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10.05.2022 | Original Article

Active video gaming in primary ciliary dyskinesia: a randomized controlled trial

verfasst von: Hazal Sonbahar-Ulu, Deniz Inal-Ince, Melda Saglam, Aslihan Cakmak, Naciye Vardar-Yagli, Ebru Calik-Kutukcu, Erkan Sumer, Ugur Ozcelik

Erschienen in: European Journal of Pediatrics | Ausgabe 8/2022

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Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) impairs pulmonary function, respiratory and peripheral muscle strength, and exercise capacity. We aimed to investigate the effects of active video games (AVGs) on pulmonary function, respiratory and peripheral muscle strength, exercise capacity, muscle oxygenation (SMO2), physical activity, activities of daily living (ADL), and quality of life (QOL) in PCD. Thirty-two PCD patients were randomly assigned to AVG group (n = 16) and the control group (n = 16). AVG group underwent AVGs using Xbox-Kinect-360 device for 40 min/day, 3 days/week for 8 weeks plus airway clearance techniques (ACT), and the control group was applied ACT only. Pulmonary function, respiratory and quadriceps muscle strength, exercise capacity (6-min walk test [6MWT], incremental shuttle walk test [ISWT]), and ADL (Glittre ADL test) were assessed. SMO2 during ISWT and ADL test was also recorded. Physical activity and QOL (PCD-QOL) were evaluated. Pulmonary function; respiratory and quadriceps muscle strength; 6MWT and ISWT distance; physical activity; ADL performance; SMO2; physical, emotional, and social functioning; treatment burden; and upper and lower symptom parameters of PCD-QOL significantly improved after 8 weeks in the AVG group (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in measured parameters except emotional function and upper respiratory symptom scores of PCD-QOL in the control group (p > 0.05).
   Conclusion: The AVGs positively affect pulmonary (pulmonary function, respiratory muscle strength) and extrapulmonary (peripheral muscle strength, exercise capacity, SMO2, physical activity, ADL, and QOL) characteristics in children with PCD. The AVGs may be added to the pulmonary rehabilitation program as an exercise training modality in patients with PCD.
   Trial registration: This study registered at with NCT03832491 on February 6, 2019.
What is Known:
• It is indicated that exercise capacity is increased with traditional exercise-training in a case report of Kartagener Syndrome.
What is New:
• No randomized controlled study investigated the effects of exercise-training in PCD.
• 8-week moderate-intensity active video gaming (AVGs) improves pulmonary and extrapulmonary features in children with PCD. AVGs may be preferable due to being enjoyable, providing visual and audial feedback in the pulmonary rehabilitation programs of PCD.
Zurück zum Zitat Sonbahar-Ulu H, Cakmak A, Inal-Ince D, Vardar-Yagli N, Yatar I, Calik- Kutukcu E, Saglam M, Tekerlek H, Bozdemir-Ozel C, Arikan H, Emiralioglu N, Ozcelik U (2021) Physical fitness and activities of daily living in primary ciliary dyskinesia: a retrospective study. Pediatr Int. (Online ahead of print) Sonbahar-Ulu H, Cakmak A, Inal-Ince D, Vardar-Yagli N, Yatar I, Calik- Kutukcu E, Saglam M, Tekerlek H, Bozdemir-Ozel C, Arikan H, Emiralioglu N, Ozcelik U (2021) Physical fitness and activities of daily living in primary ciliary dyskinesia: a retrospective study. Pediatr Int. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1111/​ped.​14979 (Online ahead of print)
Zurück zum Zitat Cakmak A, Inal-Ince D, Sonbahar-Ulu H, Bozdemir-Ozel C, Tekerlek H, Saglam M, Calik-Kutukcu E, Vardar-Yagli N, Yalcin EE, Ozcelik U, Arikan H (2019) Aerobic exercise training in Kartagener’s syndrome: case report. J Exerc Rehabil 15:468–471. Cakmak A, Inal-Ince D, Sonbahar-Ulu H, Bozdemir-Ozel C, Tekerlek H, Saglam M, Calik-Kutukcu E, Vardar-Yagli N, Yalcin EE, Ozcelik U, Arikan H (2019) Aerobic exercise training in Kartagener’s syndrome: case report. J Exerc Rehabil 15:468–471. https://​doi.​org/​10.​12965/​jer.​1938144.​072
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Active video gaming in primary ciliary dyskinesia: a randomized controlled trial
verfasst von
Hazal Sonbahar-Ulu
Deniz Inal-Ince
Melda Saglam
Aslihan Cakmak
Naciye Vardar-Yagli
Ebru Calik-Kutukcu
Erkan Sumer
Ugur Ozcelik
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Erschienen in
European Journal of Pediatrics / Ausgabe 8/2022
Print ISSN: 0340-6199
Elektronische ISSN: 1432-1076

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