Medical technology advancements, such as innovative medical devices and treatment procedures, have improved the quality of medical care and thus improved health outcomes and productivity during the past decades (Cutler & McClellan,
2001; Skinner & Staiger,
2015). At the same time, technological innovations have been indicated as a crucial factor in increasing healthcare spending overall in high income countries in Europe and in the United States (US) (Chandra & Skinner,
2012; Dieleman et al.,
2017; Dybczak & Przywara,
2010; Murthy & Ketenci,
2017; Neumann & Weinstein,
1991; Nghiem & Connelly,
2017; Okunade & Osmani,
2018). In a context with tight health budget constraints, the introduction of new technologies has thus been particularly scrutinized, through the development of health technology assessment (HTA) methods and their practical use, in several high-income countries, by drugs and devices regulation agencies.
However, few studies have quantified the effect of technological innovations due to lack of suitable empirical data and statistical methods, i.e., it was difficult to identify the scope of technologies to consider and evaluate their specific effect (e.g., types of technologies and what diseases they were applied to) (Chandra & Skinner,
2012; Dybczak & Przywara,
2010; Okunade & Osmani,
2018; Rodriguez Santana et al.,
2020). Essentially, innovations were often considered together with other non-controllable factors (represented by proxies) and their effects could not be separated in previous modelling efforts (Abrantes-Metz,
2012; Nghiem & Connelly,
2017). A scoping review identified 11 studies published after 2010 modelling the association between technological factors and healthcare expenditure (Table
S1 in Supplementary Materials summarizes the methods and outcomes for technological factors and other covariates). Using country- or region-level aggregate expenditure data for high income regions, these studies used regression analyses (with various modifications) (Abrantes-Metz,
2012; Bilgel & Tran,
2013; Murthy & Ketenci,
2017; Murthy & Okunade,
2016; Prieto & Lago-Peñas,
2012; Wu et al.,
2014; You & Okunade,
2017), decomposition method (Liu,
2020), extreme bound analysis (Hartwig & Sturm,
2014), and patient demand and supplier behaviour modelling (Chandra & Skinner,
2012). Except for one study that used technology indices derived from the use of specific medical devices (You & Okunade,
2017), authors used alternate proxies for technology advancements such as time and linear trends, residuals, and R&D expenditures. Yet, all studies identified technological innovations to be a statistically significant driver for healthcare expenditure growth. Three studies estimated the effect size: Abrantes-Metz identified the contribution of technology progress to be 32.3% as the upper bound in the US (Abrantes-Metz,
2012); Nghiem and Connelly concluded that technology progress drove 4% of health expenditure increase per year among Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, with this proportion accelerating over the study period (1975–2004) (Nghiem & Connelly,
2017); and Liu attributed 25% of the growth in diabetes treatment expenditure in Taiwan to technology innovations (Liu,
2020). These findings are however hard to compare due to variation in methods and variables (proxies) used. Measuring the precise contribution of new specific technologies to costs and outcomes is however essential, first to justify the need of regulating their adoption and diffusion, and second, as an input to the measurement of their value for money. Indeed, while the assessment of new technologies is performed before their implementation in real practice, based on clinical trials, several researchers and stakeholders have long been advocating for the use of real-world data for ex-post assessments (Garrison et al.,
2007). This paper contributes to this objective, showing that administrative data can be used for this purpose. In this study, we used inpatient administrative data for patients diagnosed with IHD in Portugal discharged between year 2002 and 2015 to estimate the contribution of change in high-technology procedure use to the per episode public healthcare expenditure, using the Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition approach.
Ischemic heart disease (IHD), also named coronary artery disease (CAD) or coronary heart disease (CHD), is a leading cause for population morbidity and mortality worldwide (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation,
2019; Roth et al.,
2020). IHD is responsible for one-third of deaths in people over 35 years of age (Nichols et al.,
2014), and causes more than half of all deaths across Europe (World Health Organization/Europe
2021). Novel therapeutic procedures have significantly reduced the complications and improved patient survival and quality of life during past decades (Dababneh & Goldstein,
2022; Roth et al.,
2020). New technologies were added to the standard treatment of IHD, such as coronary artery bypass grafting, coronary balloon angioplasty and thrombolysis. Other technologies that have become part of clinical practice include coronary angioplasty with bare-metal and drug-eluting stents, embolic protection devices, percutaneous ventricular support, robotic surgery, and nanotechnologies (Kandaswamy & Zuo,
2018; Lobo et al.,
2017). In Portugal, the age-adjusted mortality rate of IHD has been decreasing partly due to the use of novel technologies, especially those for better patient management in the acute phase (Pereira et al.,
2013). However, IHD remains the second leading cause of death in Portugal (38.40 per 100,000 by 2018) (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation,
2019). IHD causes large disability-adjusted life years (DALY) loss (6% of the country’s total DALYs in 2015) (Wilkins et al.,
2017) and carries a significant economic burden for the Portuguese health care system (Timóteo et al.,
Administrative inpatient data from the Portuguese National Health Service (NHS) hospitals include systematically collected information on patient characteristics, diagnosis, procedures, and discharge status. The healthcare reimbursement paid by the NHS to each hospital for each discharge (patient) is derived based on this information. These data thus provide an opportunity to identify any change in the use of novel therapeutic technologies and in public healthcare expenditure for treatment of IHD patients in Portugal, and any association between them. In this study, we used NHS administrative data for patients diagnosed with IHD in Portugal discharged between year 2002 and 2015 to estimate the contribution of change in high-technology procedures use to the per episode public healthcare expenditure, using the Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition approach. We used IHD for the case study considering the huge burden the disease causes in Portugal.
Our findings distinguished themselves from previous studies and added to existing knowledge in the following ways: (a) We took advantage of the administrative data that recorded patient and treatment details to derive healthcare expenditure on a per-case level, and to capture the effect of technological innovations using variables constructed directly based on use of specific high-technology procedures; (b) We identified the effect of new technologies on healthcare expenditure more precisely by focusing on a specific disease area; (c) We applied the Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition approach to quantify this effect, i.e., the contributions of new technologies to expenditure growth. To our knowledge, this is the first study that focuses on the drivers of economic burden for IHD treatment. Based on reliable data and novel analytical methods, our findings would provide information on how to measure the economic value of new medical technologies, and thus contribute to a better resource allocation in the context of technology advancements and high burden from IHD.
We used inpatient administrative data on all discharges from all NHS hospitals, where the publicly financed health services are provided to all people living in Portugal (i.e., universal health coverage). No data is available to assess the representativeness of our sample, due to the inexistence of detailed treatment data for private hospitals. Note, however, that NHS hospitals covered two-thirds of all healthcare expenditure across Portugal for the 2002–2015 period, and that private hospitals were generally more devoted to less complex treatments, so that we expect our sample at NHS hospitals to cover most hospitalizations for cardiovascular diseases. We included all patients aged between 18 and 100 with the following principal diagnoses coded in International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM): acute myocardial infarction (AMI) (410.xx), unstable angina (UA) (411.1x), stable angina (SA) (413.0x, 314.1x, 413.9x), and other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease (other IHD) (414.xx, 412). These data recorded patient characteristics (age and sex), diagnoses (principal diagnosis and up to 19 secondary diagnoses), whether it was an emergency admission, treatments (up to 20 procedures), length of stay (LOS), and discharge status (whether the patient died), and administrative information (year of admission, and the name of location of the hospital).
Healthcare expenditure
We used the per capita healthcare expenditure from the NHS perspective, employing the unit prices used for reimbursement to NHS hospitals. The Diagnosis Related Group All Patients version 21 (DRG AP21) patient classification system was used to code the inpatient and day care episodes, serving as basis for hospital financing (Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde (ACSS),
2012; Urbano & Bentes,
1990). Adapted to the Portuguese NHS from its original version for the US, DRG AP21 groups patients into homogeneous classes in terms of the clinical features (e.g., diagnosis and disease complexity) and associated resource consumption. For each DRG, official lower and upper LOS thresholds are used to determine reimbursements. That is, the amount of reimbursement for each episode is determined by the DRG code and patient LOS: (a) For short stays (below the lower LOS threshold), the day session or daily price for the specific DRG is used; (b) for stays lasting between the corresponding lower and upper LOS thresholds, the inpatient price associated with the DRG is used; (c) for stays longer than the upper LOS threshold, the inpatient price is adjusted by adding the price for additional days of hospitalisation beyond the upper threshold. Prices and LOS thresholds are publicly available through ordinances; as ordinances (and thus, prices) are regularly updated, we used for each year the ordinance that was under application (Diário da República,
2018). A natural log transformation was applied to expenditure data to account for its non-negative right-skewed nature of distribution. All prices were inflated to 2021 euros (Statista,
New high-technology procedures
The list of high-technology procedures was determined based on published studies and expert opinion. A scooping literature review summarised the technology breakthroughs and newly approved therapeutic technologies for IHD for the period between 2002 and 2015 in Portugal (Lobo et al.,
2017). The preliminary list of treatment procedures and/or medical devices derived from this study was shared with one of the authors, a practicing cardiologist, who subjectively assessed as to which were the technological breakthroughs for treatment of IHD in Portugal between 2002 and 2015. We considered the following five procedures identified using ICD-9-CM codes: Embolic protection and coronary brachytherapy (00.66), bare-metal stent (36.06), drug-eluting stent (36.07), coronary artery bypass graft surgery and percutaneous ventricular support (36.10–36.19), and thrombolysis (99.10). The use of high-technology procedures was examined in two ways: (a) If the patient received at least one of these procedures (the variable values 1 if they receive any of the five procedures, zero otherwise); (b) if the patient received any of these five procedures separately (one variable was created for each procedure, with a value one if the patient has received it, zero otherwise).
Other patient characteristics were included for analysis as potential drivers for healthcare expenditure growth, namely patient sex, age, and comorbidities. Using the secondary diagnoses (comorbidities) coded by physicians based on patient records’ notes, we derived the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) to indicate the level of comorbidities for each record (Charlson et al.,
1987). CCI has been widely accepted as a predictor of patient prognosis and mortality for longitudinal studies and with electronic health care databases (Austin et al.,
2015; Bannay et al.,
2016; Charlson et al.,
1987)), and could also predict future healthcare expenditure (Charlson et al.,
2014). Binary variables for AMI, UA, and SA were created for subgroup analysis where applicable considering the heterogeneities between these disease subtypes. Whether the admission was an emergency and whether the patient died during the admission were also considered using binary variables. The gross domestic product (GDP) value per capita of Portugal each year was included to account for the income effect (World Bank n.d.). Hospital fixed effects were included to account for the potential heterogeneities in treatment practices, efficiency, and/or physicians’ experience.
Descriptive analysis
The following descriptive indicators were generated for all IHD patients and for each IHD subtype by year: total number of discharges across hospitals, per capita (per discharge) healthcare expenditure, percentage of patients treated by any of the high-technology procedures under analysis, and percentage of patients treated by each of the five high-technology procedures. These indicators were compared across sex, age categories, CCI score, LOS, type of admission or discharge, and type of procedure, using analysis of variance (ANOVA) analyses or chi-square tests. The time trend of average per capita healthcare expenditure per year over the study time horizon was estimated using linear regression. A significant increase in per episode public healthcare expenditure was identified during the 2007–2008 period among all patients with IHD and patients with AMI, UA, or SA, from descriptive statistics and the regression model (details on yearly change in per capital healthcare expenditure and statistical tests for yearly expenditure growth for these patients are presented in Tables
S5 in Supplementary Materials). We observed a few significant changes in per capita healthcare expenditure between years in these tables (at a 0.01
p-value threshold). Tables
S5 indicate a significant change in 2007 for all patients with IHD, AMI patients, and UA patients, and a significant change for SA patients in 2008 in per capital healthcare expenditure (at a 0.01
p-value threshold), compared to the non-significant changes in earlier years. Therefore, two time periods, namely 2002–2007 and 2008–2015 were considered adequate periods to use in decomposition analysis. Characteristics of the patients discharged in these two periods were generated and compared using t-test.
Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition
The Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition method decomposes the mean difference in economic outcomes based on linear regression models in a counterfactual manner (Blinder,
1973; Oaxaca,
1973). It divides the outcome differential between two groups into a part that is explained by differences in group characteristics, and a residual part that cannot be accounted for by such differences in outcome determinants and thus subsumes the unobserved predictors. This technique has been applied widely in labour economics and discrimination analyses (Chen and Zhang
2018; Hassan et al.,
2019; Karbeah,
2020). It has been used to understand the difference in other (continuous and unbounded) outcomes as well, such as inequalities in health (Green & Rowe,
2021; Sharaf & Rashad,
2016) and healthcare (Amporfu & Grépin,
2019). Previous studies have explained this approach (Jann,
2008; Rahimi & Hashemi Nazari,
2021). Briefly, the Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition, based on linear regressions of two groups, say A and B, intends to find how much of the mean difference in expected outcome, Y (the vector for all outcomes), is accounted for by group differences in the predictors:
$$Y_{l} = X^{\prime}_{l} \beta_{l} + \varepsilon_{l} ,E\left( {\varepsilon_{l} } \right) = 0\quad l \in \left( {A, B} \right)$$
where l is the group index, Xʹ is the transposition of X which is a vector containing the predictors and a constant, β contains the slope parameters and the intercept, and ε is the error term. The mean outcome difference can be expressed as the difference in the linear prediction at the group-specific means of the regressors,
$$R = E\left( {Y_{A} } \right) - E\left( {Y_{B} } \right) = E\left( {Y_{A} } \right)^\prime \beta_{A} - E\left( {Y_{B} } \right)^\prime \beta_{B}$$
where E(Y
A)ʹ and E(Y
B)ʹ are the transpositions of E(Y
A) and E(Y
B), respectively, and β
A and β
B contains the slopes and the intercept for group A and group B, respectively. This formula can be arranged into the form of a “twofold decomposition:”
$$Q = \left\{ {E\left( {X_{A} } \right) - E\left( {X_{B} } \right)} \right\}^\prime \beta^{*}$$
$$U = E\left( {X_{A} } \right)^\prime \left( {\beta_{A} - \beta^{*} } \right) + E\left( {X_{B} } \right)^\prime \left( {\beta^{*} - \beta_{B} } \right)$$
attributing the outcome differences to group differences in the predictors (“quality effect”, Q) and an unexplained part which is usually attributed to discrimination and captures all potential effects of differences in unobserved variables (U). This method considers a non-discriminatory coefficient vector used to determine the contribution of the differences in the predictors (β*).
We conducted twofold Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition analyses in Stata software, version 17 (StataCorp LP, College Station, Texas). We performed a preliminary mixed effect regression analysis on natural logarithm form of per episode healthcare expenditure considering patient sex, age (alternatively, if the patient was over 65 years old), and CCI, whether the case was urgent, whether patient died during visit, and the use of one or any of the high-technology procedures. Independent variables that did not have statistical significance nor face validity were excluded from further analysis. Then we used the following frameworks (individual-level models) as the basis for Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition analyses for groups of discharges in year 2002–2007 vs. year 2008–2015.
For all IHD patients:
$$LOG\left( {EXPD} \right)_{i,h} = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} GDP + \beta_{2} Age_{i,h} + \beta_{3} CCI_{i,h} + \beta_{4} TECH_{i,h} + \beta_{h} + \varepsilon_{i,h}$$
For AMI, UA, and SA patients (subgroup analyses):
$$LOG\left( {EXPD} \right)_{i,h} = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} GDP + \beta_{2} Age_{i,h} + \beta_{3} CCI_{i,h} + \beta_{4} TECH_{i,h} + \beta_{h} + \varepsilon_{i,h}$$
$$LOG\left( {EXPD} \right)_{i,h} = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} GDP + \beta_{2} Age_{i,h} + \beta_{3} CCI_{i,h} + \beta_{4} TECH1_{i,h} + \beta_{5} TECH2_{i,h} + \beta_{6} TECH3_{i,h} + \beta_{7} TECH4_{i,h} + \beta_{8} TECH5_{i,h} + \beta_{h} + \varepsilon_{i,h}$$
where i refers to individual in-patient episodes, h refers to hospitals, LOG(EXPD) is the natural logarithm form of per episode healthcare expenditure, GDP refers to the income effect, AGE is the patient’s age, CCI is patient’s comorbidity, β
h is the fixed effect of hospitals, TECH is a binary variable indicating if the patient was treated with at least one high-technology procedures, and TECH1–TECH5 are binary variables referring to use of each high-technology procedures considered, namely embolic protection and coronary brachytherapy, bare-metal stent, drug-eluting stent, CABG surgery and percutaneous ventricular support, and thrombolysis, respectively. Considering heterogeneities in disease symptom and treatment between AMI, UA, and SA, stratified analyses were performed. The robust option was used to correct for heteroscedasticity.
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