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American Journal of Clinical Dermatology

2000 - 2025
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Ausgabe 1/2025
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Über diese Zeitschrift

The American Journal of Clinical Dermatology promotes evidence-based therapy and effective patient management within the discipline of dermatology by publishing critical and comprehensive review articles and clinically focussed original research articles covering all aspects of the management of dermatological conditions.

The American Journal of Clinical Dermatology offers a range of additional enhanced features designed to increase the visibility, readership and educational value of the journal’s content. Each article is accompanied by a Key Points summary, giving a time-efficient overview of the content to a wide readership. Articles may be accompanied by plain language summaries to assist readers in understanding important medical advances. The journal also provides the option to include various other types of enhanced features including slide sets, videos and animations. All enhanced features are peer reviewed to the same high standard as the article itself. Peer review is conducted using Editorial Manager®, supported by a database of international experts. This database is shared with other Adis journals.

There are no publication charges for standard publishing in the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology; the journal offers the option of Open Access publication via Springer Open Choice (article processing charge €3,060 / US$3,860). Please click on the link below under ‘Publishing model’ for further information about this service.

American Journal of Clinical Dermatology
Volume 1/2000 - Volume 26/2025
Springer International Publishing
Elektronische ISSN
Print ISSN

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  • EBM
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