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Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Ausgabe 5/2020

Inhalt (30 Artikel)

A new approach to avoid ovarian failure as well function-impairing adhesion formation in endometrioma infertility surgery

  • News and Views

Luz Angela Torres-de la Roche, Rajesh Devassy, Maya Sophie de Wilde, Cristina Cezar, Harald Krentel, Matthias Korell, Rudy Leon De Wilde

TCGA molecular subgroups and FIGO grade in endometrial endometrioid carcinoma

  • Review

Antonio Travaglino, Antonio Raffone, Antonio Mollo, Giorgio Borrelli, Pasquale Alfano, Gian Franco Zannoni, Luigi Insabato, Fulvio Zullo

Low volume forceps practice and anal sphincter injury rate

  • Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Raanan Meyer, Amihai Rottenstreich, Salem Kees, Michal Zamir, Simcha Yagel, Gabriel Levin

Maternal complications in molecularly confirmed diandric and digynic triploid pregnancies: single institution experience and literature review

  • Open Access
  • Maternal-Fetal Medicine

D. Massalska, J. Bijok, A. Kucińska-Chahwan, J. G. Zimowski, K. Ozdarska, A. Raniszewska, G. M. Panek, T. Roszkowski

Are there gender-specific differences in pregnancy outcome and placental abnormalities of pregnancies complicated with small for gestational age?

  • Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Liliya Tamayev, Letizia Schreiber, Adi Marciano, Jacob Bar, Michal Kovo

Old and novel insights into emergency peripartum hysterectomy: a time-trend analysis

  • Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Stefania Triunfo, Sergio Ferrazzani, Massimo Volpe, Giovanni Scambia, Antonio Lanzone

Fetal profile in fetuses with open spina bifida

  • Open Access
  • Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Natalia Prodan, Markus Hoopmann, Jiri Sonek, Christoph Oettling, Harald Abele, Philipp Wagner, Karl Oliver Kagan

The effect of meconium-stained amniotic fluid on perinatal outcome in pregnancies complicated by preterm premature rupture of membranes

  • Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Avital Wertheimer, Asaf Shemer, Eran Hadar, Alexandra Berezowsky, Arnon Wiznitzer, Eyal Krispin

Relationship between preterm birth and post-partum periodontal maternal status: a hospital-based Romanian study

  • Maternal-Fetal Medicine

I. C. Micu, A. Roman, F. Ticala, A. Soanca, A. Ciurea, A. Objelean, M. Iancu, D. Muresan, G. V. Caracostea

Wave intensity analysis of maternal arterial stiffness: augmentation index and pulse wave velocity in pregnancies complicated by diabetes or hypertension

  • Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Kathrin Oelmeier de Murcia, U. Möllmann, C. Opitz, H. A. Köster, M. Möllers, K. Hammer, M. K. Falkenberg, J. Steinhard, W. Klockenbusch, R. Schmitz

Risk factors and maternal outcomes following preterm premature rupture of membrane in the second trimester of gestation

  • General Gynecology

Michal Gafner, Adi Borovich, Ariel Gimpel, Yoav Peled, Moshe Meshulam, Haim Krissi

A prospective study of pessary use for severe pelvic organ prolapse: 3-year follow-up outcomes

  • General Gynecology

Bin Li, Qiaohua Chen, Jing Zhang, Cuige Yu, Lu Zhang, Lihong Chen

Fertility-sparing surgery for patients with malignant ovarian germ cell tumors: 10 years of clinical experience from a tertiary referral center

  • Gynecologic Oncology

Mislav Mikuš, Nikolina Benco, Luka Matak, Pavao Planinić, Mario Ćorić, Helena Lovrić, Velena Radošević, Tomislav Puževski, Mirna Bajt, Goran Vujić

Temporal trends of subsequent breast cancer among women with ovarian cancer: a population-based study

  • Gynecologic Oncology

Koji Matsuo, Rachel S. Mandelbaum, Hiroko Machida, Kosuke Yoshihara, Shinya Matsuzaki, Maximilian Klar, Franco M. Muggia, Lynda D. Roman, Jason D. Wright

Comparison of survival outcomes of neoadjuvant therapy and direct surgery in IB2/IIA2 cervical adenocarcinoma: a retrospective study

  • Open Access
  • Gynecologic Oncology

Peilin Ouyang, Jingting Cai, Lin Gui, Shan Liu, Na-Yi Yuan Wu, Jing Wang

Prognostic role of thrombocytosis in recurrent ovarian cancer: a pooled analysis of the AGO Study Group

  • Gynecologic Oncology

Ulrich Canzler, Hans-Joachim Lück, Petra Neuser, Jalid Sehouli, Alexander Burges, Philipp Harter, Barbara Schmalfeldt, Behnaz Aminossadati, Sven Mahner, Stefan Kommoss, Pauline Wimberger, Jacobus Pfisterer, Nikolaus de Gregorio, Annette Hasenburg, Martina Gropp-Meier, Ahmed El-Balat, Christian Jackisch, Andreas du Bois, Werner Meier, Uwe Wagner

A 10-gene prognostic methylation signature for stage I–III cervical cancer

  • Gynecologic Oncology

Shengyun Cai, Xiaomin Yu, Zhongyi Gu, Qingqing Yang, Biwei Wen, Jizi Sheng, Rui Guan

Significance of lymph node ratio on survival of women with borderline ovarian tumors

  • Gynecologic Oncology

David J. Nusbaum, Rachel S. Mandelbaum, Hiroko Machida, Shinya Matsuzaki, Lynda D. Roman, Anil K. Sood, David M. Gershenson, Koji Matsuo

Analysis of motives and patient satisfaction in oncological second opinions provided by a certified university breast and gynecological cancer center

  • Open Access
  • Gynecologic Oncology

Christian R. Loehberg, Julia Meyer, Lothar Häberle, Carolin C. Hack, Sebastian Jud, Alexander Hein, Marius Wunderle, Julius Emons, Paul Gass, Peter A. Fasching, Sainab Egloffstein, Jessica Krebs, Yesim Erim, Matthias W. Beckmann, Michael P. Lux, Sonja Wasner

Protective effect of oxytocin on a methotrexate-induced ovarian toxicity model

  • Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine

Ismet Hortu, Gokay Ozceltik, Ahmet Mete Ergenoglu, Gurkan Yigitturk, Ozum Atasoy, Oytun Erbas

Impact of embryo quality and endometrial thickness on implantation in natural cycle IVF

  • Open Access
  • Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine

Vlatka Tomic, Miro Kasum, Katarina Vucic

Mild stimulation protocol vs conventional controlled ovarian stimulation protocol in poor ovarian response patients: a prospective randomized controlled trial

  • Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine

Xiaoping Liu, Tingting Li, Bo Wang, Xuefen Xiao, Xiaoyan Liang, Rui Huang

GM-CSF does not rescue poor-quality embryos: secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial

  • Open Access
  • Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine

Kenny A. Rodriguez-Wallberg, Bibi Munding, Søren Ziebe, Sarah A. Robertson

Value of high-frequency two-dimensional ultrasound on evaluating puborectalis muscle

  • Images in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Minzhi Zhou, Haiwen Du, Tao Ying, Wen Shui, Chaoran Dou

Neu im Fachgebiet Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe

Umfrage: Speicheltest auf Endometriose nutzen nur wenige Gynäkologen

Ein seit 2023 verfügbarer Mikro-RNA-basierter Speicheltest auf Endometriose stößt bei Gynäkologen in Deutschland auf Zurückhaltung. Die meisten meinen: Der Test wird das diagnostische Vorgehen nicht verändern.

Radon könnte Risiko für Gestationsdiabetes erhöhen

Jede und jeder von uns ist dem radioaktiven Element Radon ausgesetzt. Dass dies womöglich nicht nur Lungenkrebs und COPD, sondern auch Schwangerschaftsdiabetes fördert, lässt eine US-Studie nun vermuten.

Adjuvantes Atezolizumab ohne Nutzen bei frühem TNBC

Patientinnen mit frühem triple-negativem Brustkrebs profitieren nach der Operation offenbar nicht von einer Zugabe des PD-L1-Hemmers Atezolizumab zur adjuvanten Standardchemotherapie. Die Studie, die das untersucht hat, wurde vorzeitig abgebrochen. Was könnte die schlechte Wirksamkeit erklären?

Brustkrebstherapie: zu wenig Aufklärung über Nebenwirkungen?

Ergebnisse eines internationalen Surveys legen nahe, dass die Aufklärung über Nebenwirkungen einer Brustkrebstherapie häufig unzureichend ausfällt bzw. zu spät erfolgt.

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