During normal fetal development, the two Müllerian ducts fuse to form the uterus. When there is a failure of normal development of one of the two Müllerian ducts, a congenital anomaly of the female reproductive system occurs known as a unicornuate (single-horn) uterus. Due to the curved, elongated uterine shape diverging to one pelvic side, mimicking a banana (Fig. 1), the term banana-shaped uterus (Fig. 2) has been used interchangeably to describe this type of abnormality [1]. As a result, the normally developed Müllerian duct will display one cervix and one vagina, a unilateral fallopian tube, and normal myometrial zonal anatomy [2].
Fig. 1
A photograph depicting a banana
Fig. 2
A Axial Turbo Spin Echo (TSE) T2-weighted non-fat saturated image depicts a single-horn (also known as banana-shaped) uterus. Note the curved, elongated shape that the uterus assumes, diverging to one pelvic side (in this example, the right side), which mimics the shape of a banana. B The same axial T2 image as in part (A) is depicted, with the addition of a banana overlaying the uterus to further illustrate the metaphorical description of this example
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