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10.01.2022 | Editorial

Ballooning Your Way in Altered Anatomy ERCP: Ready for Deductive Learning

verfasst von: Smit S. Deliwala, Saurabh Chawla

Erschienen in: Digestive Diseases and Sciences | Ausgabe 7/2022

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In 1987, Lewis et al. used a balloon to 'inchworm' through the small bowel during a time when intraoperative endoscopy and guide-string were the only reliable methods, thus revolutionizing total small bowel visualization and access [1]. Over the next decade, refinements in technology to facilitate endoscopic small bowel access led to the introduction of several deep enteroscopy devices, of which single and deep balloon enteroscopes are the most widely used [2]. Double balloon enteroscopy (DBE) utilizes a specially designed long endoscope (230 cm) with a balloon attachment at the tip, which can be advanced through a long overtube with another balloon on it. After the initial deep advancement with the enteroscope, the distal tip is anchored in place with pressure-monitored balloon inflation, and the overtube is advanced to the tip of the endoscope. The second overtube balloon is then inflated, and the apparatus is gently withdrawn to pleat the small bowel and straighten the loops. Subsequent advancement is done by sequentially deflating balloons, advancing the enteroscope and overtube with repeated reductions, commonly referred to as the “push and pull” technique. Single balloon enteroscopy (SBE) is a modification of the double balloon enteroscopy wherein only the overtube has the balloon and was introduced to streamline this multi-step procedure. …
Zurück zum Zitat Lewis BS, Waye JD. Total small bowel enteroscopy. Gastrointest Endosc 1987;33:435–438.CrossRef Lewis BS, Waye JD. Total small bowel enteroscopy. Gastrointest Endosc 1987;33:435–438.CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Khashab MA, Pasha SF, et al. The role of deep enteroscopy in the management of small-bowel disorders. Gastrointest Endosc. 2015;82:600–607. ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Khashab MA, Pasha SF, et al. The role of deep enteroscopy in the management of small-bowel disorders. Gastrointest Endosc. 2015;82:600–607.
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Zurück zum Zitat Ekkelenkamp VE, Koch AD, Rauws EAJ et al. Competence development in ERCP: the learning curve of novice trainees. Endoscopy 2014;46:949–955.CrossRef Ekkelenkamp VE, Koch AD, Rauws EAJ et al. Competence development in ERCP: the learning curve of novice trainees. Endoscopy 2014;46:949–955.CrossRef
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Zurück zum Zitat Tanisaka Y, Ryozawa S, Mizuide M et al. Status of single-balloon enteroscopy-assisted endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in patients with surgically altered anatomy: systematic review and meta-analysis on biliary interventions. Dig Endosc 2021;33:1034–1044.CrossRef Tanisaka Y, Ryozawa S, Mizuide M et al. Status of single-balloon enteroscopy-assisted endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in patients with surgically altered anatomy: systematic review and meta-analysis on biliary interventions. Dig Endosc 2021;33:1034–1044.CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Moreels TG. Altered anatomy: enteroscopy and ERCP procedure. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 2012;26:347–357.CrossRef Moreels TG. Altered anatomy: enteroscopy and ERCP procedure. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 2012;26:347–357.CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Faulx AL, Lightdale JR, et al. Guidelines for privileging, credentialing, and proctoring to perform GI endoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2017;85:273–281. (published correction appears in Gastrointest Endosc. 2017 May;85(5):1115). ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Faulx AL, Lightdale JR, et al. Guidelines for privileging, credentialing, and proctoring to perform GI endoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2017;85:273–281. (published correction appears in Gastrointest Endosc. 2017 May;85(5):1115).
Ballooning Your Way in Altered Anatomy ERCP: Ready for Deductive Learning
verfasst von
Smit S. Deliwala
Saurabh Chawla
Springer US
Erschienen in
Digestive Diseases and Sciences / Ausgabe 7/2022
Print ISSN: 0163-2116
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-2568

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