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18.03.2021 | Arthropedia | Online-Artikel

Periphere Instabilitäten des Kniegelenks

Posteromediale Instabilität

Biomechanische Überlegungen zur posteromedialen Ecke

(T. Diermeier)

  1. Akoto R, Preiss A, Höher J, Alm L, Frosch KH (2018) Posteromediale Rekonstruktion bei anteromedialer Instabilität. Arthroskopie 31:229–234
  2. Dold AP, Swensen S, Strauss E, Alaia M (2017) The Posteromedial Corner of the Knee: Anatomy, Pathology, and Management Strategies. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 25:752–761
  3. Hughston JC, Eilers AF (1973) The role of the posterior oblique ligament in repairs of acute medial (collateral) ligament tears of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg Am 55:923–940
  4. Kittl C, Becker DK, Raschke MJ, Müller M, Wierer G, Domnick C, et al. (2019) Dynamic Restraints of the Medial Side of the Knee: The Semimembranosus Corner Revisited. Am J Sports Med 47:863–869
  5. LaPrade RF, Engebretsen AH, Ly TV, Johansen S, Wentorf FA, Engebretsen L (2007) The anatomy of the medial part of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg Am 89:2000–2010
  6. LaPrade RF, Wentorf FA, Fritts H, Gundry C, Hightower CD (2007) A prospective magnetic resonance imaging study of the incidence of posterolateral and multiple ligament injuries in acute knee injuries presenting with a hemarthrosis. Arthroscopy 23:1341–1347
  7. Lundquist RB, Matcuk GR, Jr., Schein AJ, Skalski MR, White EA, Forrester DM, et al. (2015) Posteromedial Corner of the Knee: The Neglected Corner. Radiographics 35:1123–1137
  8. Müller W. Das Knie: Form, Funktion und ligamentäre Wiederherstellungschirurgie. Springer-Verlag; 2013.
  9. Petersen W, Loerch S, Schanz S, Raschke M, Zantop T (2008) The role of the posterior oblique ligament in controlling posterior tibial translation in the posterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee. Am J Sports Med 36:495–501