Ausgabe 7/2023
Inhalt (149 Artikel)
Less Than Ten: Defining the Role of Splenic Hilar Lymph Node Dissection in Gastric Cancer
- ASO Perspectives
Jonathan B. Greer
Shifting the Focus: Value-Based Care in Surgical Oncology
- ASO Perspectives
Casey J. Allen, Fabian M. Johnson, Haejin In, Matthew H. G. Katz, Rebecca A. Snyder
Exploring the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Surgery: Insights from a Conversation with ChatGPT
- ASO Perspectives
Abbas M. Hassan, Jonas A. Nelson, J. Henk Coert, Babak J. Mehrara, Jesse C. Selber
Editorial: Maintaining the Integrity of PROMs in Research and Practice
- Reconstructive Oncology
Minji Kim, Joline Fong, Andrea L. Pusic, John P. Fischer, Babak J. Mehrara, Jonas A. Nelson
De-Escalation of Axillary Surgery for Older Patients with Breast Cancer: Supporting Data Continue to Accumulate
- Breast Oncology
Sydney M. Record, Jennifer K. Plichta
Lymph Node Metastasis, Radical Surgery, and Prognosis in Well-Differentiated Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Rectum
- Gastrointestinal Oncology
Nitya Raj
Learning Robotic-Assisted, Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy: A Marathon, Not a Sprint
- Thoracic Oncology
Elliot L. Servais
Sentinel Node Biopsy in High-Risk pT1 Esophageal Cancer: A Long-Awaited Study
- Thoracic Oncology
Sarah K. Thompson
Editorial: Preoperative Frailty Risk Assessment Prior to Esophagectomy, Where Are We?
- Thoracic Oncology
K. A. Fay, R. M. Hasson
Disparities in Breast-Conserving Therapy Versus Mastectomy Among Asian American and Pacific Islander Women
- ASO Research Letter
Tej A. Patel, Edward Christopher Dee, Bhav Jain, Neha Vapiwala, Patricia Mae G. Santos, Oluwadamilola M. Fayanju
Readability and Non-English Language Resources of Hepatobiliary Cancer Center Websites in the USA
- ASO Research Letter
Gilbert Z. Murimwa, James W. Stewart II, Lucia Zhang, John W. Kunstman, Patricio M. Polanco
The Association Between Surgical Axillary Staging, Adjuvant Treatment Use and Survival in Older Women with Early Stage Breast Cancer: A Population-Based Study
- Global Health Services Research
Matthew Castelo, Rinku Sutradhar, Neil Faught, Danilo Giffoni M. M. Mata, Ezra Hahn, Lena Nguyen, Lawrence Paszat, Danielle Rodin, Sabina Trebinjac, Cindy Fong, Eileen Rakovitch
ASO Visual Abstract: The Association Between Surgical Axillary Staging, Adjuvant Treatment use and Survival in Older Women with Early-Stage Breast Cancer: A Population-Based Study
- ASO Visual Abstract
Matthew Castelo, Rinku Sutradhar, Neil Faught, Danilo Giffoni, Ezra Hahn, Lena Nguyen, Lawrence Paszat, Danielle Rodin, Sabina Trebinjac, Cindy Fong, Eileen Rakovitch
Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer: Toward a Second Chance at Cure? A Population-Based, Retrospective Cohort Study
- Open Access
- Global Health Services Research
Hidde Swartjes, Jan M. van Rees, Felice N. van Erning, Marcel Verheij, Cornelis Verhoef, Johannes H. W. de Wilt, Pauline A. J. Vissers, Tijmen Koëter
ASO Author Reflections: Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer from a Nationwide Perspective
- Open Access
- ASO Author Reflections
Hidde Swartjes, Tijmen Koëter
ASO Visual Abstract: Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer: Toward a Second Chance at Cure? A Population-Based, Retrospective, Cohort Study
- ASO Visual Abstract
Hidde Swartjes, Jan M. van Rees, Felice N. van Erning, Marcel Verheij, Cornelis Verhoef, Johannes H. W. de Wilt, Pauline A. J. Vissers, Tijmen Koëter
Suicidal Ideation Among Patients with Gastrointestinal Cancer
- Global Health Services Research
Erryk S. Katayama, Zorays Moazzam, Selamawit Woldesenbet, Henrique A. Lima, Yutaka Endo, Lovette Azap, Jason Yang, Mary Dillhoff, Aslam Ejaz, Jordan Cloyd, Timothy M. Pawlik
ASO Author Reflections: Clinical and Sociodemographic Predictors of Suicidal Ideation Among Patients with Gastrointestinal Cancer
- ASO Author Reflections
Erryk S. Katayama, Zorays Moazzam, Henrique A. Lima, Timothy M. Pawlik
ASO Visual Abstract: Suicidal Ideation Among Patients with Gastrointestinal Cancer
- ASO Visual Abstract
Erryk S. Katayama, Zorays Moazzam, Selamawit Woldesenbet, Henrique A. Lima, Yutaka Endo, Lovette Azap, Jason Yang, Mary Dillhoff, Aslam Ejaz, Jordan Cloyd, Timothy M. Pawlik
Letter to the Editor: Could ChatGPT Improve Knowledge in Surgery?
- Global Health Services Research
Alessandro Tel, Pier Camillo Parodi, Massimo Robiony, Bruno Zanotti, Nicola Zingaretti
Risk Factors for Lymph Node Metastasis of Rectal Neuroendocrine Tumor and Its Prognostic Impact: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis of 195 Cases with Radical Resection
- Colorectal Cancer
Yukiharu Hiyoshi, Nobuya Daitoku, Toshiki Mukai, Toshiya Nagasaki, Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Takashi Akiyoshi, Chihiro Yasue, Akiko Chino, Shoichi Saito, Manabu Takamatsu, Yosuke Fukunaga
ASO Author Reflections: Rectal Neuroendocrine Tumors Have Strong Potential for Lymph Node Metastasis in Accordance with an Increase of Risk Factors, and Lymph Node Metastasis is Associated with a Poor Prognosis
- ASO Author Reflections
Yukiharu Hiyoshi, Toshiki Mukai, Toshiya Nagasaki, Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Takashi Akiyoshi, Yosuke Fukunaga
ASO Visual Abstract: Risk Factors for Lymph Node Metastasis of Rectal Neuroendocrine Tumor and its Prognostic Impact—A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis of 195 Cases with Radical Resection
- ASO Visual Abstract
Yukiharu Hiyoshi, Nobuya Daitoku, Toshiki Mukai, Toshiya Nagasaki, Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Takashi Akiyoshi, Chihiro Yasue, Akiko Chino, Shoichi Saito, Manabu Takamatsu, Yosuke Fukunaga
MRI Assessment of Extramural Venous Invasion Before and After Total Neoadjuvant Therapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer and Its Association with Disease-Free and Overall Survival
- Colorectal Cancer
Hannah M. Thompson, David D. B. Bates, Jennifer Golia Pernicka, Sun Jin Park, Mahra Nourbakhsh, James L. Fuqua III, Megan Fiasconaro, Jessica A. Lavery, Iris H. Wei, Emmanouil P. Pappou, J. Joshua Smith, Garrett M. Nash, Martin R. Weiser, Philip B. Paty, Julio Garcia-Aguilar, Maria Widmar
ASO Author Reflections: Understanding the Association between Extramural Venous Invasion and Survival in Rectal Cancer Patients
- ASO Author Reflections
Hannah M. Thompson, Maria Widmar
ASO Visual Abstract: MRI Assessment of Extramural Venous Invasion Before and After Total Neoadjuvant Therapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer and its Association with Disease-Free and Overall Survival
- ASO Visual Abstract
Hannah M. Thompson, David D. B. Bates, Jennifer Golia Pernicka, Sun Jin Park, Mahra Nourbakhsh, James L. Fuqua III, Megan Fiasconaro, Jessica A. Lavery, Iris H. Wei, Emmanouil P. Pappou, J. Joshua Smith, Garrett M. Nash, Martin R. Weiser, Philip B. Paty, Julio Garcia-Aguilar, Maria Widmar
Systematic Review of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer
- Open Access
- Colorectal Cancer
Niamh McKigney, Fergus Houston, Ellen Ross, Galina Velikova, Julia Brown, Deena Pravin Harji
ASO Author Reflections: What is the Quality of Reporting Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer?
- Open Access
- ASO Author Reflections
Niamh Aine McKigney, Fergus Houston, Ellen Ross, Galina Velikova, Julia M. Brown, Deena P. Harji
Unreliability in the Treatment of Patients with Peritoneal Metastases of Colorectal Cancer in the Current NCCN and ASCO Recommendations
- Colorectal Cancer
Tomasz Jastrzebski
Learning Curve of Robot-Assisted Lymph Node Dissection of the Left Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve: A Retrospective Study of 417 Patients
- Thoracic Oncology
Xiaofeng Duan, Jie Yue, Xiaobin Shang, Chuangui Chen, Zhao Ma, Zuoyu Chen, Chen Zhang, Hongjing Jiang
ASO Visual Abstract: Learning Curve of Robot-Assisted Lymph Node Dissection of the Left Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve—A Retrospective Study of 417 Patients
- ASO Visual Abstract
Xiaofeng Duan, Jie Yue, Xiaobin Shang, Chuangui Chen, Zhao Ma, Zuoyu Chen, Chen Zhang, Hongjing Jiang
Feasibility and Safety of Tailored Lymphadenectomy Using Sentinel Node-Navigated Surgery in Patients with High-Risk T1 Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
- Open Access
- Thoracic Oncology
Charlotte N. Frederiks, Anouk Overwater, Jacques J. G. H. M. Bergman, Roos E. Pouw, Bart de Keizer, Roel J. Bennink, Lodewijk A. A. Brosens, Sybren L. Meijer, Richard van Hillegersberg, Mark I. van Berge Henegouwen, Jelle P. Ruurda, Suzanne S. Gisbertz, Bas L. A. M. Weusten
ASO Author Reflections: Sentinel Node Navigated Surgery as a New Treatment Strategy for High-Risk T1 Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
- Open Access
- ASO Author Reflections
Charlotte N. Frederiks, Bas L. A. M. Weusten
Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Patients with Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagogastric Junction: A Retrospective, Multicenter, Observational Study
- Thoracic Oncology
Run-Cong Nie, Tian-Qi Luo, Guo-Dong Li, Fei-Yang Zhang, Guo-Ming Chen, Jin-Xing Li, Xiao-Jiang Chen, Zhou-Kai Zhao, Kai-Ming Jiang, Yi-Cheng Wei, Ming-Wei Huang, Shi Chen, Ying-Bo Chen
ASO Author Reflections: The Role of Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagogastric Junction
- Aso Author Reflections
Tian-Qi Luo, Guo-Ming Chen, Run-Cong Nie, Ying-Bo Chen
ASO Visual Abstract: Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Patients with Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagogastric Junction: A Retrospective, Multicenter Observational Study
- Aso Visual Abstract
Run-Cong Nie, Tian-Qi Luo, Guo-Dong Li, Fei-Yang Zhang, Guo-Ming Chen, Jin-Xing Li, Xiao-Jiang Chen, Zhou-Kai Zhao, Kai-Ming Jiang, Yi-Cheng Wei, Ming-Wei Hang, Shi Chen, Ying-Bo Chen
Novel Mediastinoscope-Assisted Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- Thoracic Oncology
Anas Dabsha, Ismail A. M. H. Elkharbotly, Mohammad Yaghmour, Amr Badr, Fady Badie, Sherif Khairallah, Yomna M. Esmail, Shon Shmushkevich, Mohamed Hossny, Amr Rizk, Amgad Ishak, Jessica Wright, Abdelrahman Mohamed, Mohamed Rahouma
ASO Author Reflections: Mediastinoscope-Assisted Esophagectomy: An Innovative Minimally Invasive Technique for Esophageal Resection
- ASO Author Reflections
Anas Dabsha, Ismail A. M. H. Elkharbotly, Mohamed Rahouma
ASO Visual Abstract: Novel Mediastinoscope-Assisted Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- ASO Visual Abstract
Anas Dabsha, Ismail A. M. H. Elkharbotly, Mohammad Yaghmour, Amr Badr, Fady Badie, Sherif Khairallah, Yomna M. Esmail, Shon Shmushkevich, Mohamed Hossny, Amr Rizk, Amgad Ishak, Jessica Wright, Abdelrahman Mohamed, Mohamed Rahouma
Efficacy and Postoperative Outcomes of Laparoscopic Retrosternal Route Creation for the Gastric Conduit: Propensity Score–Matched Comparison to Posterior Mediastinal Reconstruction
- Thoracic Oncology
Manabu Horikawa, Taro Oshikiri, Takashi Kato, Ryuichiro Sawada, Hitoshi Harada, Naoki Urakawa, Hironobu Goto, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Shingo Kanaji, Kimihiro Yamashita, Takeru Matsuda, Yoshihiro Kakeji
ASO Author Reflections: Laparoscopic Retrosternal Route Creation after Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy is Associated with Good Reconstructed Conduit Function without Increasing Risk of Surgical Complications
- ASO Author Reflections
Manabu Horikawa, Taro Oshikiri
ASO Visual Abstract: Efficacy and Postoperative Outcomes of Laparoscopic Retrosternal Route Creation for the Gastric Conduit—Propensity Score–Matched Comparison to Posterior Mediastinal Reconstruction
- ASO Visual Abstract
Manabu Horikawa, Taro Oshikiri, Takashi Kato, Ryuichiro Sawada, Hitoshi Harada, Naoki Urakawa, Hironobu Goto, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Shingo Kanaji, Kimihiro Yamashita, Takeru Matsuda, Yoshihiro Kakeji
Survival in Thymic Epithelial Tumors: The Size Matters—Comment on “Prognostic Impact of Number of Organ Invasions in Patients with Surgically Resected Thymoma”
- Thoracic Oncology
Marco Chiappetta, Carolina Sassorossi, Filippo Lococo, Stefano Margaritora
The Combination of Plasma Fibrinogen Level and Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Survival for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
- Thoracic Oncology
Sheng Gong, Xiaojun Yao
Delayed Sentinel Lymph Node Dissection in Patients with a Preoperative Diagnosis of Ductal Cancer In Situ by Preoperative Injection with Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide (SPIO) Nanoparticles: The SentiNot Study
- Open Access
- Breast Oncology
Andreas Karakatsanis, Staffan Eriksson, Lida Pistiolis, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Gyula Nagy, Vivian Man, Ava Kwong, Fredrik Wärnberg, Imad Mohammed, Abdi Fatah Hersi, Allan Jazrawi, Helena Olofsson, Peter Stålberg
ASO Visual Abstract: Delayed Sentinel Lymph Node Dissection in Patients with a Preoperative Diagnosis of Ductal Cancer In Situ by Preoperative Injection with Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide (SPIO) Nanoparticles: The SentiNot Study
- ASO Visual Abstract
Andreas Karakatsanis, Staffan Eriksson, Lida Pistiolis, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Gyula Nagy, Vivian Man, Ava Kwong, Fredrik Wärnberg, Imad Mohammed, Abdi Fatah Hersi, Allan Jazrawi, Helena Olofsson, Peter Stålberg
Interpreting the BREAST-Q for Breast-Conserving Therapy: Minimal Important Differences and Clinical Reference Values
- Breast Oncology
Jacqueline J. Chu, Audree B. Tadros, Lucas Gallo, Babak J. Mehrara, Monica Morrow, Andrea L. Pusic, Sophocles H. Voineskos, Jonas A. Nelson
ASO Visual Abstract: Interpreting the BREAST-Q for Breast-Conserving Therapy—Minimal Important Differences and Clinical Reference Values
- ASO Visual Abstract
Jacqueline J. Chu, Audree B. Tadros, Lucas Gallo, Babak J. Mehrara, Monica Morrow, Andrea L. Pusic, Sophocles H. Voineskos, Jonas A. Nelson
Is Surgical Excision of Focal Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia Warranted? Experience at a Tertiary Care Center
- Breast Oncology
Anne Grabenstetter, Sandra B. Brennan, Varadan Sevilimedu, M. Gabriela Kuba, Dilip D. Giri, Hannah Yong Wen, Monica Morrow, Edi Brogi
ASO Visual Abstract: Is Surgical Excision of Focal Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia Warranted? Experience at a Tertiary Care Center
- ASO Visual Abstract
Anne Grabenstetter, Sandra B. Brennan, Varadan Sevilimedu, M. Gabriela Kuba, Dilip D. Giri, Hannah Yong Wen, Monica Morrow, Edi Brogi
Breast-Conserving Surgery Margin Guidance Using Micro-Computed Tomography: Challenges When Imaging Radiodense Resection Specimens
- Breast Oncology
Samuel S. Streeter, Rebecca A. Zuurbier, Roberta M. diFlorio-Alexander, Mark T. Hansberry, Benjamin W. Maloney, Brian W. Pogue, Wendy A. Wells, Keith D. Paulsen, Richard J. Barth Jr
ASO Visual Abstract: Breast-Conserving Surgery Margin Guidance Using Micro-Computed Tomography—Challenges When Imaging Radiodense Resection Specimens
- ASO Visual Abstract
Samuel S. Streeter, Rebecca A. Zuurbier, Roberta M. diFlorio-Alexander, Mark T. Hansberry, Benjamin W. Maloney, Brian W. Pogue, Wendy A. Wells, Keith D. Paulsen, Richard J. Barth Jr
The Impact of an Electromagnetic Seed Localization Device Versus Wire Localization on Breast-Conserving Surgery: A Matched-Pair Analysis
- Breast Oncology
Rebecca Michelle Jordan, Luis Rivera-Sanchez, Kathryn Kelley, Margaret A. O’Brien, Karen Ruth, Andrea S. Porpiglia, Allison A. Aggon, Eric Ross, Elin R. Sigurdson, Richard J. Bleicher
ASO Author Reflections: Impact of Electromagnetic Seed Localization on Breast-Conserving Surgery
- ASO Author Reflections
Rebecca Michelle Jordan, Richard Bleicher
ASO Visual Abstract: The Impact of an Electromagnetic Seed Localization Device Versus Wire Localization on Breast Conserving Surgery—A Matched Pair Analysis
- ASO Visual Abstract
Rebecca Michelle Jordan, Luis Rivera-Sanchez, Kathryn Kelley, Margaret A. O’Brien, Karen Ruth, Andrea S. Porpiglia, Allison A. Aggon, Eric Ross, Elin R. Sigurdson, Richard J. Bleicher
Correlation of Mammographic Microcalcifications with Final Surgical Pathology After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer
- Breast Oncology
Riordan Azam, David Lim, Belinda Curpen, Anne-Marie Mulligan, Nicole Look Hong
ASO Author Reflections: Mammographic Microcalcifications in Neoadjuvant Patients: Author Reflections
- ASO Author Reflections
Riordan Azam, David Lim, Belinda Curpen, Anna-Marie Mulligan, Nicole Look Hong
ASO Visual Abstract: Correlation of Mammographic Microcalcifications with Final Surgical Pathology After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NAC) for Breast Cancer
- ASO Visual Abstract
Riordan Azam, David Lim, Belinda Curpen, Anna-Marie Mulligan, Nicole Look Hong
Targeted Axillary Dissection with 125I Seed Placement Before Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in a Danish Multicenter Cohort
- Open Access
- Breast Oncology
Frederikke Munck, Inge S. Andersen, Ilse Vejborg, Maria K. Gerlach, Charlotte Lanng, Niels T. Kroman, Tove H. F. Tvedskov
ASO Author Reflections: Feasibility of 125I Seed Targeted Axillary Dissection
- ASO Author Reflections
F. Munck, N. Kroman, T. H. F. Tvedskov
ASO Visual Abstract: Targeted Axillary Dissection with 125I Seed Placement Before Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in a Danish Multicenter Cohort
- ASO Visual Abstract
Frederikke Munck, Inge S. Andersen, Ilse Vejborg, Maria K. Gerlach, Charlotte Lanng, Niels T. Kroman, Tove H. F. Tvedskov
Adrenal Metastasectomy in the Era of Immuno- and Targeted Therapy
- Endocrine Tumors
Heather Wachtel, Paxton Dickson, Sarah B. Fisher, Colleen M. Kiernan, Carmen C. Solórzano
Primary Hyperparathyroidism in Young Adult Patients
- Endocrine Tumors
Julia Gasior, Rachel R. Kelz, Giorgos C. Karakousis, Douglas L. Fraker, Heather Wachtel
ASO Author Reflections: Primary Hyperparathyroidism in Young Adults—Age Alone Does Not Predict Multi-Gland Disease
- ASO Author Reflections
Julia A. Gasior, Heather Wachtel
ASO Visual Abstract: Primary Hyperparathyroidism in Young Adult Patients
- ASO Visual Abstract
Julia A. Gasior, Rachel R. Kelz, Giorgos C. Karakousis, Douglas L. Fraker, Heather Wachtel
Adoption of Robotic Adrenalectomy: A Two-Institution Study of Surgeon Learning Curve
- Endocrine Tumors
Reagan A. Collins, Tracy S. Wang, Sophie Dream, Carmen C. Solórzano, Colleen M. Kiernan
ASO Visual Abstract: Adoption of Robotic Adrenalectomy: A Two-Institution Study of Surgeon Learning Curve
- ASO Visual Abstract
Reagan A. Collins, Tracy S. Wang, Sophie Dream, Carmen C. Solórzano, Colleen M. Kiernan
Association Between Metastatic Pattern and Prognosis in Stage IV Gastric Cancer: Potential for Stage Classification Reform
- Gastrointestinal Oncology
Peter L. Zhan, Maureen E. Canavan, Theresa Ermer, Matthew D. Pichert, Andrew X. Li, Richard C. Maduka, Brooks V. Udelsman, Attila Nemeth, Daniel J. Boffa
ASO Visual Abstract: Association Between Metastatic Pattern and Prognosis in Stage IV Gastric Cancer—Potential for Stage Classification Reform
- ASO Visual Abstract
Peter L. Zhan, Maureen E. Canavan, Theresa Ermer, Matthew D. Pichert, Andrew X. Li, Richard C. Maduka, Brooks V. Udelsman, Attila Nemeth, Daniel J. Boffa
Clinical Impact of Metastatic Lymph Node Size on Therapeutic Effect and Prognosis in Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Who Underwent Preoperative Chemotherapy Followed by Esophagectomy
- Gastrointestinal Oncology
Keijiro Sugimura, Hiroshi Miyata, Takashi Kanemura, Tomohira Takeoka, Takahito Sugase, Masaaki Yamamoto, Naoki Shinnno, Hisashi Hara, Takeshi Omori, Masaaki Motoori, Masayuki Ohue, Masahiko Yano
ASO Author Reflections: Clinical Impact of Metastatic Lymph Node Size on Therapeutic Effect and Prognosis in Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Who Underwent Preoperative Chemotherapy Followed by Esophagectomy
- ASO Author Reflections
Keijiro Sugimura, Hiroshi Miyata, Takashi Kanemura, Tomohira Takeoka, Takahito Sugase, Masaaki Yamamoto, Naoki Shinnno, Hisashi Hara, Takeshi Omori, Masaaki Motoori, Masayuki Ohue, Masahiko Yano
ASO Visual Abstract: Clinical Impact of Metastatic Lymph Node Size on Therapeutic Effect and Prognosis in Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Who Underwent Preoperative Chemotherapy Followed by Esophagectomy
- ASO Visual Abstract
Keijiro Sugimura, Hiroshi Miyata, Takashi Kanemura, Tomohira Takeoka, Takahito Sugase, Masaaki Yamamoto, Naoki Shinnno, Hisashi Hara, Takeshi Omori, Masaaki Motoori, Masayuki Ohue, Masahiko Yano
Understanding Factors Leading to Surgical Attrition for “Resectable” Gastric Cancer
- Gastrointestinal Oncology
Hanna H. Kakish, Fasih Ali Ahmed, Evonne Pei, Weichuan Dong, Mohamedraed Elshami, Lee M. Ocuin, Luke D. Rothermel, John B. Ammori, Richard S. Hoehn
ASO Author Reflections: Understanding Barriers to Gastric Cancer Surgery
- ASO Author Reflections
Hanna H. Kakish, Richard S. Hoehn
ASO Visual Abstract: Understanding Factors Leading to Surgical Attrition for “Resectable” Gastric Cancer
- ASO Visual Abstract
Hanna H. Kakish, Fasih Ali Ahmed, Evonne Pei, Weichuan Dong, Mohamedraed Elshami, Lee M. Ocuin, Luke D. Rothermel, John B. Ammori, Richard S. Hoehn
Is the N2A Category Still Necessary for Oral Cancer Patients After Extranodal Extension Upgrade?
- Head and Neck Oncology
Chun-Yang Hung, Yu-Ju Chiang, Chun-Wei Chang, Cheng-Ping Wang, Mei-Chun Lin, Pei-Jen Lou, Tseng-Cheng Chen
ASO Visual Abstract: Is the N2A Category Still Necessary for Oral Cancer Patients After Extranodal Extension Upgrade?
- ASO Visual Abstract
Chun-Yang Hung, Yu-Ju Chiang, Chun-Wei Chang, Cheng-Ping Wang, Mei-Chun Lin, Pei-Jen Lou, Tseng-Cheng Chen
The Use of Machine Learning for Predicting Complications of Free Flap Head and Neck Reconstruction: Caution Needed
- Head and Neck Oncology
Andrea Costantino, Bianca Maria Festa, Giuseppe Spriano, Armando De Virgilio
Anatomic Laparoscopic Partial Hepatectomy of a Segment 4a B-Catenin Mutated Adenoma
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Elena Panettieri, Eduardo A. Vega, Ariana M. Chirban, Oscar Salirrosas, Thomas E. Clancy, Anita Malek, Richard Freeman, Claudius Conrad
ASO Author Reflections: On the Road to Autonomous Liver Surgery?
- ASO Author Reflections
Elena Panettieri, Eduardo A. Vega, Claudius Conrad
Racial Segregation Among Patients with Cholangiocarcinoma—Impact on Diagnosis, Treatment, and Outcomes
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Muhammad Musaab Munir, Selamawit Woldesenbet, Yutaka Endo, Henrique A. Lima, Laura Alaimo, Zorays Moazzam, Chanza Shaikh, Jordan Cloyd, Aslam Ejaz, Rosevine Azap, Lovette Azap, Timothy M. Pawlik
ASO Author Reflections: Racial Segregation Among Patients with Cholangiocarcinoma: Impact on Diagnosis, Treatment, and Outcomes
- ASO Author Reflections
Muhammad Musaab Munir, Yutaka Endo, Timothy M. Pawlik
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Hepatocellular Carcinoma Time to Treatment Initiation: A National Cancer Database Study
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Gordana Rasic, Brendin R. Beaulieu-Jones, Sophie H. Chung, Kelsey S. Romatoski, Kelly Kenzik, Sing Chau Ng, Jennifer F. Tseng, Teviah E. Sachs
ASO Author Reflections: COVID-19 and Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Vulnerable Patient Populations Will Bear the Brunt of Delayed Treatment
- ASO Author Reflections
Gordana Rasic, Teviah E. Sachs
ASO Visual Abstract: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Hepatocellular Carcinoma Time to Treatment Initiation: A National Cancer Database Study
- ASO Visual Abstract
Gordana Rasic, Brendin R. Beaulieu-Jones, Sophie H. Chung, Kelsey S. Romatoski, Kelly Kenzik, Sing Chau Ng, Jennifer F. Tseng, Teviah E. Sachs
Survival Outcomes of Optimally Treated Colorectal Metastases: The Importance of R0 Status in Surgical Treatment of Hepatic and Peritoneal Surface Disease
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Ian Solsky, Omeed Moaven, Cristian D. Valenzuela, Megan Lundy, John A. Stauffer, Nico R. Del Piccolo, Tanto Cheung, Carlos U. Corvera, Andrew D. Wisneski, Charles Cha, Nima Pourhabibi Zarandi, Justin Dourado, Gregory Russell, Edward A. Levine, Konstantinos I. Votanopoulos, Perry Shen
ASO Visual Abstract: Survival Outcomes of Optimally Treated Colorectal Metastases–The Importance of R0 Status in Surgical Treatment of Hepatic and Peritoneal Surface Disease
- ASO Visual Abstract
Ian Solsky, Omeed Moaven, Cristian D. Valenzuela, Megan Lundy, John A. Stauffer, Nico R. Del Piccolo, Tanto Cheung, Carlos U. Corvera, Andrew D. Wisneski, Charles Cha, Nima Pourhabibi Zarandi, Justin Dourado, Gregory Russell, Edward A. Levine, Konstantinos I. Votanopoulos, Perry Shen
Robotic Right Posterior Sectionectomy by Intrafascial Approach for Pancreas Neuroendocrine Liver Metastasis
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Jacques-Emmanuel Saadoun, Charles Vanbrugghe, Régis Fara, Antoine Camerlo
ASO Author Reflections: Could Robotic System Allow the Generalization of Minimally Invasive Liver Surgery?
- ASO Author Reflections
Antoine Camerlo, Jacques-Emmanuel Saadoun
Favorable Prognostic Factors for Survival Outcomes of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Portal Vein Tumor Thrombosis After Hepatectomy
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Sang-Hoon Kim, Deok-Bog Moon, Yo-Han Park, Sung-Gyu Lee, Ki-Hun Kim, Shin Hwang, Chul-Soo Ahn, Tae-Yong Ha, Gi-Won Song, Dong-Hwan Jung, Gil-Chun Park, Minjae Kim, Byeong-Gon Na, Geunhyeok Yang, Sung Min Kim, Rak-kyun Oh
ASO Visual Abstract: Favorable Prognostic Factors for Survival Outcomes of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Portal Vein Tumor Thrombosis after Hepatectomy
- ASO Visual Abstract
Sang-Hoon Kim, Deok-Bog Moon, Yo-Han Park, Sung-Gyu Lee, Ki-Hun Kim, Shin Hwang, Chul-Soo Ahn, Tae-Yong Ha, Gi-Won Song, Dong-Hwan Jung, Gil-Chun Park, Minjae Kim, Byeong-Gon Na, Geunhyeok Yang, Sung Min Kim, Rak-kyun Oh
The Application of Artificial Intelligence to Investigate Long-Term Outcomes and Assess Optimal Margin Width in Hepatectomy for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Laura Alaimo, Zorays Moazzam, Yutaka Endo, Henrique A. Lima, Swatika P. Butey, Andrea Ruzzenente, Alfredo Guglielmi, Luca Aldrighetti, Matthew Weiss, Todd W. Bauer, Sorin Alexandrescu, George A. Poultsides, Shishir K. Maithel, Hugo P. Marques, Guillaume Martel, Carlo Pulitano, Feng Shen, François Cauchy, Bas Groot Koerkamp, Itaru Endo, Minoru Kitago, Alex Kim, Aslam Ejaz, Joal Beane, Jordan Cloyd, Timothy M. Pawlik
ASO Author Reflections: Long-Term Outcomes and Optimal Margin Width Among Patients Undergoing Hepatectomy for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
- ASO Author Reflections
Laura Alaimo, Zorays Moazzam, Timothy M. Pawlik
ASO Visual Abstract: The Application of Artificial Intelligence to Investigate Long-Term Outcomes and Assess Optimal Margin Width in Hepatectomy for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
- ASO Visual Abstract
Laura Alaimo, Zorays Moazzam, Yutaka Endo, Henrique A. Lima, Swatika P. Butey, Andrea Ruzzenente, Alfredo Guglielmi, Luca Aldrighetti, Matthew Weiss, Todd W. Bauer, Sorin Alexandrescu, George A. Poultsides, Shishir K. Maithel, Hugo P. Marques, Guillaume Martel, Carlo Pulitano, Feng Shen, François Cauchy, Bas Groot Koerkamp, Itaru Endo, Minoru Kitago, Alex Kim, Aslam Ejaz, Joal Beane, Jordan Cloyd, Timothy M. Pawlik
Rational Extent of Regional Lymphadenectomy and the Prognostic Impact of the Number of Positive Lymph Nodes for Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Jun Sakata, Kazuyasu Takizawa, Kohei Miura, Yuki Hirose, Yusuke Muneoka, Yosuke Tajima, Hiroshi Ichikawa, Yoshifumi Shimada, Takashi Kobayashi, Toshifumi Wakai
ASO Author Reflections: Adequate Nodal Classification for Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma
- ASO Author Reflections
Jun Sakata, Kazuyasu Takizawa, Kohei Miura, Yuki Hirose, Yusuke Muneoka, Yosuke Tajima, Hiroshi Ichikawa, Yoshifumi Shimada, Takashi Kobayashi, Toshifumi Wakai
ASO Visual Abstract: Rational Extent of Regional Lymphadenectomy and Prognostic Impact of Number of Positive Lymph Nodes for Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma
- ASO Visual Abstract
Jun Sakata, Kazuyasu Takizawa, Kohei Miura, Yuki Hirose, Yusuke Muneoka, Yosuke Tajima, Hiroshi Ichikawa, Yoshifumi Shimada, Takashi Kobayashi, Toshifumi Wakai
A Clinical Decision Tool to Calculate Pretest Probability of Sentinel Lymph Node Metastasis in Primary Cutaneous Melanoma
- Melanoma
Raghav Tripathi, Karen Larson, Graham Fowler, Dale Han, John T. Vetto, Jeremy S. Bordeaux, Wesley Y. Yu
ASO Author Reflections: Using Big Data to Bring Precision Medicine to Melanoma Management
- ASO Author Reflections
Raghav Tripathi, Karen Larson, Graham Fowler, Dale Han, John T. Vetto, Jeremy S. Bordeaux, Wesley Y. Yu
ASO Visual Abstract: A Clinical Decision Tool to Calculate Pretest Probability of Sentinel Lymph Node Metastasis in Primary Cutaneous Melanoma
- ASO Visual Abstract
Raghav Tripathi, Karen Larson, Graham Fowler, Dale Han, John T. Vetto, Jeremy S. Bordeaux, Wesley Y. Yu
The Use of Indocyanine Green and Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging Versus Blue Dye in Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Cutaneous Melanoma: A Retrospective, Cohort Study
- Melanoma
Michael G. Fadel, Sidra Rauf, Hesham S. Mohamed, Siraj Yusuf, Andrew J. Hayes, Kieran Power, Myles J. Smith
ASO Author Reflections: Comparison of Indocyanine Green with Blue Dye in Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Cutaneous Melanoma
- Open Access
- ASO Author Reflections
Michael G. Fadel, Myles J. Smith
ASO Visual Abstract: The Use of Indocyanine Green and Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging Versus Blue Dye in Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Cutaneous Melanoma: A Retrospective, Cohort Study
- ASO Visual Abstract
Michael G. Fadel, Sidra Rauf, Hesham S. Mohamed, Siraj Yusuf, Andrew J. Hayes, Kieran Power, Myles J. Smith
Radiation, Lymph Node Dissection, or Both: Management of Lymph Node Micrometastases from Merkel Cell Carcinoma
- Melanoma
Kevin L. Ma, Cimarron E. Sharon, Gabriella N. Tortorello, Nikhita J. Perry, Luke J. Keele, John N. Lukens, Giorgos C. Karakousis, John T. Miura
ASO Author Reflections: Radiation or Completion Dissection for the Lymph Node Basin in Micrometastatic Merkel Cell Carcinoma: A National Cohort
- ASO Author Reflections
Kevin L. Ma, Giorgos C. Karakousis, John T. Miura
ASO Visual Abstract: Radiation, Lymph Node Dissection, or Both: Management of Lymph Node Micrometastases from Merkel Cell Carcinoma
- ASO Visual Abstract
Kevin L. Ma, Cimarron E. Sharon, Gabriella N. Tortorello, Nikhita J. Perry, Luke J. Keele, John N. Lukens, Giorgos C. Karakousis, John T. Miura
Regarding: Predicting Regional Lymph Node Recurrence in The Modern Age of Tumor-Positive Sentinel Node Melanoma
- Melanoma
John F. Thompson, John Hyngstrom, Corrado Caracò, Jonathan S. Zager, Tiina Jahkola, Tawnya L. Bowles, Elisabetta Pennacchioli, Harald J. Hoekstra, Marc Moncrieff, Christian Ingvar, Alexander van Akkooi, Michael S. Sabel, Edward A. Levine, Michael Henderson, Reinhard Dummer, Carlo Riccardo Rossi, John M. Kane 3rd, Steven Trocha, Frances Wright, David R. Byrd, Maurice Matter, Alastair MacKenzie-Ross, Mark C. Kelley, Patrick Terheyden, Tara L. Huston, Jeffrey D. Wayne, Heather Neuman, B. Mark Smithers, Darius Desai, Jeffrey E. Gershenwald, Shlomo Schneebaum, Anja Gesierich, Lisa K. Jacobs, James M. Lewis, Cristina O’Donoghue, Armando Sardi, J. Greg McKinnon, Craig L. Slingluff, Jeffrey M. Farma, Erwin Schultz, Randall P. Scheri, Sergi Vidal-Sicart, Alessandro A. E. Testori, Richard A. Scolyer, David E. Elashoff, Alistair J. Cochran, Mark B. Faries
Regarding: "Predicting Regional Lymph Node Recurrence in the Modern Age of Tumor-Positive Sentinel Node Melanoma," by Faries, Mark et al.
- Melanoma
Richard Essner, Jennifer Keller
Disparities in NCCN Guideline-Compliant Care for Patients with Early-Stage Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma at Minority-Serving versus Non-Minority-Serving Hospitals
- Pancreatic Tumors
Henrique A. Lima, Laura Alaimo, Zorays Moazzam, Yutaka Endo, Selamawit Woldesenbet, Erryk Katayama, Muhammad Musaab Munir, Chanza Shaikh, Samantha M. Ruff, Mary Dillhoff, Joal Beane, Jordan Cloyd, Aslam Ejaz, Vivian Resende, Timothy M. Pawlik
ASO Author Reflections: Disparities in NCCN Guideline-Compliant Care for Patients with Early-Stage Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma at Minority-Serving Versus Non-minority-Serving Hospitals
- ASO Author Reflections
Henrique A. Lima, Zorays Moazzam, Timothy M. Pawlik
ASO Visual Abstract: Disparities in NCCN Guideline Compliant Care for Patients with Early-Stage Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma at Minority-Serving Versus Non-Minority-Serving Hospitals
- ASO Visual Abstract
Henrique A. Lima, Laura Alaimo, Zorays Moazzam, Yutaka Endo, Selamawit Woldesenbet, Erryk Katayama, Muhammad Musaab Munir, Chanza Shaikh, Samantha M. Ruff, Mary Dillhoff, Joal Beane, Jordan Cloyd, Aslam Ejaz, Vivian Resende, Timothy M. Pawlik
Hospital Designations and Their Impact on Guideline-Concordant Care and Survival in Pancreatic Cancer. Do They Matter?
- Pancreatic Tumors
Gilbert Z. Murimwa, John D. Karalis, Jennie Meier, Jingsheng Yan, Hong Zhu, Caitlin A. Hester, Matthew R. Porembka, Sam C. Wang, John C. Mansour, Herbert J. Zeh III, Adam C. Yopp, Patricio M. Polanco
ASO Author Reflections: Expanding Guideline Concordant Care: The Time for a National Accreditation Program for Pancreatic Cancer is Now
- ASO Author Reflections
Gilbert Z. Murimwa, Jennie Meier, Mithin Nehrubabu, Sohaib Khan, Patricio M. Polanco
ASO Visual Abstract: Hospital Designations and Their Impact on Guideline-Concordant Care and Survival in Pancreatic Cancer: Do They Matter?
- ASO Visual Abstract
Gilbert Z. Murimwa, John D. Karalis, Jennie Meier, Jingsheng Yan, Hong Zhu, Caitlin A. Hester, Matthew R. Porembka, Sam C. Wang, John C. Mansour, Herbert J. Zeh III, Adam C. Yopp, Patricio M. Polanco
Propensity Score Matching Analysis of the Safety of Completion Total Pancreatectomy for Remnant Pancreatic Tumors Versus that of Initial Total Pancreatectomy for Primary Pancreatic Tumors
- Pancreatic Tumors
Eisho Kanemitsu, Toshihiko Masui, Kazuyuki Nagai, Takayuki Anazawa, Yosuke Kasai, Akitada Yogo, Tatsuo Ito, Akira Mori, Kyoichi Takaori, Shinji Uemoto, Etsuro Hatano
ASO Author Reflections: Evaluating the Safety of Completion Total Pancreatectomy Compared with Initial Total Pancreatectomy
- ASO Author Reflections
Eisho Kanemitsu, Toshihiko Masui, Etsuro Hatano
ASO Visual Abstract: Propensity Score-Matching Analysis of the Safety of Completion Total Pancreatectomy for Remnant Pancreatic Tumors Versus that of Initial Total Pancreatectomy for Primary Pancreatic Tumors
- ASO Visual Abstract
Eisho Kanemitsu, Toshihiko Masui, Kazuyuki Nagai, Takayuki Anazawa, Yosuke Kasai, Akitada Yogo, Tatsuo Ito, Akira Mori, Kyoichi Takaori, Shinji Uemoto, Etsuro Hatano
Two-Stage Class Ia Celiac Axis Resection with Superior Mesenteric Vein Reconstruction
- Pancreatic Tumors
Jonathan Garnier, Anaïs Palen, Vincent Niziers, Emilien Mauny, Jean Izaaryene, Jacques Ewald, Jean-Robert Delpero, Olivier Turrini
ASO Author Reflections: How to Tackle the Vascular Risk of Celiac Axis Resection for Pancreatic Cancer?
- ASO Author Reflections
Jonathan Garnier, Olivier Turrini
ASO Visual Abstract: Two-Stage Class Ia Celiac Axis Resection with Superior Mesenteric Vein Reconstruction
- ASO Visual Abstract
Jonathan Garnier, Anaïs Palen, Vincent Niziers, Emilien Mauny, Jean Izaaryene, Jacques Ewald, Jean-Robert Delpero, Olivier Turrini
FOLFIRINOX or Gemcitabine-based Chemotherapy for Borderline Resectable and Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer: A Multi-institutional, Patient-Level, Meta-analysis and Systematic Review
- Open Access
- Pancreatic Tumors
Dilmurodjon Eshmuminov, Botirjon Aminjonov, Russell F. Palm, Giuseppe Malleo, Ryan K. Schmocker, Raëf Abdallah, Changhoon Yoo, Walid L. Shaib, Marcel André Schneider, Elena Rangelova, Yoo Jin Choi, Hongbeom Kim, J. Bart Rose, Sameer Patel, Gregory C. Wilson, Sarah Maloney, Lea Timmermann, Klaus Sahora, Fabian Rössler, Víctor Lopez-Lopez, Emanuel Boyer, Laura Maggino, Thomas Malinka, Jeong Youp Park, Matthew H. G. Katz, Laura Prakash, Syed A. Ahmad, Scott Helton, Jin-Young Jang, Sarah E. Hoffe, Roberto Salvia, Julien Taieb, Jin He, Pierre-Alain Clavien, Ulrike Held, Kuno Lehmann
ASO Author Reflections: Chemotherapy Regimen in Borderline Resectable and Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer—Resection Cuts the Deal
- Open Access
- ASO Author Reflections
Dilmurodjon Eshmuminov, Botirjon Aminjonov, Russell F. Palm, Kuno Lehmann
ASO Visual Abstract: FOLFIRINOX or Gemcitabine Based Chemotherapy for Borderline Resectable and Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer: A Multi-Institutional, Patient-Level Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review
- ASO Visual Abstract
Dilmurodjon Eshmuminov, Botirjon Aminjonov, Russell F. Palm, Giuseppe Malleo, Ryan K. Schmocker, Raëf Abdallah, Changhoon Yoo, Walid L. Shaib, Marcel André Schneider, Elena Rangelova, Yoo Jin Choi, Hongbeom Kim, J. Bart Rose, Sameer Patel, Gregory C. Wilson, Sarah Maloney, Lea Timmermann, Klaus Sahora, Fabian Rössler, Víctor Lopez-Lopez, Emanuel Boyer, Laura Maggino, Thomas Malinka, Jeong Youp Park, Matthew H. G. Katz, Laura Prakash, Syed A. Ahmad, Scott Helton, Jin-Young Jang, Sarah E. Hoffe, Roberto Salvia, Julien Taieb, Jin He, Pierre-Alain Clavien, Ulrike Held, Kuno Lehmann
Feasibility and Safety of Laparoscopic D2 Gastrectomy in Combination with Pressurized Intraperitoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) in Patients with Gastric Cancer at High Risk of Recurrence—The PIPAC-OPC4 Study
- Peritoneal Surface Malignancy
Martin Graversen, I. Rouvelas, A. P. Ainsworth, A. P. Bjarnesen, S. Detlefsen, S. B. Ellebaek, C. W. Fristrup, M. G. Liljefors, L. Lundell, M. Nilsson, P. Pfeiffer, L. S. Tarpgaard, A. Tsekrekos, M. B. Mortensen
ASO Visual Abstract: Feasibility and Safety of Laparoscopic D2 Gastrectomy in Combination with Pressurized Intraperitoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) in Patients with Gastric Cancer at High Risk of Recurrence: The PIPAC-OPC4 Study
- ASO Visual Abstract
M. Graversen, I. Rouvelas, A. P. Ainsworth, A. P. Bjarnesen, S. Detlefsen, S. B. Ellebaek, C. W. Fristrup, M. G. Liljefors, L. Lundell, M. Nilsson, P. Pfeiffer, L. S. Tarpgaard, A. Tsekrekos, M. B. Mortensen
Influence of Extraperitoneal Metastases on the Curative-Intent Management of Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases
- Peritoneal Surface Malignancy
Frédéric Schell, Amaniel Kefleyesus, Nazim Benzerdjeb, Guillaume Passot, Pascal Rousset, Alhadeedi Omar, Laurent Villeneuve, Julien Péron, Olivier Glehen, Vahan Kepenekian
ASO Author Reflections: Colorectal Cancer Patients with Peritoneal Metastases and Other Metastatic Sites Can Benefit from Radical Multifocal Treatment After Comprehensive Evaluation for Accurate Selection
- ASO Author Reflections
Vahan Kepenekian, Amaniel Kefleyesus, Guillaume Passot, Pascal Rousset, Julien Péron, Olivier Glehen
ASO Visual Abstract: Influence of Extraperitoneal Metastases on the Curative-Intent Management of Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases
- ASO Visual Abstract
Frédéric Schell, Amaniel Kefleyesus, Nazim Benzerdjeb, Guillaume Passot, Pascal Rousset, Alhadeedi Omar, Laurent Villeneuve, Julien Péron, Olivier Glehen, Vahan Kepenekian
Impact of Primary Tumor Location and Genomic Alterations on Survival Following Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemoperfusion for Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases
- Peritoneal Surface Malignancy
Ahmed B. Hamed, Yongli Shuai, Joshua Derby, Matthew P. Holtzman, Melanie Ongchin, David L. Bartlett, James F. Pingpank, Reetesh Pai, Aatur Singhi, Haroon A. Choudry
ASO Author Reflections: Significance of Primary Tumor Location and Genomic Alterations in Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases and Cytoreductive Surgery-Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
- ASO Author Reflections
Ahmed B. Hamed, M. Haroon Choudry
ASO Visual Abstract: Impact of Primary Tumor Location and Genomic Alterations on Survival Following Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemoperfusion for Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases
- ASO Visual Abstract
Ahmed B. Hamed, Yongli Shuai, Joshua Derby, Matthew P. Holtzman, Melanie Ongchin, David L. Bartlett, James F. Pingpank, Reetesh Pai, Aatur Singhi, Haroon A. Choudry
Complications and Functional Outcome Differences in Carbon Ion Radiotherapy and Surgery for Malignant Bone Tumors of the Pelvis: A Multicenter, Cohort Study
- Sarcoma
Liuzhe Zhang, Toru Akiyama, Masanori Saito, Masahiko Okamoto, Tabu Gokita, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Keisuke Ae, Tatsuya Ohno
ASO Author Reflections: Long-Term Perspective in Choosing Between Carbon-Ion Radiotherapy and Surgery for Malignant Pelvic Bone Tumors
- ASO Author Reflections
Liuzhe Zhang, Toru Akiyama, Tatsuya Ohno
ASO Visual Abstract: Complications and Functional Outcome Differences in Carbon Ion Radiotherapy and Surgery for Malignant Bone Tumors of the Pelvis—A Multicenter Cohort Study
- ASO Visual Abstract
Liuzhe Zhang, Toru Akiyama, Masanori Saito, Masahiko Okamoto, Tabu Gokita, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Keisuke Ae, Tatsuya Ohno
Patterns of Metastatic Recurrence of Genetically Confirmed Myxoid Liposarcoma
- Open Access
- Sarcoma
Pauliina Homsy, Tom Böhling, Anne Seitsonen, Mika Sampo, Erkki Tukiainen, Carl Blomqvist
ASO Author Reflections: Patterns of Metastatic Recurrence of Genetically Confirmed Myxoid Liposarcoma
- Open Access
- ASO Author Reflections
Pauliina Homsy, Carl Blomqvist
ASO Visual Abstract: Patterns of Metastatic Recurrence of Genetically Confirmed Myxoid Liposarcoma
- ASO Visual Abstract
Pauliina Homsy, Tom Böhling, Anne Seitsonen, Mika Sampo, Erkki Tukiainen, Carl Blomqvist
Organ Infiltration and Patient Risk After Multivisceral Surgery for Primary Retroperitoneal Liposarcomas
- Sarcoma
Luca Improta, Sandro Pasquali, Sara Iadecola, Marta Barisella, Marco Fiore, Stefano Radaelli, Chiara Colombo, Rossana Alloni, Dario Callegaro, Sergio Valeri, Rosalba Miceli, Alessandro Gronchi
ASO Author Reflections: Organ Infiltration in Retroperitoneal Liposarcomas: A Novel Prognostic Factor?
- ASO Author Reflections
Luca Improta, Sandro Pasquali, Sergio Valeri, Alessandro Gronchi
ASO Visual Abstract: Organ Infiltration and Patient Risk After Multivisceral Surgery for Primary Retroperitoneal Liposarcomas
- ASO Visual Abstract
Luca Improta, Sandro Pasquali, Sara Iadecola, Marta Barisella, Marco Fiore, Stefano Radaelli, Chiara Colombo, Rossana Alloni, Dario Callegaro, Sergio Valeri, Rosalba Miceli, Alessandro Gronchi
Significant Predictors of Postoperative Morbidity After Radical Resection of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma in a Tertiary Center
- Sarcoma
Claudia Di Prata, Benjamin Renouf, Dimitri Tzanis, Toufik Bouhadiba, Sarah Watson, Sophie El Zein, Sylvie Helfre, Nayla Nicolas, Julie Perlbarg-Samson, Olivier Brenet, Sylvie Bonvalot
ASO Author Reflections: Surgical Morbidity of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma
- ASO Author Reflections
Claudia Di Prata, Sylvie Bonvalot
ASO Visual Abstract: Significant Predictors of Postoperative Morbidity After Radical Resection of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma in a Tertiary Center
- ASO Visual Abstract
Claudia Di Prata, Benjamin Renouf, Dimitri Tzanis, Toufik Bouhadiba, Sarah Watson, Sophie El Zein, Sylvie Helfre, Nayla Nicolas, Julie Perlbarg-Samson, Olivier Brenet, Sylvie Bonvalot
First Comparison of Retroperitoneal Versus Transperitoneal Robot-Assisted Nephroureterectomy with Bladder Cuff: A Single Center Study
- Urologic Oncology
P. Sparwasser, L. Frey, N. D. Fischer, A. Thomas, R. Dotzauer, C. Surcel, M. P. Brandt, R. Mager, T. Höfner, A. Haferkamp, I. Tsaur
ASO Visual Abstract: First Comparison of Retroperitoneal Versus Transperitoneal Robot-Assisted Nephroureterectomy with Bladder Cuff: A Single-Center Study
- ASO Visual Abstract
Peter Sparwasser, L. Frey, N. D. Fischer, A. Thomas, R. Dotzauer, C. Surcel, M. P. Brandt, R. Mager, T. Höfner, A. Haferkamp, I. Tsaur
Impact of Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography on the Therapeutic Decision of Prostate Carcinoma Primary Staging: A Retrospective Analysis at the Brazilian National Public Health System
- Urologic Oncology
Anna Carolina Borges da Silva, Luís Gustavo Morato de Toledo, Roni de Carvalho Fernandes, Alan Rechamberg Ziroldo, Guilherme Vinícius Sawczyn, Shirlene Tettmann Alarcon, Fábio Lewin
ASO Author Reflections: PSMA PET in the Prostate Cancer Primary Staging Scenario—A Reliable Method with a Remarkable Decision-Making Impact
- ASO Author Reflections
Anna Carolina Borges da Silva, Luís Gustavo Morato de Toledo
ASO Visual Abstract: Impact of Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography on the Therapeutic Decision of Prostate Carcinoma Primary Staging: A Retrospective Analysis at the Brazilian National Public Health System
- ASO Visual Abstract
Anna Carolina Borges da Silva, Luís Gustavo Morato de Toledo, Roni de Carvalho Fernandes, Alan Rechamberg Ziroldo, Guilherme Vinícius Sawczyn, Shirlene Tettmann Alarcon, Fábio Lewin