Ausgabe 6/2019 Nutrition and Musculoskeletal Health
Inhalt (18 Artikel)
The effects of calorie restriction, intermittent fasting and vegetarian diets on bone health
Nicola Veronese, Jean-Yves Reginster
Supplemental calcium intake in the aging individual: implications on skeletal and cardiovascular health
- Review
Manju Chandran, Donovan Tay, Ambrish Mithal
Muscle endocrinology and its relation with nutrition
- Review
Cecilia Romagnoli, Barbara Pampaloni, Maria Luisa Brandi
Sarcopenia and swallowing disorders in older people
Domenico Azzolino, Sarah Damanti, Laura Bertagnoli, Tiziano Lucchi, Matteo Cesari
Nutrition, osteoarthritis and cartilage metabolism
- Review
Osvaldo Daniel Messina, Maritza Vidal Wilman, Luis F. Vidal Neira
Association between dietary nutrient intake and sarcopenia in the SarcoPhAge study
- Original Paper
Charlotte Beaudart, Médéa Locquet, Mathilde Touvier, Jean-Yves Reginster, Olivier Bruyère
The role of omega-3 in the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia
- Open Access
- Original Article
Jolan Dupont, Lenore Dedeyne, Sebastiaan Dalle, Katrien Koppo, Evelien Gielen
High relative consumption of vegetable protein is associated with faster walking speed in well-functioning older adults
- Original Article
Hélio J. Coelho-Junior, Riccardo Calvani, Ivan O. Gonçalves, Bruno Rodrigues, Anna Picca, Francesco Landi, Roberto Bernabei, Marco C. Uchida, Emanuele Marzetti
Thirteen weeks of supplementation of vitamin D and leucine-enriched whey protein nutritional supplement attenuates chronic low-grade inflammation in sarcopenic older adults: the PROVIDE study
- Open Access
- Original Article
Keliane Liberman, Rose Njemini, Yvette Luiking, Louis N. Forti, Sjors Verlaan, Jürgen M. Bauer, Robert Memelink, Kirsten Brandt, Lorenzo M. Donini, Marcello Maggio, Tony Mets, Sander L. J. Wijers, Cornel Sieber, Tommy Cederholm, Ivan Bautmans
Ready-meal consumption in older people: association with obesity and dietary intake
- Original Article
Gaëlle Soriano, Philippe Souto De Barreto, Yves Rolland, Marie Plessz, Sabine Goisser, Sophie Guyonnet, Bertrand Fougère, Bruno Vellas, Sandrine Andrieu, Sandrine Sourdet
Muscle adaptation in response to a high-intensity interval training in obese older adults: effect of daily protein intake distribution
- Original Article
F. Buckinx, P. Gaudreau, V. Marcangeli, G. El Hajj Boutros, M. C. Dulac, J. A. Morais, M. Aubertin-Leheudre
Impact of frailty status on the cost of drugs and dietary supplements prescribed to nursing home residents: the SENIOR cohort
- Original Article
F. Buckinx, A. Charles, A. Quabron, T. Van Hees, J. Petermans, J. Y. Reginster, O. Bruyère
Cost-effectiveness evaluation of glucosamine for osteoarthritis based on simulation of individual patient data obtained from aggregated data in published studies
- Open Access
- Original Article
Olivier Bruyère, Jean-Yves Reginster, Germain Honvo, Johann Detilleux
The influence of Visfatin, RBP-4 and insulin resistance on bone mineral density in women with treated primary osteoporosis
- Original Article
Gabriela Mihai, Andrea Ildiko Gasparik, Ionela Maria Pascanu, Mariana Cevei, Adina Hutanu, Raluca-Monica Pop