Ausgabe 7/2021
Inhalt (110 Artikel)
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Thin Melanoma—Some Need It, Some Don’t. So Now What?
- Melanoma
Michael E. Egger
Nodal Recurrence as Primary Driver of Early Relapse in Patients with SLN-Positive Melanoma: What Does It Mean for Providers and Patients?
- Melanoma
Nellie E. Farrow, Kristen E. Rhodin, Georgia M. Beasley
Improving Access to Specialized Centers is Not Enough to Mitigate Socioeconomic Disparities in Complex Oncologic Surgery
- Global Health Services Research
John Miura, Giorgos Karakousis
Editorial: Time to Surgery and Thyroid Cancer Survival in the United States
- Endocrine Tumors
Lauren N. Krumeich, Rachel R. Kelz
Is Less More? Adoption of Treatment Guidelines for Low-Risk Papillary Thyroid Cancer
- Endocrine Tumors
Toni Beninato, Amanda M. Laird
Is Conization a Protective Surgical Maneuver in Early Cervical Cancer?
- Gynecologic Oncology
Luis Chiva, Enrique Chacon
Encouraging Outcomes Allow Patient-Guided Treatment Strategies for Stage I Pure Testicular Teratoma
- Urologic Oncology
Fady J. Baky, Raj R. Bhanvadia, Rohit R. Badia, Solomon Woldu, Aditya Bagrodia
The Nose Knows That Margins Matter
- Head and Neck Oncology
Andrew T. Day, Jordan R. Salley, Rajiv I. Nijhawan
Use and Costs of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Non-Ulcerated T1b Melanoma: Analysis of a Population-Based Registry
- Melanoma
Joshua N. Herb, David W. Ollila, Karyn B. Stitzenberg, Michael O. Meyers
ASO Visual Abstract: Use and Costs of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Nonulcerated T1b Melanoma: Analysis of a Population-Based Registry
- ASO Visual Abstract
Joshua N. Herb, David W. Ollila, Karyn B. Stitzenberg, Michael O. Meyers
Nodal Recurrence is a Primary Driver of Early Relapse for Patients with Sentinel Lymph Node-Positive Melanoma in the Modern Therapeutic Era
- Melanoma
Devarati Mitra, Gabriel Ologun, Emily Z. Keung, Ryan P. Goepfert, Rodabe N. Amaria, Merrick I. Ross, Jeffrey E. Gershenwald, Anthony Lucci, Sarah B. Fisher, Michael A. Davies, Jeffrey E. Lee, Andrew J. Bishop, Ahsan S. Farooqi, Jennifer Wargo, B. Ashleigh Guadagnolo
A Novel Nomogram and Risk Classification System Predicting the Cancer-Specific Mortality of Patients with Initially Diagnosed Metastatic Cutaneous Melanoma
- Melanoma
Wei Li, Yang Xiao, Xuewen Xu, Yange Zhang
Characterization of Sentinel Lymph Node Immune Signatures and Implications for Risk Stratification for Adjuvant Therapy in Melanoma
- Melanoma
Norma E. Farrow, Eda K. Holl, Jeanne Jung, Junheng Gao, Sin-Ho Jung, Rami N. Al-Rohil, Maria A. Selim, Paul J. Mosca, David W. Ollila, Scott J. Antonia, Douglas S. Tyler, Smita K. Nair, Georgia M. Beasley
ASO Author Reflections: Gene Expression-Profiling and Implications for Adjuvant Therapy in Melanoma
- ASO Author Reflections
Norma E. Farrow, Georgia M. Beasley
Adjuvant Radiation Therapy for Clinical Stage III Melanoma in the Modern Therapeutic Era
- Melanoma
Richard J. Straker III, Yun Song, James Sun, Adrienne B. Shannon, Leah S. Cohen, Elnara Muradova, Hala Daou, Kate Krause, Siming Li, Dennie T. Frederick, Kristen E. Rhodin, David M. Brizel, Genevieve M. Boland, Georgia M. Beasley, Evan J. Wuthrick, Vernon K. Sondak, Jonathan S. Zager, Alexander Lin, John N. Lukens, Giorgos C. Karakousis
Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Presentation and Outcomes in Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases Following Cytoreduction and Chemoperfusion: Persistent Inequalities in Outcomes at a High-Volume Center
- Open Access
- Global Health Services Research
Caroline J. Rieser, Richard S. Hoehn, Mazen Zenati, Lauren B. Hall, Eliza Kang, Amer H. Zureikat, Andrew Lee, Melanie Ongchin, Matthew P. Holtzman, James F. Pingpank, David L. Bartlett, M. Haroon A. Choudry
Comparison of Long- and Short-term Outcomes in 845 Open and Minimally Invasive Gastrectomies for Gastric Cancer in the United States
- Gastrointestinal Oncology
Masaya Nakauchi, Elvira Vos, Yelena Y. Janjigian, Geoffrey Y. Ku, Mark A. Schattner, Makoto Nishimura, Mithat Gonen, Daniel G. Coit, Vivian E. Strong
A Systematic Review Comparing Emergency Resection and Staged Treatment for Curable Obstructing Right-Sided Colon Cancer
- Gastrointestinal Oncology
Jeske R. E. Boeding, Winesh Ramphal, Arjen M. Rijken, Rogier M. P. H. Crolla, Cornelis Verhoef, Paul D. Gobardhan, Jennifer M. J. Schreinemakers
Time to Surgery and Thyroid Cancer Survival in the United States
- Endocrine Tumors
Scott C. Fligor, Betzamel Lopez, Nishant Uppal, Carrie C. Lubitz, Benjamin C. James
ASO Visual Abstract: Time to Surgery and Thyroid Cancer Survival in the United States
- ASO Visual Abstract
Scott C. Fligor, Betzamel Lopez, Nishant Uppal, Carrie C. Lubitz, Benjamin C. James
ASO Author Reflections: Does Timely Surgery Matter in Papillary Thyroid Cancer?
- ASO Author Reflections
Scott C. Fligor, Carrie C. Lubitz, Benjamin C. James
Thyroid Lobectomy for Low-Risk Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A National Survey of Low- and High-Volume Surgeons
- Endocrine Tumors
Alexandria D. McDow, Megan C. Saucke, Nicholas A. Marka, Kristin L. Long, Susan C. Pitt
Outcomes for Minimally Invasive Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma in Relation to the Change in Age Stratification in the AJCC 8th Edition
- Endocrine Tumors
Haruhiko Yamazaki, Kiminori Sugino, Ryohei Katoh, Kenichi Matsuzu, Chie Masaki, Junko Akaishi, Kiyomi Yamada Hames, Chisato Tomoda, Akifumi Suzuki, Keiko Ohkuwa, Wataru Kitagawa, Mitsuji Nagahama, Munetaka Masuda, Koichi Ito
ASO Author Reflections: Outcomes for Minimally Invasive Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma in AJCC 8th Edition
- ASO Author Reflections
Haruhiko Yamazaki, Kiminori Sugino, Ryohei Katoh, Kenichi Matsuzu, Munetaka Masuda, Koichi Ito
Protective Role of Conization Before Radical Hysterectomy in Early-Stage Cervical Cancer: A Propensity-Score Matching Study
- Gynecologic Oncology
Nicolò Bizzarri, Luigi Pedone Anchora, Ali Kucukmetin, Nithya Ratnavelu, Porfyrios Korompelis, Vittoria Carbone, Camilla Fedele, Matteo Bruno, Giuseppe Vizzielli, Valerio Gallotta, Rosa De Vincenzo, Vito Chiantera, Anna Fagotti, Francesco Fanfani, Gabriella Ferrandina, Giovanni Scambia
ASO Author Reflections: Conization Before Radical Hysterectomy Improves Disease-Free Survival in Early Stage Cervical Cancer
- ASO Author Reflections
Nicolò Bizzarri, Luigi Pedone Anchora, Gabriella Ferrandina, Giovanni Scambia
Results After Conservative Surgery of Stage II/III Serous Borderline Ovarian Tumors
- Gynecologic Oncology
Sebastien Gouy, Sophie Maria, Matthieu Faron, Amandine Maulard, Patricia Pautier, Alexandra Leary, Cyrus Chargari, Catherine Genestie, Philippe Morice
Are There Survival Differences Between Women with Equivalent Residual Disease After Interval Cytoreductive Surgery Compared with Primary Cytoreductive Surgery for Advanced Ovarian and Peritoneal Cancer?
- Gynecologic Oncology
David Pierce Mysona, Sharad Ghamande, Jin-Xiong She, Lynn Tran, Paul Tran, Bunja J. Rungruang, John K. Chan, Victoria Bae-Jump, Paola A. Gehrig
Minimally Invasive Approaches in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer Patients Undergoing Radical Surgery After Chemoradiotherapy: A Propensity Score Analysis
- Open Access
- Gynecologic Oncology
G. Ferrandina, V. Gallotta, A. Federico, F. Fanfani, A. Ercoli, V. Chiantera, F. Cosentino, L. C. Turco, F. Legge, L. Pedone Anchora, N. Bizzarri, R. Moroni, G. Macchia, V. Valentini, G. Scambia
ASO Author Reflections: Minimally Invasive Adjuvant Surgery in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer: Which Role?
- ASO Author Reflections
Alex Federico, Valerio Gallotta, Giovanni Scambia, Gabriella Ferrandina
Histopathologic Validation of the Sentinel Node Technique for Early-Stage Cervical Cancer Patients
- Open Access
- Gynecologic Oncology
Patrice Mathevet, Benedetta Guani, Andrea Ciobanu, Eliane Mery Lamarche, Florent Boutitie, Vincent Balaya, Fabrice Lecuru
ASO Author Reflections: Validation Based on Low-Volume Metastasis of the Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Early-Stage Cervical Cancer
- Open Access
- ASO Author Reflections
Benedetta Guani, Patrice Mathevet
Impact of BRCA1/2 Mutations on the Efficacy of Secondary Cytoreductive Surgery
- Gynecologic Oncology
Felipe Leonardo Estati, Rafaela Pirolli, Viviane Teixeira Loiola de Alencar, Adriana Regina Gonçalves Ribeiro, Maria Nirvana Formiga, Giovana Tardin Torrezan, Dirce Maria Carraro, Andrea Paiva Gadelha Guimarães, Glauco Baiocchi, Alexandre André Balieiro Anastácio da Costa
ASO Author Reflections: Personalized Surgery in Recurrent Ovarian Cancer Patients
- ASO Author Reflections
Felipe Leonardo Estati, Glauco Baiocchi, Alexandre André Balieiro Anastácio da Costa
Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection Versus Surveillance for Adult Early Stage Pure Testicular Teratoma: A Nationwide Analysis
- Urologic Oncology
Ali Hajiran, Mounsif Azizi, Ahmet M. Aydin, Nicholas H. Chakiryan, Charles C. Peyton, David C. Boulware, Brandon J. Manley, Scott M. Gilbert, Wade J. Sexton
Total Margin-Controlled Excision is Superior to Standard Excision for Keratinocyte Carcinoma on the Nose: A Veterans Affairs Nested Cohort Study
- Head and Neck Oncology
Paul R. Massey, Sameer Gupta, Brooke E. Rothstein, Nellie Konnikov, Meera Mahalingam, Emily S. Ruiz, Chrysalyne D. Schmults, Abigail Waldman
Rate of Occult Neck Nodal Metastasis in Parotid Cancer: A Meta-Analysis
- Head and Neck Oncology
Anton Warshavsky, Roni Rosen, Nidal Muhanna, Omer Ungar, Narin Nard-Carmel, Avraham Abergel, Dan M. Fliss, Gilad Horowitz
Preoperative Remnant Liver Function Evaluation Using a Routine Clinical Dynamic Gd-EOB-DTPA-Enhanced MRI Protocol in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Yajie Wang, Lin Zhang, Jia Ning, Xinjing Zhang, Xuesong Li, Leida Zhang, Geng Chen, Xihai Zhao, Xuedong Wang, Shizhong Yang, Chun Yuan, Jiahong Dong, Huijun Chen
ASO Author Reflections: Preoperative Assessment of Remnant Liver Function
- ASO Author Reflections
Yajie Wang, Lin Zhang, Jiahong Dong, Huijun Chen
Impact of Primary Tumor Laterality on Adjuvant Hepatic Artery Infusion Pump Chemotherapy in Resected Colon Cancer Liver Metastases: Analysis of 487 Patients
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Sepideh Gholami, Susan Stewart, Nancy Kemeny, Mithat Gönen, Bas Groot Koerkamp, Andrea Cercek, Peter Kingham, Vinod Balachandran, Peter Allen, Ronald DeMatteo, Alice Wei, Louise Connell, Jeffrey Drebin, William Jarnagin, Michael D’Angelica
ASO Visual Abstract: Conditional Recurrence-Free Survival After Oncologic Extended Resection for Gallbladder Cancer—An International Multicenter Analysis
- ASO Visual Abstract
Eduardo A. Vega, Timothy E. Newhook, Jean-Nicolas Vauthey
Pure Laparoscopic Anatomic Resection of the Segment 8 Dorsal Area Using the Dorsal Approach of the Right Hepatic Vein
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Santiago López-Ben, Maria Teresa Albiol, Laia Falgueras, Celia Caula, Francesc Collado-Roura, Ernest Castro, Margarida Casellas, Jorge Garcia-Adamez, Antoni Codina-Cazador
ASO Author Reflections: Segment 8 Resections: Perhaps Not so Hidden…
- ASO Author Reflections
Santiago López-Ben
Laparoscopic R1 Vascular Hepatectomy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (with Video)
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Annarita Libia, Valentina Ferraro, Michele Tedeschi, Nicola de’Angelis, Guido Torzilli, Luca Aldrighetti, Patrick Pessaux, Daniel Cherqui, Riccardo Memeo
ASO Author Reflections: Laparoscopic R1 Vascular Hepatectomy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Step Forward
- ASO Author Reflections
Annarita Libia, Valentina Ferraro, Riccardo Memeo
Impact of SSO-ASTRO “No Ink on Tumor” Guidelines on Reexcision Rates among Older Breast Cancer Patients
- Breast Oncology
Nina Tamirisa, Xiudong Lei, Abigail S. Caudle, Sharon H. Giordano, Hui Zhao, Mariana Chavez-MacGregor
Factors that Influence Treatment Delay for Patients with Breast Cancer
- Breast Oncology
María Padilla-Ruiz, Irene Zarcos-Pedrinaci, Francisco Rivas-Ruiz, Teresa Téllez, Susana García-Gutiérrez, Nerea González, Amado Rivero, Cristina Sarasqueta, Pedro Serrano-Aguilar, Xavier Castells, José María Quintana, María Sala, Maximino Redondo, Xavier Castells, Mercè Comas, Laia Domingo, Francesc Macià, Marta Roman, Anabel Romero, María Sala, Teresa Barata, Isabel Diez de la Lastra, Mariola de la Vega, Marisa Bare, Núria Torà, Joana Ferrer, Francesc Castanyer, Carmen Carmona, Susana García, Maximina Martín, Nerea González, Miren Orive, María Amparo Valverde, Alberto Saez, Inma Barredo, Manuel de Toro, Josefa Ferreiro, Jose María Quintana, Jeanette Pérez, Amado Rivero, Cristina Valcárcel, María Padilla, Maximino Redondo, Teresa Téllez, Irene Zarcos, Cristina Churruca, Amaia Perales, Javier Recio, Irune Ruiz, Cristina Sarasqueta, Jose María Urraca, Ma Jesús Michelena, Julio Moreno, Gaizka Mallabiabarrena, Patricia Cobos, Borja Otero, Javier Gorostiaga, Itsaso Troya
ASO Author Reflections: Predictive Factors for Surgical Treatment Delay in Localised Breast Cancer
- ASO Author Reflections
María Padilla-Ruiz, Maximino Redondo
Breastfeeding is Possible: A Systematic Review on the Feasibility and Challenges of Breastfeeding Among Breast Cancer Survivors of Reproductive Age
- Breast Oncology
Trishnee Bhurosy, Zhaomeng Niu, Carolyn J. Heckman
ASO Author Reflections: Is Breastfeeding Still Possible After Breast Cancer Treatment?
- ASO Author Reflections
Trishnee Bhurosy, Zhaomeng Niu, Carolyn J. Heckman
Meta-analysis Comparing Fluorescence Imaging with Radioisotope and Blue Dye-Guided Sentinel Node Identification for Breast Cancer Surgery
- Open Access
- Breast Oncology
Martha S. Kedrzycki, Maria Leiloglou, Hutan Ashrafian, Natasha Jiwa, Paul T. R. Thiruchelvam, Daniel S. Elson, Daniel R. Leff
ASO Author Reflections: Fluorescence-Guided Sentinel Node Biopsy for Breast Cancer
- Open Access
- ASO Author Reflections
Martha S. Kedrzycki, Daniel S. Elson, Daniel R. Leff
Diagnostic Accuracy of Nipple Aspirate Fluid Cytology in Asymptomatic Patients: A Meta-analysis and Systematic Review of the Literature
- Open Access
- Breast Oncology
Natasha Jiwa, Rishikesh Gandhewar, Hemali Chauhan, Hutan Ashrafian, Swathica Kumar, Corrina Wright, Zoltan Takats, Daniel Richard Leff
ASO Author Reflections: Diagnostic Accuracy of Nipple Aspirate Fluid Cytology in Asymptomatic Patients and Its Predictive Validity on Future Risk of Breast Cancer: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of the Literature
- Open Access
- ASO Author Reflections
Natasha Jiwa, Zoltan Takats, Daniel Richard Leff
Contrast-Enhanced Intraoperative Ultrasound Improved Sensitivity and Positive Predictive Value in Colorectal Liver Metastasis: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Colorectal Cancer
Wei Liu, Zhong-Yi Zhang, Shan-Shan Yin, Kun Yan, Bao-Cai Xing
Application of Local Hyaluronic Acid Injection in Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery for Anterior Rectal GIST
- Colorectal Cancer
Hidekazu Takahashi, Ichiro Takemasa, Norikatsu Miyoshi, Mamoru Uemura, Hirofumi Yamamoto, Tsunekazu Mizushima, Yuichiro Doki, Hidetoshi Eguchi
ASO Visual Abstract: Application of Local Hyaluronic Acid Injection in Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery for Anterior Rectal GIST
- ASO Visual Abstract
Hidekazu Takahashi, Ichiro Takemasa, Norikatsu Miyoshi, Mamoru Uemura, Hirofumi Yamamoto, Tsunekazu Mizushima, Yuichiro Doki, Hidetoshi Eguchi
ASO Author Reflections: Opening up the Future with Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery of Fine Techniques
- ASO Author Reflections
Hidekazu Takahashi, Ichiro Takemasa, Yuichiro Doki, Hidetoshi Eguchi
Outcomes of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Versus Chemoradiation in Localized Pancreatic Cancer: A Case–Control Matched Analysis
- Pancreatic Tumors
Asmita Chopra, Jacob C. Hodges, Adam Olson, Steve Burton, Susannah G. Ellsworth, Nathan Bahary, Aatur D. Singhi, Brian A. Boone, Joal D. Beane, David Bartlett, Kenneth K. Lee, Melissa E. Hogg, Michael T. Lotze, Alessandro Paniccia, Herbert Zeh, Amer H. Zureikat
Association Between Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy and Intractable Serous Ascites After Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Pancreatic Cancer
- Pancreatic Tumors
Atsushi Tomioka, Tetsunosuke Shimizu, Shuji Kagota, Kohei Taniguchi, Koji Komeda, Mitsuhiro Asakuma, Fumitoshi Hirokawa, Kazuhisa Uchiyama
ASO Author Reflections: Association Between Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy and Intractable Serous Ascites After Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Pancreatic Cancer
- ASO Author Reflections
Atsushi Tomioka, Kazuhisa Uchiyama
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Lessens the Deleterious Effect of Omission of Adjuvant Chemotherapy
- Pancreatic Tumors
Mohamed Abdelgadir Adam, Ibrahim Nassour, Richard Hoehn, Callie A. Hlavin, Nathan Bahary, David L. Bartlett, Kenneth K. W. Lee, Amer H. Zureikat, Alessandro Paniccia
ASO Author Reflections: Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Lessens the Deleterious Effect of Omission of Adjuvant Chemotherapy
- ASO Author Reflections
Mohamed Abdelgadir Adam, Alessandro Paniccia
Neoadjuvant Therapy for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: Propensity-Matched Analysis of Postoperative Complications Using ACS-NSQIP
- Pancreatic Tumors
Robert W. Krell, Logan R. McNeil, Ujwal R. Yanala, Chandrakanth Are, Bradley N. Reames
In-Hospital Mortality and Complication Rates According to Health Insurance Data in Patients Undergoing Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Peritoneal Surface Malignancies in Germany
- Open Access
- Peritoneal Surface Malignancy
Lisa Überrück, Giorgi Nadiradze, Can Yurttas, Alfred Königsrainer, Ingmar Königsrainer, Philipp Horvath
Management of Low-Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasms (LAMN): An International Survey of Surgeons Performing CRS and HIPEC
- Peritoneal Surface Malignancy
Alexandra C. Istl, Michele M. Gage, Jesus Esquivel, Nita Ahuja, Jonathan B. Greer, Fabian M. Johnston
ASO Author Reflections: Low-Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasms: An Appeal for Standardization and Collaborative Care
- ASO Author Reflections
Alexandra C. Istl, Jonathan B. Greer, Fabian M. Johnston
Clinical and Radiologic Predictors of a Pathologic Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NACT) in Patients Undergoing Cytoreductive Surgery for Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases: Results of a Prospective Multi-center Study
- Peritoneal Surface Malignancy
Aditi Bhatt, Pascal Rousset, Nazim Benzerdjeb, Praveen Kammar, Sanket Mehta, Loma Parikh, Gaurav Goswami, Sakina Shaikh, Vahan Kepenekian, Guillaume Passot, Olivier Glehen
ASO Author Reflections: Potential Therapeutic Implications and Prediction of Pathological Complete Response to Systemic Chemotherapy in Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases
- ASO Author Reflections
Aditi Bhatt, Vahan Képénékian, Nazim Benzerdjeb, Olivier Glehen
Pressurized Intraperitoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy Enhanced by Electrostatic Precipitation (ePIPAC) for Patients with Peritoneal Metastases
- Peritoneal Surface Malignancy
Abdelkader Taibi, Hugo Teixeira Farinha, Sylvaine Durand Fontanier, Zaid Sayedalamin, Martin Hübner, Olivia Sgarbura
ASO Author Reflections: Developing Next-Generation Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
- ASO Author Reflections
Abdelkader Taibi, Olivia Sgarbura, Martin Hübner
Intraperitoneal Administration of Paclitaxel Combined with S-1 Plus Oxaliplatin as Induction Therapy for Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer with Peritoneal Metastases
- Open Access
- Peritoneal Surface Malignancy
Shin Saito, Hironori Yamaguchi, Hideyuki Ohzawa, Hideyo Miyato, Rihito Kanamaru, Kentaro Kurashina, Yoshinori Hosoya, Alan Kawarai Lefor, Naohiro Sata, Joji Kitayama
ASO Author Reflections: Repeated Intraperitoneal Paclitaxel with Systemic Chemotherapy as the First-Line Treatment for Peritoneal Malignancy
- ASO Author Reflections
Joji Kitayama, Shin Saito, Hironori Yamaguchi, Alan Kawarai Lefor, Hironori Ishigami, Naohiro Sata
The Role of Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Non-Metastatic Goblet Cell Carcinoid of the Appendix: An 11-Year Experience from the National Cancer Database
- Peritoneal Surface Malignancy
Samer AlMasri, Ibrahim Nassour, Stacy J. Kowalsky, Katherine Hrebinko, Aatur D. Singhi, Kenneth K. Lee, Haroon A. Choudry, David Bartlett, Amer Zureikat, Alessandro Paniccia
ASO Author Reflections: Impact of Adjuvant Chemotherapy After Right Hemicolectomy for Appendiceal Goblet Cell Carcinoid
- ASO Author Reflections
Samer AlMasri, Alessandro Paniccia
A Simple Prognostic Benefit Scoring System for Sarcoma Patients with Pulmonary Metastases: Sarcoma Lung Metastasis Score
- Sarcoma
Haruchika Yamamoto, Hiromasa Yamamoto, Junichi Soh, Etsuji Suzuki, Kei Namba, Ken Suzawa, Kentaroh Miyoshi, Shinji Otani, Mikio Okazaki, Seiichiro Sugimoto, Masaomi Yamane, Takashi Yorifuji, Katsuhito Takahashi, Shinichi Toyooka
A New Scoring System for Predicting the Survival of Sarcoma Patients with Pulmonary Metastases: Sarcoma Lung Metastasis Score
- ASO Author Reflections
Haruchika Yamamoto, Hiromasa Yamamoto, Shinichi Toyooka
Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Metastatic Solitary Fibrous Tumors: A Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group (JMOG) Multiinstitutional Study
- Sarcoma
Hidetatsu Outani, Eisuke Kobayashi, Junji Wasa, Masato Saito, Satoshi Takenaka, Keiko Hayakawa, Makoto Endo, Akihiko Takeuchi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Munehisa Kito, Takeshi Morii, Jungo Imanishi, Takafumi Ueda
ASO Author Reflections: What are the Survivorship and Prognostic Factors of Patients with Metastatic Solitary Fibrous Tumors?
- ASO Author Reflections
Hidetatsu Outani, Takafumi Ueda
A Prospective Observational Study of Multivisceral Resection for Retroperitoneal Sarcoma: Clinical and Patient-Reported Outcomes 1 Year After Surgery
- Sarcoma
Marco Fiore, Cinzia Brunelli, Rosalba Miceli, Michele Manara, Susanna Lenna, Nicolò N. Rampello, Dario Callegaro, Chiara Colombo, Stefano Radaelli, Sandro Pasquali, Augusto T. Caraceni, Alessandro Gronchi
ASO Author Reflections: Understanding the Impact of Primary Retroperitoneal Sarcoma Resection on Patient Well-being: One Step Forward in Learning How Caring for Patients is as Important as Curing Their Cancers
- ASO Author Reflections
Marco Fiore, Augusto Caraceni, Alessandro Gronchi
Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism in Patients with Malignant Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors: A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study
- Sarcoma
Shintaro Iwata, Akira Kawai, Takafumi Ueda, Takeshi Ishii, Tsukasa Yonemoto, Hiroto Kamoda, Yoshihisa Suzuki, Kazutaka Kikuta, Jungo Imanishi, Taketo Okubo, Yasuo Yazawa, Tsukasa Sotobori, Hiroaki Murata, Toshifumi Ozaki, Toshiyuki Kunisada, Tomohiro Fujiwara, Shigeki Kakunaga, Koji Hiraoka, Tetsuya Hamada, Kotaro Matsuda, Takashi Yanagawa, Kenichi Saito, Hirofumi Namba, Motohiro Kawasaki, Shunji Nishimura, Kazuhiko Hashimoto, Takeshi Okamoto, Ukei Anazawa, Itsuo Watanabe, Michiyuki Hakozaki, Yoshinori Imura, Yoshinori Imura, Eisuke Kobayashi, Koichi Ogura, Taketoshi Yasuda, Kayo Suzuki, Toru Akiyama, Masami Hosaka, Munenori Watanuki, Kou Hayashi, Toshiharu Shirai, Ryu Terauchi, Hisaki Aiba, Hiroaki Kimura, Kunihiro Asanuma, Tomoki Nakamura, Tomohito Hagi, Satoshi Abe, Kenji Sato, Yukihiro Yoshida, Yoshiyuki Suehara, Keisuke Akaike, Hiroaki Hiraga, Tamotsu Soma, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Yusuke Shinoda, Ryoko Sawada
ASO Author Reflections: Venous Thromboembolism in a Patient with Musculoskeletal Tumor: Fact or Fiction?
- ASO Author Reflections
Shintaro Iwata
Endobronchial Ultrasound Improves Evaluation of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Lymph Nodes in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients
- Thoracic Oncology
Xiayu Fu, Feixiang Wang, Xiaodong Su, Guangyu Luo, Peng Lin, Tiehua Rong, Guoliang Xu, Rong Zhang, Xinye Wang, Yaobin Lin, Jianhua Fu, Xu Zhang
ASO Author Reflection: Use of Endobronchial Ultrasound in the Evaluation of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Lymph Nodes in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients
- ASO Author Reflections
Xiayu Fu, Jianhua Fu, Xu Zhang
Survival Nomogram for Stage IB Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients, Based on the SEER Database and an External Validation Cohort
- Thoracic Oncology
Zhichao Zuo, Guochao Zhang, Peng Song, Jing Yang, Shuiting Li, Zhi Zhong, Qinghao Tan, Liming Wang, Qi Xue, Shugeng Gao, Nan Sun, Jie He
Effect of Extending the Original CROSS Criteria on Tumor Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in Esophageal Cancer Patients: A National Multicenter Cohort Analysis
- Open Access
- Thoracic Oncology
Helena Hong Wang, Ellen C. de Heer, Jan Binne Hulshoff, Gursah Kats-Ugurlu, Johannes G. M. Burgerhof, Boudewijn van Etten, John Th. M. Plukker, Geke A. P. Hospers
ASO Author Reflections: Pathologic Complete Response of Extended CROSS Criteria Patients with Esophageal Cancer
- Open Access
- ASO Author Reflections
H. H. Wang, J. Th. M. Plukker, G. A. P. Hospers
Chyle Leak Following Radical En Bloc Esophagectomy with Two-Field Nodal Dissection: Predisposing Factors, Management, and Outcomes
- Open Access
- Thoracic Oncology
Pamela Milito, Jakub Chmelo, Lorna Dunn, Sivesh K. Kamarajah, Anantha Madhavan, Shajahan Wahed, Arul Immanuel, S. Michael Griffin, Alexander W. Phillips
ASO Author Reflections: Chyle Leak: No Long-Term Impact on Survival
- Open Access
- ASO Author Reflections
Pamela Milito, Alexander W. Phillips
Improved Tissue Processing in Esophageal Adenocarcinoma After Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy Allows Histological Analysis of All Surgically Removed Lymph Nodes with Significant Effects on Nodal UICC Stages
- Open Access
- Thoracic Oncology
A. Quaas, H. Schloesser, H. Fuchs, T. Zander, C. Arolt, A. H. Scheel, J. Rueschoff, C. Bruns, R. Buettner, W. Schroeder
Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing Analysis for Recurrence in Early-Stage Lung Adenocarcinoma
- Open Access
- Translational Research
In Ae Kim, Jae Young Hur, Hee Joung Kim, Jung Hoon Park, Jae Joon Hwang, Song Am Lee, Seung Eun Lee, Wan Seop Kim, Kye Young Lee
ASO Author Reflections: CTNNB1 and Fusion Genes as Predictors for Recurrence in Resected Early-Stage Lung Adenocarcinoma
- ASO Author Reflections
In Ae Kim, Wan Seop Kim, Kye Young Lee
Antitumor Effect of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Through Ferroptosis in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Translational Research
Yuji Shishido, Masataka Amisaki, Yoshiaki Matsumi, Haruna Yakura, Yuji Nakayama, Wataru Miyauchi, Kozo Miyatani, Tomoyuki Matsunaga, Takehiko Hanaki, Kyoichi Kihara, Manabu Yamamoto, Naruo Tokuyasu, Shuichi Takano, Teruhisa Sakamoto, Soichiro Honjo, Toshimichi Hasegawa, Yoshiyuki Fujiwara
New Assay System Elecsys Anti-p53 to Detect Serum Anti-p53 Antibodies in Esophageal Cancer Patients and Colorectal Cancer Patients: Multi-institutional Study
- Translational Research
Satoshi Yajima, Takashi Suzuki, Yoko Oshima, Fumiaki Shiratori, Kimihiko Funahashi, Shinichi Kawai, Toshihiro Nanki, Sei Muraoka, Yoshihisa Urita, Yoshihisa Saida, Shinichi Okazumi, Yuko Kitagawa, Yuki Hirata, Hirotoshi Hasegawa, Koji Okabayashi, Masahiko Murakami, Takeshi Yamashita, Rei Kato, Hisahiro Matsubara, Kentaro Murakami, Yasuaki Nakajima, Hironobu Sugita, Martin Klammer, Hideaki Shimada
ASO Author Reflections: New Assay System to Detect Serum Anti-p53 Antibodies
- ASO Author Reflections
Hideaki Shimada
Integrating Machine Learning and Tumor Immune Signature to Predict Oncologic Outcomes in Resected Biliary Tract Cancer
- Translational Research
Gu-Wei Ji, Ke Wang, Yong-Xiang Xia, Jin-Song Wang, Xue-Hao Wang, Xiang-Cheng Li
Targeting Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells for Premetastatic Niche Disruption After Tumor Resection
- Open Access
- Translational Research
Fan Tang, Yan Tie, Weiqi Hong, Yuquan Wei, Chongqi Tu, Xiawei Wei
ASO Author Reflections: Perioperative Targeting of the Pre-metastatic Niche Reduces Metastatic Risk After Resection of Solid Tumors
- ASO Author Reflections
Fan Tang, Chongqi Tu, Xiawei Wei
Comments on: Margins in Breast-Conserving Surgery After Neoadjuvant Therapy
- Breast Oncology
Wenxiang Zhang, Xiangyu Wang, Yi Fang, Jing Wang
Reply to Comment on Margins in Breast-Conserving Surgery After Neoadjuvant Therapy
- Breast Oncology
Tari A. King
Beyond T, N, and M: Impact of Axillary Extranodal Tumor Deposits on the Treatment of Breast Cancer
- Breast Oncology
Nadia Peparini
Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping and Biopsy in Breast Cancer Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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- COVID-19
- Breast Oncology
Daniela Cocco, Stephanie A. Valente
Euclidean Geometry Versus Metabolic Biochemistry in the Prognostic Evaluation of Thymic Epithelial Tumors
- Thoracic Oncology
Luca Bertolaccini, Lorenzo Spaggiari
Reply to “Euclidean Geometry Versus Metabolic Biochemistry in the Prognostic Evaluation of the Thymic Epithelial Tumours”
- Thoracic Oncology
Dong Tian, Jun Nakajima
Intensifying Neoadjuvant Therapy for Rectal Cancers Towards Watchful Waiting
- Colorectal Cancer
Deep Chakrabarti, Naseem Akhtar, Shiv Rajan, Sumaira Qayoom, Vijay Kumar, Arun Chaturvedi, Rajeev Gupta, Madan Lal Brahma Bhatt
Reply to “Intensifying Neoadjuvant Therapy for Rectal Cancers Towards Watchful Waiting,” by Chakrabarti, Deep, et al.
- Colorectal Cancer
J. F. Huisman, I. J. H. Schoenaker, R. M. Brohet, W. H. de Vos tot Nederveen Cappel, G. L. Beets, H. L. van Westreenen
Randomised Controlled Trial Evidence Questions the Assumption that Pulmonary Metastasectomy Benefits Patients with Colorectal Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
Tim Batchelor, Jurjees Hasan, Fergus Macbeth, Michael Shackcloth, Tom Treasure