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25.10.2021 | Annotated Sequence Record

Complete genome sequence of a novel marafivirus infecting pearl millet in Burkina Faso

verfasst von: Essowè Palanga, Ezechiel Bionimian Tibiri, Martine Bangratz, Denis Filloux, Charlotte Julian, Agnès Pinel-Galzi, Moustapha Koala, James Bouma Néya, Christophe Brugidou, Fidèle Tiendrébéogo, Philippe Roumagnac, Eugénie Hébrard

Erschienen in: Archives of Virology | Ausgabe 1/2022

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Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) is a staple food that is widely cultivated in sub-Saharan Africa. In August 2018, a survey was conducted in the main producing regions of Burkina Faso, and leaf samples were analyzed using virion-associated nucleic acid (VANA)-based metagenomic approach and Illumina sequencing. A new virus, tentatively named “Pennisetum glaucum marafivirus” (PGMV), was detected, and its complete nucleotide sequence of 6364 nucleotides was determined. The sequence contains a large open reading frame (ORF) encoding a polyprotein of 224.2 kDa with five domains (methyltransferase, papain-like protease, helicase, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, and coat proteins), typical of marafiviruses. Additionally, a characteristic conserved marafibox domain was detected in the genome. The nucleotide sequence of the complete PGMV genome shares 68.5% identity with that of sorghum bicolor marafivirus, and its coat protein shares 58.5% identity with that of oat blue dwarf virus. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that the pearl millet virus is unambiguously grouped with members of the genus Marafivirus in the family Tymoviridae. This is the first report on the occurrence of a marafivirus in pearl millet.
Nur mit Berechtigung zugänglich
Zurück zum Zitat Fauquet C, Thouvenel JC (1987) Maladies virales des plantes en Côte d'Ivoire = Plant viral diseases in the Ivory Coast. ORSTOM, Paris, Initiations—Documentations Techniques No 46, p 344 (ISBN 2-7099-0846-8) Fauquet C, Thouvenel JC (1987) Maladies virales des plantes en Côte d'Ivoire = Plant viral diseases in the Ivory Coast. ORSTOM, Paris, Initiations—Documentations Techniques No 46, p 344 (ISBN 2-7099-0846-8)
Zurück zum Zitat Wilson JP (1999) Pearl millet diseases: a compilation of Information on the Known Pathogens of Pearl Millet Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Agriculture Handbook No 176 Wilson JP (1999) Pearl millet diseases: a compilation of Information on the Known Pathogens of Pearl Millet Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Agriculture Handbook No 176
Zurück zum Zitat Dreher TW, Edwards MC, Gibbs AJ, Haenni A-L, Hammond RW Jupin I, Koenig R, Sabanadzovic S, Martelli GP (2012) Family Tymoviridae. In: King AMQ, Adams MJ, Carstens EB, Lefkowitz EJ (eds) Virus taxonomy. Ninth Report of the International committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Elsevier Academic Press, Oxford, pp 944–952. Dreher TW, Edwards MC, Gibbs AJ, Haenni A-L, Hammond RW Jupin I, Koenig R, Sabanadzovic S, Martelli GP (2012) Family Tymoviridae. In: King AMQ, Adams MJ, Carstens EB, Lefkowitz EJ (eds) Virus taxonomy. Ninth Report of the International committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Elsevier Academic Press, Oxford, pp 944–952. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1016/​B978-0-12-384684-6.​00136-1
Complete genome sequence of a novel marafivirus infecting pearl millet in Burkina Faso
verfasst von
Essowè Palanga
Ezechiel Bionimian Tibiri
Martine Bangratz
Denis Filloux
Charlotte Julian
Agnès Pinel-Galzi
Moustapha Koala
James Bouma Néya
Christophe Brugidou
Fidèle Tiendrébéogo
Philippe Roumagnac
Eugénie Hébrard
Springer Vienna
Erschienen in
Archives of Virology / Ausgabe 1/2022
Print ISSN: 0304-8608
Elektronische ISSN: 1432-8798

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