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19.12.2022 | Editorials

Anesthesia and neurodevelopment after 20 years: where are we now and where to next?

verfasst von: Katherine M. Bailey, MD, FRCPC, Simon D. Whyte, MBBS, FRCA, FRCPC

Erschienen in: Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie | Ausgabe 1/2023

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Since an initial publication in 2003 that described widespread neurodegeneration and persistent learning deficits in neonatal rats with early exposure to isoflurane,1 the anesthesia community has seen an explosion of nonclinical and clinical studies trying to quantify the effects of anesthetic exposure on neurodevelopment in human infants, including preterm neonates. The results have been conflicting and many confounders have been identified, including degree of prematurity, presence of comorbidities such as intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) and congenital heart disease, indication for surgical procedure, exposure to multiple anesthetics/sedatives, duration of exposure, and degree of hemodynamic and physiologic stability (both perioperatively and in the neonatal intensive care [NICU]). In 2016, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a black box warning on the administration of several anesthetic and sedative medications to pregnant women and children less than three years of age, including volatile anesthetics, propofol, ketamine, benzodiazepines, pentobarbital, and etomidate. Opioids were notably excluded from this warning. Health Canada issued a similar warning in December 2017. …
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Safetots. Available from URL: https://​www.​safetots.​org (accessed September 2022).
SmartTots. Disponible à partir de l’URL : https://​smarttots.​org (consulté en septembre 2022).
Safetots. Disponible à partir de l’URL : https://​www.​safetots.​org (consulté en septembre 2022).
Anesthesia and neurodevelopment after 20 years: where are we now and where to next?
verfasst von
Katherine M. Bailey, MD, FRCPC
Simon D. Whyte, MBBS, FRCA, FRCPC
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie / Ausgabe 1/2023
Print ISSN: 0832-610X
Elektronische ISSN: 1496-8975

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