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Child's Nervous System

Ausgabe 8/2022

Inhalt (34 Artikel)

Henry Gray (1827–1861): the great author of the most widely used resource in medical education

  • Cover Editorial

Özge Coşkun, Gkionoul Nteli Chatzioglou, Adnan Öztürk

Treatment of unruptured dissecting aneurysm in a 4-year-old child

  • Letter to the Editor

Chao Peng, Yan Zhao, Xin-yu Yang

Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumour in the pineal and suprasellar regions: report of 2 cases and review of the literature

  • Letter to the Editor

Thamires Coutinho Marques, Rangel de Sousa Costa, Simone Rachid de Souza, Diogo Goulart Corrêa

Life-threatening idiopathic intracranial hypertension: the role of venous sinus stenting

  • Case-Based Review

Estrella Barrero Ruiz, Sara Iglesias Moroño, Bienvenido Ros López, Antonio Morales Martinez, Teresa Díaz, Miguel Ángel Arráez Sánchez

Intraoperative MRI versus intraoperative ultrasound in pediatric brain tumor surgery: is expensive better than cheap? A review of the literature

  • Review Article

Carlo Giussani, Andrea Trezza, Vittorio Ricciuti, Andrea Di Cristofori, Andrea Held, Valeria Isella, Maura Massimino

Low occurrence of long-term subsequent fusion in pediatric patients following decompressive surgery for Chiari malformation: an institutional review

  • Review Paper

Panagiotis Kerezoudis, Megan C. Everson, Kai J. Miller, David J. Daniels, Edward S. Ahn

Protocol for the multicentre prospective paediatric craniectomy and cranioplasty registry (pedCCR) under the auspices of the European Society for Paediatric Neurosurgery (ESPN)

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Thomas Beez, Martin U. Schuhmann, Paolo Frassanito, Federico Di Rocco, Ulrich W. Thomale, Hans Christoph Bock

Left-handedness should not be overrated as a risk factor for postoperative speech impairment in children after posterior fossa tumour surgery: a prospective European multicentre study

  • Original Article

Jonathan Kjær Grønbæk, Aske Foldbjerg Laustsen, Sebastian Toescu, Barry Pizer, Conor Mallucci, Kristian Aquilina, Emanuela Molinari, Magnus Aasved Hjort, Lingvita Gumbeleviciene, Peter Hauser, Beatrix Pálmafy, Kirsten van Baarsen, Eelco Hoving, Julian Zipfel, Christoffer Ehrstedt, Pernilla Grillner, Michael Thude Callesen, Radek Frič, Morten Wibroe, Karsten Nysom, Kjeld Schmiegelow, Astrid Sehested, René Mathiasen, Marianne Juhler, Jonathan Kjær Grønbæk, Morten Wibroe, Sebastian Toescu, Radek Frič, Lisbeth Nørgaard Møller, Pernilla Grillner, Bengt Gustavsson, Conor Mallucci, Kristian Aquilina, Emanuela Molinari, Magnus Aasved Hjort, Mia Westerholm-Ormio, Rosita Kiudeliene, Katalin Mudra, Peter Hauser, Kirsten van Baarsen, Eelco Hoving, Julian Zipfel, Karsten Nysom, Kjeld Schmiegelow, Astrid Sehested, Marianne Juhler, René Mathiasen, Mimi Kjærsgaard, Lars Bøgeskov, Jane Skjøth-Rasmussen, John Hauerberg Tamm, Lars Poulsgaard, Thora Gudrunardottir, Sylvester Klöcker Grønbæk, Alberte Blichfeldt, Felix Nicolai Raben-Levetzau, Michael Thude Callesen, Mathias Rathe, Rikke Bassø Klokker, Gorm von Oettingen, Torben Mikkelsen, Louise Tram Henriksen, Søren Cortnum, Kamilla Tofting-Olesen, Atte Karppinen, Kristin Solem, Ingrid Kristin Torsvik, Ann-Karin Mosand, Line Rapp Simonsen, Christoffer Ehrstedt, Ingela Kristiansen, Karin Fritzson, Line Balestrand Haga, Hege Kristine Fagerholt, Helene Stömqvist Blixt, Hanna Sundgren, Yvonne Håkansson, Charlotte Castor, Per Nyman, Anne Wretman, Pelle Nilsson, Ann-Christin Björklund, Magnus Sabel, Inga-Lill Haij, Frans Nilsson, Hanna Olausson, Claire Cummings, Jade Flemming, Deborah Afolabi, Kim Phipps, Ian Kamaly, Sharon Williams, Noor-ul-Owase Jeelani, Donald McArthur, Elisabeth Wiles, David Walker, Rebecca Cooper, Greg Fellows, Lizzy Hoole, Kirsty Slater, Jothy Kandasamy, Rachel McAndrew, Katie McLaughlin, Martin Schumann, Shivaram Avula, Barry Pizer, Giedre Rutkauskiene, Algimantas Matukevicius, Leonie van den Abbeele, Balázs Markia, Beatrix Pálmafy, Niels Clausen, Karen Margrethe Ottosen Møller, Harald Thomassen, Johan Cappelen, Einar Stensvold, Irene Devennay, Tuula Lönnqvist, Kristiina Nordfors, Päivi Lähteenmäki, Aske Foldbjerg Laustsen

CT-based morphologic and radiomics features for the classification of MYCN gene amplification status in pediatric neuroblastoma

  • Original Article

Eelin Tan, Khurshid Merchant, Bhanu Prakash KN, Arvind CS, Joseph J. Zhao, Seyed Ehsan Saffari, Poh Hwa Tan, Phua Hwee Tang

EMR adoption in Dhaka, Bangladesh: a template to index pediatric central nervous system tumor care and a review of preliminary neuro-oncologic observations

  • Original Article

Sudipta Kumer Mukherjee, Daniel J. Olivieri, Sarosh Irfan Madhani, Christopher M. Bonfield, Edith Mbabazi, D. M. Arman, Michael C. Dewan, Sheikh Muhammad Ekramullah

Pediatric vestibular schwannoma without evidence of neurofibromatosis: consecutive 18 microsurgical experiences

  • Original Article

Ken Matsushima, Michihiro Kohno, Norio Ichimasu, Nobuyuki Nakajima, Masanori Yoshino

Clinical and humanistic burden among pediatric patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 and plexiform neurofibroma in the USA

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Xiaoqin Yang, Hyun Kyoo Yoo, Suvina Amin, Wendy Y. Cheng, Sanjana Sundaresan, Lujia Zhang, Mei Sheng Duh

Assessment of gait quality and efficiency after undergoing a single-event multilevel surgery in children with cerebral palsy presenting an intoeing gait pattern

  • Original Article

Gabriel Moisan, Alice Bonnefoy-Mazure, Géraldo De Coulon, Anne Tabard-Fougère, Stéphane Armand, Katia Turcot

Pediatric craniocervical fusion: predictors of surgical outcomes, risk of recurrence, and re-operation

  • Original Article

Ahoud Alharbi, Nada Alnefaie, Ali Alkhaibary, Adibah Aledrees, Wedad H. Almadani, Modhi Alhussenan, Sami Khairy, Wael Alshaya

Normocephalic sagittal craniosynostosis in young children is common and unrecognized

  • Original Article

M. Manrique, E. Mantilla-Rivas, M. S. Rana, H. Crowder, N. Oh, A. K. Oh, R. F. Keating, G. F. Rogers

Treatment of spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma in children: analysis of 25 cases

  • Original Article

Peng Sun, Jiaxing Yu, Yang Liu, Mading Zhou, Yutong Liu, Jianxin Du, Xinglong Zhi, Gao Zeng

Optic nerve ultrasonography in the evaluation of the relationship between arachnoid cyst and headache

  • Original Article

Esra Sarigecili, Sevcan Bilen, Sinem Sari Gokay, Habibe K. O. C. Ucar, Okan Dilek

Investigating the landscape and trajectory of spina bifida research in Asia: a bibliometric analysis

  • Original Article

Mary Nadine Alessandra R. Uy, Ourlad Alzeus G. Tantengco

Giant cystic hypothalamic hamartoma in an infant associated with persistent syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

  • Case Report

Andy Yu-Der Wang, Tai-Tong Wong, Kevin Li-Chun Hsieh, Min-Lan Tsai, Chen Yang

Complete functional recovery in a child after endovascular treatment of basilar artery occlusion caused by spontaneous dissection: a case report

  • Open Access
  • Case Report

Ljubisa Borota, Sylwia Libard, Markus Fahlström, Francesco Latini, Erik Lundström

Solid-variant aneurysmal bone cysts in the craniofacial skeleton: the role of genomic analysis

  • Case Report

William A. Lambert, Sophia Angelo, Markus J. Bookland, Belachew Tessema, Fabiola Balarezo, David S. Hersh

Pineal anlage tumor: a case report and review of the literature

  • Case Report

Eduardo Cambruzzi, Mateus Scarabelot Medeiros, Jose Nathan Andrade Muller da Silva, Gabriella Bezerra Cortês Nascimento, Natália Brandelli Zandoná, Willian Pegoraro Kus

Hydatid cyst in the third ventricle of the brain: case report of an exceptionally rare condition

  • Case Report

Kais Maamri, Ines Cherif, Amine Trifa, Nessrine Nessib, Ghassen Elkahla, Mehdi Darmoul

Leptomeningeal and subependymal seeding of diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: a case report

  • Case Report

Muhammad Arifin Parenrengi, Resi Prastikarunia, Wihasto Suryaningtyas

Bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome in mucopolysaccharidosis type II: a case report

  • Case Report

Pablo Martín-Juste, Isabel Parada-Avendaño, Victoria E. Gómez-Palacio, Jorge Gil-Albarova

Neu im Fachgebiet Chirurgie

Ab sofort gelten die neuen Verordnungsausnahmen für Lipidsenker

Freie Fahrt für Lipidsenker? Das nicht, doch mit niedrigerem Schwellenwert fürs Infarktrisiko und neuen Indikationen hat der G-BA die Verordnungs-Handbremse ein gutes Stück weit gelockert.

Appendizitis und Darminfarkt durch Blinddarm-Lipom

Eigentlich sind Lipome recht harmlos. Im Zäkum können sie jedoch erhebliche Komplikationen mit Darminfarkt und Appendizitis verursachen.

Gluteuslappen nach Rektumkarzinom-Op. schützt vor Abszessen

Die Wunddeckung mit einem autologen Rotationslappen nach Entfernung eines Rektumkarzinoms konnte in einer randomisierten Studie gegenüber dem primären Wundverschluss vor allem in einer Hinsicht punkten: Sie führte deutlich seltener zu präsakralen Abszessen.


MedTalk Leitlinie KOMPAKT: S3-Leitline zu peripheren Nervenverletzungen

  • Webinar | 10.02.2025 | 13:00

Über den Weg zur finalen Fassung der S3-Leitlinie "Versorgung peripherer Nervenverletzungen" spricht Prof. Dr. Leila Harhaus-Wähner im MedTalk Leitlinie KOMPAKT. In dem kurzen Video geht es darum, was sich im Vergleich zur vorigen Fassung der Leitlinie geändert hat, welche Aspekte für die tägliche Praxis besonders wichtig sind und was jeder gemäß Leitlinie nun anders oder besser machen sollte.

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