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Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Ausgabe 1/2018

Inhalt (27 Artikel)

Reproducibility and predictive value of scoring stromal tumour infiltrating lymphocytes in triple-negative breast cancer: a multi-institutional study

  • Open Access
  • Editorial

Mark O’Loughlin, Xavier Andreu, Simonetta Bianchi, Ewa Chemielik, Alicia Cordoba, Gábor Cserni, Paulo Figueiredo, Giuseppe Floris, Maria P. Foschini, Päivi Heikkilä, Janina Kulka, Inta Liepniece-Karele, Peter Regitnig, Angelika Reiner, Ales Ryska, Anna Sapino, Aliaa Shalaby, Elisabeth Specht Stovgaard, Cecily Quinn, Elaine M. Walsh, Vicky Zolota, Sharon A. Glynn, Grace Callagy

Use of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4/6 inhibitors for hormone receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative, metastatic breast cancer: a roundtable discussion by The Breast Cancer Therapy Expert Group (BCTEG)

  • Open Access
  • Review

Jame Abraham, Robert Coleman, Anthony Elias, Frankie Ann Holmes, Kevin Kalinsky, Muaiad Kittaneh, Elyse Lower, Reshma Mahtani, E. Terry Mamounas, Mark Pegram, Charles Vogel

Homologous recombination deficiency and host anti-tumor immunity in triple-negative breast cancer

  • Open Access
  • Review

M. L. Telli, D. G. Stover, S. Loi, S. Aparicio, L. A. Carey, S. M. Domchek, L. Newman, G. W. Sledge, E. P. Winer

Construction of a novel multi-gene assay (42-gene classifier) for prediction of late recurrence in ER-positive breast cancer patients

  • Preclinical study

Ryo Tsunashima, Yasuto Naoi, Kenzo Shimazu, Naofumi Kagara, Masashi Shimoda, Tomonori Tanei, Tomohiro Miyake, Seung Jin Kim, Shinzaburo Noguchi

The histone deacetylase inhibitor OBP-801 and eribulin synergistically inhibit the growth of triple-negative breast cancer cells with the suppression of survivin, Bcl-xL, and the MAPK pathway

  • Open Access
  • Preclinical study

Hisako Ono, Yoshihiro Sowa, Mano Horinaka, Yosuke Iizumi, Motoki Watanabe, Mie Morita, Emi Nishimoto, Tetsuya Taguchi, Toshiyuki Sakai

Genetic dissection of the BRCA2 promoter and transcriptional impact of DNA variants

  • Preclinical study

Eugenia Fraile-Bethencourt, Alberto Valenzuela-Palomo, Beatriz Díez-Gómez, Mar Infante, Mercedes Durán, Germán Marcos, Enrique Lastra, Susana Gómez-Barrero, Eladio A. Velasco

Exploration of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes as a predictive biomarker for adjuvant endocrine therapy in early breast cancer

  • Open Access
  • Preclinical study

Erik J. Blok, Charla C. Engels, Geeske Dekker-Ensink, Elma Meershoek-Klein Kranenbarg, Hein Putter, Vincent T. H. B. M. Smit, Gerrit-Jan Liefers, James P. Morden, Judith M. Bliss, R. Charles Coombes, John M. S. Bartlett, Judith R. Kroep, Cornelis J. H. van de Velde, Peter J. K. Kuppen

Metastatic Breast Cancer Collateral Damage Project (MBCCD): Scale development and preliminary results of the Survey of Health, Impact, Needs, and Experiences (SHINE)

  • Preclinical study

Timothy J. Williamson, Susan M. Love, Jessica N. Clague DeHart, Alexandra Jorge-Miller, Leah Eshraghi, Heather Cooper Ortner, Annette L. Stanton

BRCA mutations and their influence on pathological complete response and prognosis in a clinical cohort of neoadjuvantly treated breast cancer patients

  • Clinical trial

Marius Wunderle, Paul Gass, Lothar Häberle, Vivien M. Flesch, Claudia Rauh, Mayada R. Bani, Carolin C. Hack, Michael G. Schrauder, Sebastian M. Jud, Julius Emons, Ramona Erber, Arif B. Ekici, Juliane Hoyer, Georgia Vasileiou, Cornelia Kraus, Andre Reis, Arndt Hartmann, Michael P. Lux, Matthias W. Beckmann, Peter A. Fasching, Alexander Hein

Risk of ischemic heart disease after radiotherapy for ductal carcinoma in situ

  • Open Access
  • Clinical trial

C. Wadsten, A.-K. Wennstig, H. Garmo, Greger Nilsson, Carl Blomqvist, Lars Holmberg, Irma Fredriksson, F. Wärnberg, M. Sund

A double-blind, randomised trial of a polyphenolic-rich nail bed balm for chemotherapy-induced onycholysis: the UK polybalm study

  • Open Access
  • Clinical trial

Robert Thomas, Madeleine Williams, Michael Cauchi, Saul Berkovitz, Sarah A. Smith

Phase 1 study of seviteronel, a selective CYP17 lyase and androgen receptor inhibitor, in women with estrogen receptor-positive or triple-negative breast cancer

  • Clinical trial

Aditya Bardia, Ayca Gucalp, Noashir DaCosta, Nashat Gabrail, Michael Danso, Haythem Ali, Kimberly L. Blackwell, Lisa A. Carey, Joel R. Eisner, Edwina S. Baskin-Bey, Tiffany A. Traina

A phase II study evaluating the efficacy of zoledronic acid in prevention of aromatase inhibitor-associated musculoskeletal symptoms: the ZAP trial

  • Clinical trial

Cesar A. Santa-Maria, Aditya Bardia, Amanda L. Blackford, Claire Snyder, Roisin M. Connolly, John H. Fetting, Daniel F. Hayes, Stacie C. Jeter, Robert S. Miller, Anne Nguyen, Katie Quinlan, Gary L. Rosner, Shannon Slater, Anna Maria Storniolo, Antonio C. Wolff, Jane Zorzi, Nora Lynn Henry, Vered Stearns

Palbociclib in highly pretreated metastatic ER-positive HER2-negative breast cancer

  • Clinical trial

G. Hoste, K. Punie, H. Wildiers, B. Beuselinck, I. Lefever, E. Van Nieuwenhuysen, S. N. Han, P. Berteloot, N. Concin, R. Salihi, I. Vergote, P. Neven

Incorporation of the technologist’s opinion for arbitration of discrepant assessments among radiologists at screening mammography

  • Epidemiology

Angela M. P. Coolen, Joost R. C. Lameijer, Adri C. Voogd, Luc J. Strobbe, Marieke W. J. Louwman, Vivianne C. G. Tjan-Heijnen, Lucien E. M. Duijm

Long-term survival in trastuzumab-treated patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer: real-world outcomes and treatment patterns in a whole-of-population Australian cohort (2001–2016)

  • Epidemiology

Benjamin Daniels, Belinda E. Kiely, Sarah J. Lord, Nehmat Houssami, Christine Y. Lu, Robyn L. Ward, Sallie-Anne Pearson

SNP rs2071095 in LincRNA H19 is associated with breast cancer risk

  • Epidemiology

Ping Cui, Yanrui Zhao, Xinlei Chu, Na He, Hong Zheng, Jiali Han, Fengju Song, Kexin Chen

Uptake of BRCA 1/2 and oncotype DX testing by medical and surgical oncologists

  • Epidemiology

Yonina R. Murciano-Goroff, Anne Marie McCarthy, Mirar N. Bristol, Peter Groeneveld, Susan M. Domchek, U. Nkiru Motanya, Katrina Armstrong

Associations of dietary intake and supplement use with post-therapy cognitive recovery in breast cancer survivors

  • Epidemiology

Zhezhou Huang, Yan Shi, Pingping Bao, Hui Cai, Zhen Hong, Ding Ding, James Jackson, Xiao-Ou Shu, Qi Dai

Gene expression in triple-negative breast cancer in relation to survival

  • Epidemiology

Shuyang Wang, Alicia Beeghly-Fadiel, Qiuyin Cai, Hui Cai, Xingyi Guo, Liang Shi, Jie Wu, Fei Ye, Qingchao Qiu, Ying Zheng, Wei Zheng, Ping-Ping Bao, Xiao-ou Shu

Predictors of surveillance mammography outcomes in women with a personal history of breast cancer

  • Epidemiology

Kathryn P. Lowry, Lior Z. Braunstein, Konstantinos P. Economopoulos, Laura Salama, Constance D. Lehman, G. Scott Gazelle, Elkan F. Halpern, Catherine S. Giess, Alphonse G. Taghian, Janie M. Lee

Effect of glucocorticoid use on survival in patients with stage I–III breast cancer

  • Epidemiology

Ching-Hung Lin, Po-Ya Chuang, San-Lin You, Chun-Ju Chiang, Chiun-Sheng Huang, Ming-Yang Wang, Ming Chao, Yen-Shen Lu, Ann-Lii Cheng, Chao-Hsiun Tang

Impact of high-deductible insurance on adjuvant hormonal therapy use in breast cancer

  • Brief Report

Christine Y. Lu, Fang Zhang, Anita K. Wagner, Larissa Nekhlyudov, Craig C. Earle, Matthew Callahan, Robert LeCates, Xin Xu, Dennis Ross-Degnan, J. Frank Wharam

Tamoxifen-induced fatty liver disease in a Caucasian patient

  • Letter to the Editor

Karel Eechoute, Ron H. J. Mathijssen, Teun van Gelder

Neu im Fachgebiet Onkologie

Frühe CLL-Therapie: BTK-Hemmer verlängert EFS und PFS, aber nicht OS

Auch nach sechs Jahren ergibt sich kein Überlebensvorteil einer Therapie mit dem BTK-Hemmer Ibrutinib für Menschen mit frühem CLL-Stadium und erhöhtem Progressionsrisiko. Die Progressionsrate wird mit der Behandlung jedoch um über 80% gesenkt.

Adjuvantes Atezolizumab ohne Nutzen bei frühem TNBC

Patientinnen mit frühem triple-negativem Brustkrebs profitieren nach der Operation offenbar nicht von einer Zugabe des PD-L1-Hemmers Atezolizumab zur adjuvanten Standardchemotherapie. Die Studie, die das untersucht hat, wurde vorzeitig abgebrochen. Was könnte die schlechte Wirksamkeit erklären?

Brustkrebstherapie: zu wenig Aufklärung über Nebenwirkungen?

Ergebnisse eines internationalen Surveys legen nahe, dass die Aufklärung über Nebenwirkungen einer Brustkrebstherapie häufig unzureichend ausfällt bzw. zu spät erfolgt.

Neue chemotherapiefreie Kombinationstherapie punktet bei CLL

Zwischenergebnisse der Phase-III-Studie AMPLIFY sprechen dafür, dass die zeitlich begrenzte Behandlung mit Acalabrutinib und Venetoclax fitte Personen mit chronischer lymphatischer Leukämie länger leben lässt als eine Chemoimmuntherapie.

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