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06.10.2020 | How To Do It

Chondrotomy and sternotomy combined with the Nuss procedure for severe asymmetric pectus excavatum: how to do it

verfasst von: Hisako Kuyama, Sadashige Uemura, Atsushi Yoshida

Erschienen in: Surgery Today | Ausgabe 7/2021

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The correction of severe asymmetric pectus excavatum is still challenging, especially for adults with a rigid thorax. For the repair of asymmetric cases, we introduce our surgical techniques added to the Nuss procedure. Chondrotomy of the depressed and deformed costal cartilage to elevate the depressed side was performed in a 42-year-old female patient. The depressed chest wall was directly elevated using pectus bars. Her sternal rotation angle improved from 27° to 15° after bar removal. In a 26-year-old male patient, oblique sternotomy and chondrotomy were performed. The sternal rotation angle improved from 26° to 9° postoperatively. These techniques were effective for correcting severe asymmetric pectus excavatum in adults.
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Chondrotomy and sternotomy combined with the Nuss procedure for severe asymmetric pectus excavatum: how to do it
verfasst von
Hisako Kuyama
Sadashige Uemura
Atsushi Yoshida
Springer Singapore
Erschienen in
Surgery Today / Ausgabe 7/2021
Print ISSN: 0941-1291
Elektronische ISSN: 1436-2813

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