Ausgabe 4/2023 Special Issue: Defining and Determining Death in Canada
Inhalt (28 Artikel)
Editors’ Note: The evolution of critical care content in the Journal and a “special” Special Issue
- Editor’s Note
Stephan K. W. Schwarz, Philip M. Jones
Answering global challenges to the determination of death: consensus-building leadership from Canada
- Editorials
Dale Gardiner, David M. Greer, James L. Bernat, Maureen O. Meade, Helen Opdam, Stephan K. W. Schwarz
An updated practice guideline for death determination: one giant leap for the field led by Canada
- Editorials
David M. Greer
A brain-based definition of death and criteria for its determination after arrest of circulation or neurologic function in Canada: a 2023 clinical practice guideline
- Open Access
- Special Article
Sam D. Shemie, Lindsay C. Wilson, Laura Hornby, John Basmaji, Andrew J. Baker, Cécile M. Bensimon, Jennifer A. Chandler, Michaël Chassé, Rosanne Dawson, Sonny Dhanani, Owen T. Mooney, Aimee J. Sarti, Christy Simpson, Jeanne Teitelbaum, Sylvia Torrance, J. Gordon Boyd, Joanne Brennan, Heather Brewster, Robert Carignan, Kirk J. Dawe, Christopher J. Doig, Kennedy Elliott-Pohl, Teneille E. Gofton, Michael Hartwick, Andrew Healey, Kimia Honarmand, Karen Hornby, George Isac, Aly Kanji, Joann Kawchuk, Jennifer A. Klowak, Andreas H. Kramer, Julie Kromm, Allana E. LeBlanc, Katarina Lee-Ameduri, Laurie A. Lee, Murdoch Leeies, Ariane Lewis, Alex Manara, Shauna Matheson, Nicole K. A. McKinnon, Nicholas Murphy, Joel Neves Briard, Thaddeus M. Pope, Mypinder S. Sekhon, Jai Jai S. Shanker, Gurmeet Singh, Jeffrey Singh, Marat Slessarev, Karim Soliman, Stephanie Sutherland, Matthew J. Weiss, Randi Zlotnik Shaul, Lionel S. Zuckier, David J. Zorko, Bram Rochwerg
Rationale for revisions to the definition of death and criteria for its determination in Canada
- Open Access
- Special Article
Nicholas B. Murphy, Michael Hartwick, Lindsay C. Wilson, Christy Simpson, Sam D. Shemie, Sylvia Torrance, Jennifer A. Chandler
Consent for determination of death by neurologic criteria in Canada: an analysis of legal and ethical authorities, and consensus-based working group recommendations
- Open Access
- Special Article
Thaddeus M. Pope, Jennifer A. Chandler, Michael Hartwick
Balancing values: implications of a brain-based definition of death for pluralism in Canada
- Open Access
- Reflections
Nicholas B. Murphy, Jennifer A. Chandler, Michael Hartwick, Aly Kanji, Christy Simpson, Lindsay C. Wilson, Randi Zlotnik Shaul
Implications of the updated Canadian Death Determination Guidelines for organ donation interventions that restore circulation after determination of death by circulatory criteria
- Open Access
- Reflections
Nicholas B. Murphy, Charles Weijer, Marat Slessarev, Jennifer A. Chandler, Teneille Gofton
Nontherapeutic research with imminently dying and recently deceased study populations: addressing practical and ethical challenges
- Open Access
- Reflections
Nicholas B. Murphy, Charles Weijer, Saptharishi Lalgudi Ganesan, Sonny Dhanani, Teneille Gofton, Marat Slessarev
Trust and conflict in death determination—reflections on the legacy of Taquisha McKitty
- Open Access
- Reflections
Stanley Stewart, Alyson McKitty, Paula Chidwick, Andrew Healey, Amanda van Beinum
Knowledge gaps in the definition and determination of death
- Open Access
- Reflections
Guillaume Maitre, Sam D. Shemie, Andrew Baker, Michaël Chassé, Laura Hornby, Aimee J. Sarti, Jeanne Teitelbaum, Sonny Dhanani
When is a person dead? The Canadian public’s understanding of death and death determination: a nationwide survey
- Open Access
- Reports of Original Investigations
Aimee J. Sarti, Kimia Honarmand, Stephanie Sutherland, Laura Hornby, Lindsay C. Wilson, Fran Priestap, Robert Carignan, Brennan Joanne, Heather Brewster, Kennedy Elliott-Pohl, Matthew Weiss, Sam D. Shemie
Variability in criteria for death determination in the intensive care unit
- Open Access
- Reports of Original Investigations
Jonah Shemie, Nathan B. Scales, Ewa Sucha, Nick Barrowman, Laura Hornby, Amanda van Beinum, Sonny Dhanani
Death determination by neurologic criteria—what do families understand?
- Open Access
- Reports of Original Investigations
Aimee J. Sarti, Stephanie Sutherland, Maureen Meade, Laura Hornby, Lindsay C. Wilson, Angele Landriault, Brandi Vanderspank-Wright, Sabira Valiani, Sean Keenan, Matthew J. Weiss, Kim Werestiuk, Stephen Beed, Andreas H. Kramer, Joann Kawchuk, Pierre Cardinal, Sonny Dhanani, Ken Lotherington, Giuseppe Pagliarello, Michaël Chassé, Mary Gatien, Kim Parsons, Jennifer A. Chandler, Peter Nickerson, Sam D. Shemie
What does “brainstem death” mean? A review of international protocols
- Reports of Original Investigations
W. E. Spears, Ariane Lewis, Azza Bakkar, Elana Kreiger-Benson, Andrew Kumpfbeck, Jordan Liebman, Gene Sung, Sylvia Torrance, Sam D. Shemie, David M. Greer
Legal considerations for the definition of death in the 2023 Canadian Brain-Based Definition of Death Clinical Practice Guideline
- Open Access
- Review Article/Brief Review
Jennifer A. Chandler, Thaddeus M. Pope
Diagnostic test accuracy for cessation of circulation during death determination: a systematic review
- Open Access
- Review Article/Brief Review
Jennifer A. Klowak, Anna-Lisa V. Nguyen, Abdullah Malik, Laura Hornby, Christopher J. Doig, Joann Kawchuk, Mypinder Sekhon, Sonny Dhanani
Brain-based arterial pulse pressure threshold for death determination: a systematic review
- Open Access
- Review Article/Brief Review
Saptharishi Lalgudi Ganesan, Laura Hornby, Matthew Weiss, Kirk Dawe, Chelsea Lanos, Krista Wollny, Sonny Dhanani, Teneille Gofton
Autoresuscitation after circulatory arrest: an updated systematic review
- Open Access
- Review Article/Brief Review
David J. Zorko, Jonah Shemie, Laura Hornby, Gurmeet Singh, Shauna Matheson, Ryan Sandarage, Krista Wollny, Lalida Kongkiattikul, Sonny Dhanani
Potential pharmacological confounders in the setting of death determined by neurologic criteria: a narrative review
- Open Access
- Review Article/Brief Review
Salmaan Kanji, David Williamson, Michael Hartwick
Navigating disagreement and conflict in the context of a brain-based definition of death
- Open Access
- Review Article/Brief Review
Christy Simpson, Katarina Lee-Ameduri, Michael Hartwick, Randi Zlotnik Shaul, Aly Kanji, Andrew Healey, Nicholas B. Murphy, Thaddeus M. Pope
Diagnostic accuracy of ancillary tests for death by neurologic criteria: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Open Access
- Review Article/Brief Review
Joel Neves Briard, Roy Nitulescu, Émile Lemoine, Polina Titova, Lauralyn McIntyre, Shane W. English, Greg Knoll, Sam D. Shemie, Claudio Martin, Alexis F. Turgeon, François Lauzier, Dean A. Fergusson, Michaël Chassé
Ancillary investigations for death determination in infants and children: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Open Access
- Review Article/Brief Review
Nicole K. McKinnon, Christina Maratta, Lionel S. Zuckier, J. Gordon Boyd, Michaël Chassé, Laura Hornby, Andreas Kramer, Julie Kromm, Owen T. Mooney, Prakash Muthusami, Roy Nitulescu, Jaewoo Park, Marat Slessarev, John Basmaji
Ancillary radionuclide perfusion studies in the determination of death by neurologic criteria: methods, interpretation, and lexicon—a user guide for the clinician
- Open Access
- Review Article/Brief Review
Lionel S. Zuckier, Nicole K. McKinnon
Infratentorial brain injury and death by neurologic criteria in Canada: a narrative review
- Open Access
- Review Article/Brief Review
Sam D. Shemie, Joel Neves Briard, J. Gordon Boyd, Tenielle Gofton, Andreas Kramer, Michaël Chassé, Shaurya Taran, Priti Gros, Jeffrey M. Singh
The reticular activating system: a narrative review of discovery, evolving understanding, and relevance to current formulations of brain death
- Open Access
- Review Article/Brief Review
Shaurya Taran, Priti Gros, Teneille Gofton, Gordon Boyd, Joel Neves Briard, Michaël Chassé, Jeffrey M. Singh
Delayed recovery from severe refractory intracranial hypertension due to expansion of skin and pericranium stretch after decompressive craniectomy
- Case Reports / Case Series
Ellery T. Cunan, Roy W. R. Dudley, Sam D. Shemie
Radionuclide scintigraphy as an ancillary test for death determination in infants under two months of age
- Correspondence
Nicole K. McKinnon, John Basmaji