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Open Access 05.05.2024 | Correction

Correction: Performance of a novel spectroscopy-based tool for adjuvant therapy decision-making in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer: a validation study

verfasst von: R Charles Coombes, Christina Angelou, Zamzam Al-Khalili, William Hart, Darius Francescatti, Nicholas Wright, Ian Ellis, Andrew Green, Emad Rakha, Sami Shousha, Hemmel Amrania, Chris C. Phillips, Carlo Palmieri

Erschienen in: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment | Ausgabe 1/2024

The online version of the original article can be found at https://​doi.​org/​10.​1007/​s10549-023-07229-y.

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Correction: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
In the original publication of the article, the name of the first author was published incorrectly as Charles Coombes. The corrected name should read as R Charles Coombes.
The original article has been corrected.
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Correction: Performance of a novel spectroscopy-based tool for adjuvant therapy decision-making in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer: a validation study
verfasst von
R Charles Coombes
Christina Angelou
Zamzam Al-Khalili
William Hart
Darius Francescatti
Nicholas Wright
Ian Ellis
Andrew Green
Emad Rakha
Sami Shousha
Hemmel Amrania
Chris C. Phillips
Carlo Palmieri
Springer US
Erschienen in
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment / Ausgabe 1/2024
Print ISSN: 0167-6806
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-7217

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