, Jitender Saini

Impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on neurological consultation in an emergency department

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  • COVID-19
  • Letter to the Editor

Milan Maretta, Matej Škorvánek, Veronika Jurková, Norbert Leško, Zuzana Gdovinová

Anti-AK5 encephalitis: subacute anterograde amnesia is not the only clinical presentation

  • Letter to the Editor

C. Guillaume, E. Saguin, E. Peroux, A. Balcerac, D. Ricard

Acute haemorrhagic necrotizing encephalopathy in the setting of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: a case report and literature review

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  • COVID-19
  • Letter to the Editor

Pakeeran Siriratnam, Katherine Buzzard, Gary Yip

Vertigo and balance disturbance due to infarction of the posterolateral superior basal ganglia: a case series

  • Letter to the Editor

Wei Xiao, Shaoqi Duan, Genhui Zeng, Xiaoling Chen, Juming Yu, Xiaodong Zhang

Unpredictable motor fluctuations caused by cholecystitis in Parkinson’s disease

  • Letter to the Editor

Min Seung Kim, Don Gueu Park, Jung Han Yoon

Myasthenia gravis with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with positive anti-Hu antibody: a rare co-existence

  • Letter to the Editor

Bo Sun, Hongfen Wang, Yanran Li, Zhengqing He, Xusheng Huang

Clinico-radiological evolution of CNS Tuberculosis presenting as Parkinsonism-predominant movement disorder

  • Letter to the Editor

Debaleena Mukherjee, Adreesh Mukherjee, Sougata Bhattacharya, Arkaprava Chakraborty, Alak Pandit

Longitudinally extensive spinal cord lesion: keep toxoplasmosis in mind

  • Letter to the Editor

Frédéric London, Nicolas Mulquin, Michel Ossemann

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Neu im Fachgebiet Neurologie

Schlaganfall oder Schlaganfall-Imitator?

Ein breites Spektrum von Erkrankungen kann einen Schlaganfall vortäuschen. Bei der notwendigen schnellen Unterscheidung zwischen solchen „stroke mimics“ und echten Schlaganfällen können einige klinische Faktoren und Symptome unterstützend herangezogen werden. 

Ein pulverisierter Plastiklöffel im Gehirn

Das menschliche Gehirn besteht zu etwa 0,5% aus Nanoplastik — Tendenz weiter steigend. Nach Resultaten eine Autopsiestudie reichert sich Plastik im Gehirn 10- bis 30-fach stärker an als in anderen Organen — mit bislang noch völlig unklaren Folgen.

Schlaganfall durch wandernde A. carotis interna

Die Thrombolyse nützte nichts, vielmehr war eine Teilresektion des Zungenbeins nötig: Es hatte eine verlagerte Carotis interna komprimiert und so bei einem älteren Mann einen Schlaganfall ausgelöst. Per Bildgebung lässt sich eine solche Ursache manchmal nur schwer nachweisen.

Epileptischer Anfall nach Darmreinigung

Die Darmreinigung vor einer Koloskopie führte einen älteren Mann auf die Intensivstation: Seine Natriumwerte waren durch die Prozedur so gesunken, dass er Bewusstseinstrübungen und Krampfanfälle entwickelte.

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