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08.02.2022 | Images in Surgery

Bilateral Hydrocele of Canal of Nuck in Adult Females

verfasst von: Devi Shanker Malik, B. S. Dhakad

Erschienen in: Indian Journal of Surgery | Ausgabe 6/2022

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Bilateral hydrocele of canal of Nuck in adult females is exceptionally rare. The canal of Nuck is the portion of processus vaginalis in the inguinal canal in women. This is homologous to the processus vaginalis of male anatomy. Although the canal of Nuck normally disappears without a trace in the first year of life but if it remains patent, then it can lead to the development of indirect inguinal her-nia or hydrocele of the canal of Nuck. The cyst formation or the fluid in the hydrocele of the canal of Nuck is likely due to imbalance of the secretion and absorption of the secretary membrane lining the processus vaginalis. Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck must be distinguished from inguinal hernia, tumors like lipoma, sarcoma, leiomyoma, cyst, abscess, and lymph nodal swellings. Ultrasonography is the preferred investigation but usually magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has to be done to confirm the diagnosis preoperatively. Although the final diagnosis has to be made during surgery and later confirmed by the histopathological examina-tion. The treatment remains the excision of hydrocele of the canal of Nuck which can be done both laparoscopically as well as bybopen surgical method. A case of bilateral hydrocele of the canal of Nuck in adult female is presented here which was treated by laparoscopic surgery with mesh repair just like in transabdominal preperitoneal repair of inguinal hernia. The diagnosis was later confirmed by histopathology.
Zurück zum Zitat Rees MA, Squires JE, Tadros S, Squires JH (2017) Canal of Nuck hernia: A multimodality imaging review. Pediatric Radiol 47:893–898CrossRef Rees MA, Squires JE, Tadros S, Squires JH (2017) Canal of Nuck hernia: A multimodality imaging review. Pediatric Radiol 47:893–898CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Counseller VS, Black BM (1941) Hydrocele of the Canal of Nuck. Ann. Surg. 113:625–630CrossRef Counseller VS, Black BM (1941) Hydrocele of the Canal of Nuck. Ann. Surg. 113:625–630CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Sarkar S, Panja S, Kumar S (2016) Hydrocele of the Canal of Nuck (Female Hydrocele): a rare differential for inguino-labial swelling. J Clin Diagn Res 10:PD21–PD22 Sarkar S, Panja S, Kumar S (2016) Hydrocele of the Canal of Nuck (Female Hydrocele): a rare differential for inguino-labial swelling. J Clin Diagn Res 10:PD21–PD22
Zurück zum Zitat Thomas AK, Thomas RL, Thomas B (2020) Canal of Nuck Abnormalities. J. Ultrasound Med. 39:385–395CrossRef Thomas AK, Thomas RL, Thomas B (2020) Canal of Nuck Abnormalities. J. Ultrasound Med. 39:385–395CrossRef
Bilateral Hydrocele of Canal of Nuck in Adult Females
verfasst von
Devi Shanker Malik
B. S. Dhakad
Springer India
Erschienen in
Indian Journal of Surgery / Ausgabe 6/2022
Print ISSN: 0972-2068
Elektronische ISSN: 0973-9793

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