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11.09.2024 | Original Article

Cognitive activity analysis of Parkinson’s patients using artificial intelligence techniques

verfasst von: Bahar Demir, Sinem Ayna Altuntaş, İlke Kurt, Sezer Ulukaya, Oğuzhan Erdem, Sibel Güler, Cem Uzun

Erschienen in: Neurological Sciences | Ausgabe 1/2025

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The development of modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) based models for the early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been gaining deep attention by researchers recently. In particular, the use of different types of datasets (voice, hand movements, gait, etc.) increases the variety of up-to-date models. Movement disorders and tremors are also among the most prominent symptoms of PD. The usage of drawings in the detection of PD can be a crucial decision-support approach that doctors can benefit from.


A dataset was created by asking 40 PD and 40 Healthy Controls (HC) to draw spirals with and without templates using a special tablet. The patient-healthy distinction was achieved by classifying drawings of individuals using Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), and Naive Bayes (NB) algorithms. Prior to classification, the data were normalized by applying the min-max normalization method. Moreover, Leave-One-Subject-Out (LOSO) Cross-Validation (CV) approach was utilized to eliminate possible overfitting scenarios. To further improve the performances of classifiers, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) dimension reduction technique were also applied to the raw data and the results were compared accordingly.


The highest accuracy among machine learning based classifiers was obtained as 90% with SVM classifier using non-template drawings with PCA application.


The model can be used as a pre-evaluation system in the clinic as a non-invasive method that also minimizes environmental and educational level differences by using simple hand gestures such as hand drawing, writing numbers, words, and syllables. As a result of our study, preliminary preparation has been made so that hand drawing analysis can be used as an auxiliary system that can save time for health professionals. We plan to work on more comprehensive data in the future.
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Zurück zum Zitat Nõmm S, Bardõš K, Toomela A, Medijainen K, Taba P (2018) Detailed analysis of the luria’s alternating series tests for Parkinson’s disease diagnostics. In: 2018 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), IEEE, pp 1347–1352. Nõmm S, Bardõš K, Toomela A, Medijainen K, Taba P (2018) Detailed analysis of the luria’s alternating series tests for Parkinson’s disease diagnostics. In: 2018 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), IEEE, pp 1347–1352. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1109/​ICMLA.​2018.​00219
Cognitive activity analysis of Parkinson’s patients using artificial intelligence techniques
verfasst von
Bahar Demir
Sinem Ayna Altuntaş
İlke Kurt
Sezer Ulukaya
Oğuzhan Erdem
Sibel Güler
Cem Uzun
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
Neurological Sciences / Ausgabe 1/2025
Print ISSN: 1590-1874
Elektronische ISSN: 1590-3478

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