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25.07.2017 | CORR Insights

CORR Insights®: High Interspecimen Variability in Engagement of the Anterolateral Ligament: An In Vitro Cadaveric Study

verfasst von: Asbjørn Årøen, MD, PhD

Erschienen in: Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® | Ausgabe 10/2017

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Although ACL reconstruction has been successfully performed for the last three decades, only about 60% of patients return to their preinjury levels of activity [9]. Young athletes who return to sports too early or have incorrectly placed graft tunnels have an increased risk of reinjury. Recently, researchers have been exploring the biomechanical role of the anterolateral ligament (ALL), a secondary ligament of the knee that plays a role in rotatory stability. The Segond fracture, frequently observed on plain radiographs in an acute ACL injury, is believed to be a sign of ALL involvement as well [3, 6, 7]. …
Zurück zum Zitat Drews BH, Kessler O, Franz W, Durselen L, Freutel M. Function and strain of the anterolateral ligament part I: Biomechanical analysis. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017;25:1132–1139.CrossRefPubMed Drews BH, Kessler O, Franz W, Durselen L, Freutel M. Function and strain of the anterolateral ligament part I: Biomechanical analysis. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017;25:1132–1139.CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Inderhaug E, Stephen JM, Williams A, Amis AA. Biomechanical comparison of anterolateral procedures combined with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Am J Sports Med. 2017;45:347–354.CrossRefPubMed Inderhaug E, Stephen JM, Williams A, Amis AA. Biomechanical comparison of anterolateral procedures combined with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Am J Sports Med. 2017;45:347–354.CrossRefPubMed
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Zurück zum Zitat Sonnery-Cottet B, Daggett M, Fayard JM, Ferretti A, Helito CP, Lind M, Monaco E, de Pádua VBC, Thaunat M, Wilson A, Zaffagnini S, Zijl J, Claes S. Anterolateral ligament expert group consensus paper on the management of internal rotation and instability of the anterior cruciate ligament - deficient knee. J Orthop Traumatol. 2017;18:91–106.CrossRefPubMedPubMedCentral Sonnery-Cottet B, Daggett M, Fayard JM, Ferretti A, Helito CP, Lind M, Monaco E, de Pádua VBC, Thaunat M, Wilson A, Zaffagnini S, Zijl J, Claes S. Anterolateral ligament expert group consensus paper on the management of internal rotation and instability of the anterior cruciate ligament - deficient knee. J Orthop Traumatol. 2017;18:91–106.CrossRefPubMedPubMedCentral
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CORR Insights®: High Interspecimen Variability in Engagement of the Anterolateral Ligament: An In Vitro Cadaveric Study
verfasst von
Asbjørn Årøen, MD, PhD
Springer US
Erschienen in
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® / Ausgabe 10/2017
Print ISSN: 0009-921X
Elektronische ISSN: 1528-1132

Weitere Artikel der Ausgabe 10/2017

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