Diagnostik > Untersuchung > Nerveneinklemmung
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Arthropedia – Grundlagenwissen und Fallbeispiele
Christian Hank, Markgröningen
- Pisani G (1998) Fußchirurgie/Giacomo Oisani. Hrsg. Der dt. Ausg.: H.-H. Küster und W. Thomas. Stuttgart; New York: Thieme, p. 308–311
- Pisani G (1998) Fußchirurgie/Giacomo Oisani. Hrsg. Der dt. Ausg.: H.-H. Küster und W. Thomas. Stuttgart; New York: Thieme, p. 308–311
N. peroneus profundus (dorsales Tarsaltunnelsyndrom)
- Surgery of the foot and ankle. 8th edition/editors, Michale J. Coughlin, Roger A. Mann, Charles Salzman. p. 675–676 (2007)
- Pisani, Giacomo: Fußchirurgie/Giacomo Oisani. Hrsg. Der dt. Ausg.: H.-H. Küster und W. Thomas. Stuttgart; New York: Thieme, p. 322 (1998)
N. peroneus superficialis
- Styf J (1989) Entrapment of the superficial peroneal nerve. Diagnosis and results of decompression. J Bone Joint Surg Br 71:131–135
- Surgery of the foot and ankle. 8th edition/editors, Michale J. Coughlin, Roger A. Mann, Charles Salzman. 670–672 (2007)
Ramus calcaneus medialis des N. tibialis, Fersenschmerz
- Riddle DL, Schappert SM (2003) Volume of ambulatory care visits and patterns of care for patients diagnosed with plantar fasciitis: A national study of medical doctors. Foot Ankle Int 25(5):872–877
- Davis TJ, Schon LC (1995) Branches of the tibial nerve: Anatomic variations. Foot Ankle Int 16:21–29
- Surgery of the foot and ankle. 8th edition/editors, Michale J. Coughlin, Roger A. Mann, Charles Salzman. 693–694 (2007)
N. suralis
- X. Surgery of the foot and ankle. 8th edition/editors, Michale J. Coughlin, Roger A. Mann, Charles Salzman. 677–678 (2007)
N. saphenus
- Surgery of the foot and ankle. 8th edition/editors, Michale J. Coughlin, Roger A. Mann, Charles Salzman. 679–680 (2007)
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