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Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine

Ausgabe 3/2022

Inhalt (24 Artikel)

The Role of Na+/K+-ATPase in the Development of Hyponatrenemia under Conditions of Hypoxic Stress in Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection

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  • COVID-19

S. H. Jafarova, S. A. Adnaev, R. T. Guliyeva, N. H. Jafar

Blockade of α2-Adrenergic Receptors Inhibits Functional Parameters of Langendorff-Isolated Rat Heart

L. I. Khisamieva, N. N. Chershintseva, A. M. Kuptsova, N. I. Ziyatdinova, T. L. Zefirov

Effect of Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine on Isolated Heart and Lymphatic Vessels

O. V. Nechaykina, D. S. Laptev, S. G. Petunov, D. V. Bobkov

Effect of the Lipid Fraction of Microalgae on Biochemical Parameters in Female C57BL/6 Mice


A. P. Lykov, I. P. Uvarov, R. G. Gevorgiz, S. N. Zheleznova

Preclinical Pharmacokinetics of GZK-111, a Dipeptide with Neuroprotective Activity


A. A. Litvin, G. B. Kolyvanov, P. O. Bochkov, R. V. Shevchenko, A. L. Podol’ko, K. N. Kolyasnikova, V. P. Zherdev

Antithrombotic Activity of the Antiplatelet Agent Angipur on the Model of Arterial Thrombosis in Rats with Isoproterenol-Induced Myocardial Infarction

A. A. Spasov, A. F. Kucheryavenko, F. A. Khaliullin, N. A. Gurova, V. S. Sirotenko, A. V. Samorodov, K. A. Gaidukova, V. N. Pavlov

Anti-Allergic Properties of Humic Acids Isolated from Pine-Sphagnum-Cotton Sedge Peat

E. S. Trofimova, M. V. Zykova, A. A. Ligacheva, M. G. Danilets, E. Yu. Sherstoboev, L. A. Logvinova, M. V. Belousov

A Protective Role of Okadaic Acid in Liver Injury Induced by Amoxicillin

D. Li, W. Shi, X. Lu, Z. Liu, S. Zhang, Y. Sun, W. Shi, X. Zhu

Comparative Proteomic Analysis of the Mycoplasma gallisepticum Nucleoid Fraction before and after Infection

M. A. Galyamina, A. I. Zubov, V. G. Ladygina, A. V. Li, D. S. Matyushkina, O. V. Pobeguts, G. Yu. Fisunov

Effect of M2 Macrophage-Derived Soluble Factors on Behavioral Patterns and Cytokine Production in Various Brain Structures in Depression-Like Mice

E. V. Markova, E. Ya. Shevela, M. A. Knyazeva, I. V. Savkin, E. V. Serenko, I. M. Rashchupkin, T. G. Amstislavskaya, A. A. Ostanin, E. R. Chernykh

The Effects of β-Pinene, a Pine Needle Oil Monoterpene, on Adenovirus Type 3


B. Qiu, F. Wei, J. Su, W. Hao, J. Zhou, J. Zhao, Y. Wang, Z. Qu

Effects of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy on the Growth of Subcutaneous Xenografts of Human Colorectal Adenocarcinoma SW-620 in Immunodeficient Mice


V. V. Kanygin, A. I. Kasatova, E. L. Zavjalov, I. A. Razumov, S. I. Kolesnikov, A. I. Kichigin, O. I. Solov’eva, A. R. Tsygankova, S. Yu. Taskaev, D. A. Kasatov, T. V. Sycheva, V. A. Byvaltsev

Mechanisms of the Effects of Short-Term Inhalations of Xe and O2 Gas Mixture in the Rehabilitation of Post-COVID Ventilation Failure


V. V. Udut, S. A. Naumov, E. V. Udut, S. S. Naumov, D. N. Evtushenko, O. N. Chumakova, G. N. Zyuz’kov

Comparison of Biochemical Parameters and Pathomorphological Changes in Rats Receiving Standard and High-Fat Diets during Modeling of Streptozotocin Diabetes

N. A. Borozdina, E. R. Shaykhutdinova, V. A. Palikov, Yu. A. Palikova, E. N. Kazakova, E. S. Sadovnikova, V. A. Kazakov, O. V. Sintsova, I. A. Dyachenko

Reaction of Arterial and Venous Branches of the Broad Ligament of the Rat Uterus to Low-Intensity Red Laser Irradiation


A. E. Kotsyuba, I. A. Khramova, V. M. Chertok, T. E. Romanova

Comparative Informativity of Computing Methods of Insulin Resistance Assessment


S. I. Kseneva, E. V. Borodulina, O. Yu. Trifonova, V. P. Fisenko, V. V. Udut

Kompaktes Leitlinien-Wissen Innere Medizin (Link öffnet in neuem Fenster)

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Mehr Cholesterin im Essen = höheres Herzinfarktrisiko

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EKG Essentials: EKG befunden mit System (Link öffnet in neuem Fenster)

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Praxisnah, relevant und mit vielen Tipps & Tricks vom Profi.

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