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Comparison of 4-factor PCC reversal of apixaban and rivaroxaban versus warfarin for intracranial hemorrhage

verfasst von: Stacy Pasciolla, Kevin Wojcik, Tapan Kavi, Danielle Green, Hamza Shaikh, Brian Jankowitz, Lauren A. Igneri

Erschienen in: Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis | Ausgabe 1/2022

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The purpose of this study is to assess efficacy of 4-factor prothrombin complex concentrates (4F-PCC) for direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC)-associated intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) as compared to its use in warfarin-associated ICH. A retrospective cohort study was performed to compare the efficacy of 4F-PCC for reversal of apixaban and rivaroxaban versus warfarin for ICH at Cooper University Health Care from January 2015 to December 2019. Patients included were ≥ 18 years of age who developed an ICH while on apixaban, rivaroxaban, or warfarin. The primary outcome was to compare the percentage of patients with Excellent or Good hemostatic efficacy after 4F-PCC administration. Secondary outcomes were to describe functional outcomes at discharge, in-hospital mortality, and thrombotic complications after 4F-PCC administration. A total of 159 patients were included; 115 patients received warfarin and 44 patients received a DOAC (apixaban, n = 22; rivaroxaban, n = 22). 70 patients were evaluable for the primary endpoint. Thirty-four (66.7%) patients in the warfarin group versus 14 (73.7%) patients in the DOAC group were determined to have excellent or good hemostatic efficacy (p = 0.57). In-hospital mortality (30.4% vs. 40.9%, p = 0.21) and thrombotic complications (9.6% vs. 11.4%, p = 0.67) were comparable between the warfarin vs. DOAC groups, respectively. This small, retrospective study found no difference in patients with excellent/good hemostatic efficacy after reversal with 4F-PCC for DOAC-associated ICH compared to warfarin-associated ICH. This study is limited by its retrospective nature and sample size. Larger, prospective studies are needed to further determine the efficacy of 4F-PCC in reversing DOAC-associated ICH.
Nur mit Berechtigung zugänglich
Zurück zum Zitat Agnelli G, Buller HR, Cohen A et al (2013) Oral apixaban for the treatment of acute venous thromboembolism. N Engl J Med 369(9):799–808CrossRef Agnelli G, Buller HR, Cohen A et al (2013) Oral apixaban for the treatment of acute venous thromboembolism. N Engl J Med 369(9):799–808CrossRef
Comparison of 4-factor PCC reversal of apixaban and rivaroxaban versus warfarin for intracranial hemorrhage
verfasst von
Stacy Pasciolla
Kevin Wojcik
Tapan Kavi
Danielle Green
Hamza Shaikh
Brian Jankowitz
Lauren A. Igneri
Springer US
Erschienen in
Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis / Ausgabe 1/2022
Print ISSN: 0929-5305
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-742X

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