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17.02.2020 | Commentary

“Choosing Wisely” for Cancer Care in India

verfasst von: C. S. Pramesh, Harit Chaturvedi, Vijay Anand Reddy, Tapan Saikia, Sushmita Ghoshal, Mrinalini Pandit, K. Govind Babu, K. V. Ganpathy, Dhairyasheel Savant, Gunita Mitera, Richard Sullivan, Christopher M. Booth, on behalf of the National Cancer Grid of India

Erschienen in: Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology | Ausgabe 1/2020

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Choosing Wisely India(CWI) is an initiative to identify low-value and / or potentially harmful practices in cancer care in India. Modelled after Choosing Wisely in the U.S. and Canada [13], the CWI project was intended to facilitate a conversation between patients, clinicians, hospitals and policy makers on delivering high quality, affordable cancer care. By identifying common low-value and/or harmful practices this process aims to reduce unnecessary interventions to improve overall quality of care, reduce patient toxicity and reduce the financial burden on both the patient and system. The formal CWI report has been recently published in Lancet Oncology [4]; in this commentary we provide a summary of the process, describe the Top 10 CWI list, and offer suggestions for future actions to improve the delivery of high quality cancer in India’s cancer system. …
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Zurück zum Zitat Mitera G, Earle C, Latosinsky S et al (2015) Choosing wisely Canada cancer list: ten low-value or harmful practices that should be avoided in cancer care. J Oncol Pract 11:e296–e303CrossRef Mitera G, Earle C, Latosinsky S et al (2015) Choosing wisely Canada cancer list: ten low-value or harmful practices that should be avoided in cancer care. J Oncol Pract 11:e296–e303CrossRef
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Zurück zum Zitat Levinson W, Born K, Wolfson D (2018) Choosing wisely campaigns: a work in Progress. JAMA 319:1975–1976CrossRef Levinson W, Born K, Wolfson D (2018) Choosing wisely campaigns: a work in Progress. JAMA 319:1975–1976CrossRef
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“Choosing Wisely” for Cancer Care in India
verfasst von
C. S. Pramesh
Harit Chaturvedi
Vijay Anand Reddy
Tapan Saikia
Sushmita Ghoshal
Mrinalini Pandit
K. Govind Babu
K. V. Ganpathy
Dhairyasheel Savant
Gunita Mitera
Richard Sullivan
Christopher M. Booth
on behalf of the National Cancer Grid of India
Springer India
Erschienen in
Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology / Ausgabe 1/2020
Print ISSN: 0975-7651
Elektronische ISSN: 0976-6952

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