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25.07.2020 | ASO Author Reflections

ASO Author Reflections: Performance of Contralateral Risk-Reducing Mastectomy in Multigene Panel-Tested Patients is High in All Types of Germline Mutation Carriers

verfasst von: Brittany L. Murphy, MD, MS, Isabelle Bedrosian, MD

Erschienen in: Annals of Surgical Oncology | Sonderheft 3/2020

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Use of germline panel testing in patients with breast cancer has been rapidly expanding, which has resulted in the identification of a greater number of pathogenic mutations and variants of uncertain significance (VUS) in this population.13 While the risk of contralateral breast cancer and the associated benefit of contralateral risk-reducing mastectomy (CRRM) have been well characterized in patients with BRCA 1/2 mutations, and such patients can thus be adequately counseled regarding the risk/benefit of surgical intervention, less is known about the risk of second primary breast cancer conferred by the majority of non-BRCA germline pathogenic mutations. Given the absence of such data for informed decision making, whether the finding of a non-BRCA germline mutation influences patient decision for CRRM is not clear. …
Zurück zum Zitat Young C, Argaez C. CADTH rapid response reports. In: Rapid Genome-wide Testing: A Review of Clinical Utility, Cost-Effectiveness, and Guidelines. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health. Ottawa, ON: Copyright© 2019 Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health; 2019. Young C, Argaez C. CADTH rapid response reports. In: Rapid Genome-wide Testing: A Review of Clinical Utility, Cost-Effectiveness, and Guidelines. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health. Ottawa, ON: Copyright© 2019 Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health; 2019.
Zurück zum Zitat Kurian AW, Li Y, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Hawley ST, Morrow M et al. Gaps in incorporating germline genetic testing into treatment decision-making for early-stage breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2017;35(20):2232–9.CrossRef Kurian AW, Li Y, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Hawley ST, Morrow M et al. Gaps in incorporating germline genetic testing into treatment decision-making for early-stage breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2017;35(20):2232–9.CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Chang J, Seng S, Yoo J, Equivel P, Lum SS. Clinical management of patients at risk for hereditary breast cancer with variants of uncertain significance in the era of multigene panel testing. Ann Surg Oncol. 2019;26(10):3389–96.CrossRef Chang J, Seng S, Yoo J, Equivel P, Lum SS. Clinical management of patients at risk for hereditary breast cancer with variants of uncertain significance in the era of multigene panel testing. Ann Surg Oncol. 2019;26(10):3389–96.CrossRef
ASO Author Reflections: Performance of Contralateral Risk-Reducing Mastectomy in Multigene Panel-Tested Patients is High in All Types of Germline Mutation Carriers
verfasst von
Brittany L. Murphy, MD, MS
Isabelle Bedrosian, MD
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
Annals of Surgical Oncology / Ausgabe Sonderheft 3/2020
Print ISSN: 1068-9265
Elektronische ISSN: 1534-4681

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