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25.07.2024 | Original Article

Audiological Profile of Yakshagana Artists

verfasst von: Malavika Nambiar, Priya Gopalakrishnan, Kanaka Ganapathy, Leelavathi Thamizhmani

Erschienen in: Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery | Ausgabe 5/2024

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Yakshagana is an India’s traditional folk theatre musical dance drama. The purpose of the study is to profile audiological characteristics and document hearing-related symptoms in Yakshagana artists. A cross-sectional study was performed on 96 Yakshagana artists. Participants’ demographic data were captured, and audiological evaluations, including high frequency audiometry (HFA), tympanometry, acoustic reflex threshold and transient evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE), were performed. The majority of the individuals had minimal and mild hearing loss. The mean scores of pure tone thresholds were greater at 4 kHz and 8 kHz. The majority of the HFA thresholds at 10 kHz, 12.5 kHz, and 16 kHz indicated no responses, which can be accredited to the fact that noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) first affects the higher frequencies. TEOAE analysis showed a greater percentage of failures in the higher frequencies, particularly at 3 and 4 kHz in both ears, which can be an indicator of bilateral cochlear damage. These findings indicate that Yakshagana artists are at risk of hearing loss due to noise exposure. Hearing evaluation and regular monitoring of hearing thresholds is advisable for this population as it can impact their careers.
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Audiological Profile of Yakshagana Artists
verfasst von
Malavika Nambiar
Priya Gopalakrishnan
Kanaka Ganapathy
Leelavathi Thamizhmani
Springer India
Erschienen in
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery / Ausgabe 5/2024
Print ISSN: 2231-3796
Elektronische ISSN: 0973-7707

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