An increasing incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) is being reported in developing countries, including India. Most Indian studies on CRC are retrospective and single-centered. The present study is an attempt to understand the current clinical profile and stage of newly diagnosed CRCs across multiple centers in Tamil Nadu, India.
A multi-centric observational survey was conducted between September 1, 2021, and August 31, 2022, under the aegis of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology - Tamil Nadu chapter. Patients 18 years of age and older with a recent diagnosis of CRC fulfilling the inclusion criteria were prospectively recruited at the participating centers. Their demographic, clinical, biochemical, endoscopic, histopathologic, radiologic and risk factor details were systematically collected and analyzed.
Across 23 centers in Tamil Nadu, 1208 patients were recruited. The male:female ratio was 1.49:1, while mean (SD) age was 57.7 (13.5) years. A majority (81.9%) were Tamils and 78.5% belonged to lower socioeconomic classes. The predominant symptoms were hematochezia (30.2%) and a change in bowel habits (27.5%). The most common locations were the rectum (34.3%) and rectosigmoid (15.1%). Synchronous CRCs were seen in 3.3% and synchronous colorectal polyps in 12.8%. Predisposing factors for CRC were seen in 2%. A past history of any cancer among CRC patients was obtained in 3.1% and a family history of any cancer was found in 7.6%. Patients who were either overweight or obese constituted 46.4% of the study population. At presentation, the predominant stages were stage III (44.7%) and stage IV (20.8%).
A majority of patients with newly diagnosed CRC in Tamil Nadu belonged to the lower socioeconomic classes. About 60% had CRCs located within the reach of the flexible sigmoidoscope. Two-thirds of the patients exceeded stage II disease at presentation.
Trial registration
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Clinical profile of 1208 newly diagnosed colorectal cancer patients in Tamil Nadu—A multi-centric survey
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