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16.07.2022 | Original Article

Clinical feasibility of the Q1.6 Inguinal Hernia application: a prospective cohort study

verfasst von: L. van Hout, W. J. V. Bökkerink, P. W. H. E. Vriens

Erschienen in: Hernia | Ausgabe 2/2023

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Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) are essential to evaluate inguinal hernia surgery. There is a need for digital and disease-specific PRO measurement. Current measuring instruments (PROMs) have several disadvantages, for example, fixed measuring moments with a chance of recall bias. The Q1.6 Inguinal Hernia application has been developed to overcome these challenges. This pilot study reports the first clinical feasibility results.


All surgically treated inguinal hernia patients were eligible for inclusion. The application uses “twitch crowdsourcing”; after unlocking a smartphone or tablet, a single short question is asked. This can easily be repeated multiple times a day/week/month. Questions from validated questionnaires were implemented. The adaptive question engine generates an individualised set of questions. Alerts are generated when a complication is suspected.


A total of 229 patients were given over 50.000 questions of which 92% were answered. Pre- and postoperative patient characteristics and their reported clinical outcomes confirmed a standard inguinal hernia population. Compliance with the application was 91.7% after 14 days, 69.0% after 3 months and 28.8% after one year. After months 3, 6 and 11, respectively, 3.0%, 4.4% and 4.5% of patients reported inguinal pain or discomfort (NRS ≥ 4). Patients were highly satisfied (92.8% preferred the app over standard care).


This smartphone application shows promising results for clinical practice. It might allow for continuous digital patient-reported outcome measurement using non-intrusive, concise questions. Remote monitoring may become standard postoperative care after (inguinal hernia) surgery. The current application will be further improved and evaluated for cost-effectiveness, safety and validity.
Nur mit Berechtigung zugänglich
Zurück zum Zitat Simons MP, de Lange D, Beets GL et al (2003) Richtlijn “Liesbreuk” van de Nederlandse vereniging voor heelkunde [The “Inguinal Hernia” guideline of the association of surgeons of the Netherlands]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 147(43):2111–2117PubMed Simons MP, de Lange D, Beets GL et al (2003) Richtlijn “Liesbreuk” van de Nederlandse vereniging voor heelkunde [The “Inguinal Hernia” guideline of the association of surgeons of the Netherlands]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 147(43):2111–2117PubMed
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Zurück zum Zitat Nguyen N, Leveille E, Guadagno E, Kalisya LM, Poenaru D 2020 Use of mobile health technologies for postoperative care in paediatric surgery A systematic review. J Telemed Telecare 28(5):331-341 Nguyen N, Leveille E, Guadagno E, Kalisya LM, Poenaru D 2020 Use of mobile health technologies for postoperative care in paediatric surgery A systematic review. J Telemed Telecare 28(5):331-341
Zurück zum Zitat Hong TH, Kim MK, Ryu DJ, Park JS, Bae GC, Jeon YS (2021) The Reliability of remote patient-reported outcome measures via mobile apps to replace outpatient visits after rotator cuff repair surgery: repetitive test-retest comparison study for 1-year follow-up. J Med Internet Res. 23(3):e20989. Hong TH, Kim MK, Ryu DJ, Park JS, Bae GC, Jeon YS (2021) The Reliability of remote patient-reported outcome measures via mobile apps to replace outpatient visits after rotator cuff repair surgery: repetitive test-retest comparison study for 1-year follow-up. J Med Internet Res. 23(3):e20989. https://​doi.​org/​10.​2196/​20989CrossRefPubMedPubMedCentral
Clinical feasibility of the Q1.6 Inguinal Hernia application: a prospective cohort study
verfasst von
L. van Hout
W. J. V. Bökkerink
P. W. H. E. Vriens
Springer Paris
Erschienen in
Hernia / Ausgabe 2/2023
Print ISSN: 1265-4906
Elektronische ISSN: 1248-9204

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