This study presents the first systematic analysis of time-dependent ICP thresholds for mortality and unfavourable outcome in TBI patients managed without DC. The overall thresholds, based on the entire recording period, that best discriminate mortality and unfavourable outcome were 21.3 and 20.5 mmHg respectively. These thresholds were the most statistically significant ICP thresholds associated with global patient outcome, more so than a threshold of 20 (i.e. a commonly applied treatment threshold in clinical practice). They indicate that patients with mean ICP values above these particular thresholds had the strongest association with worse dichotomised global outcomes at 6 months. These are slightly below the universal threshold of 22 mmHg recommended in the current consensus guidelines [
8], though they remain in the 20–25 mmHg range usually applied in clinical practice. However, time-specific analysis revealed variable ICP thresholds over the first week of monitoring. After the first 24 h of monitoring, the daily thresholds fell and remained between 15 and 20 mmHg. This was apparent both when the data was grouped by duration of monitoring and analysed on a day-by-day basis.
Sex-specific analysis revealed female patients had a higher overall ICP threshold for mortality, but the duration- and time-dependent ICP thresholds followed a similar pattern to those of male patients, with only occasional variations. Given the low number of female patients in the cohort, it is not possible to comment definitively on significant sex differences in ICP threshold based on this data alone. It is interesting to note lower ICP thresholds for mortality and unfavourable outcome in older patients, both overall and in the first 2 days of ICP monitoring. Though carrying a similar caveat due to the low proportion of older patients, this is in keeping with previous evidence that older patients may exhibit higher vulnerability to ICP insult [
22], particularly in the early stages of ICP management. It is also notable that chi-square test statistic values are generally substantially higher in mortality thresholds for both ICP and CPP, suggesting a stronger association between these metrics and mortality as compared with the unfavourable outcome. This is concordant with previous results [
Our results establish ICP thresholds for non-DC patients that are slightly distinct from the threshold previously described for a mixed cohort [
22]. Moreover, it is unsurprising to find these thresholds differ to those recently described for DC patients [
19]. These results, taken together, reinforce the need to develop individualised ICP thresholds, as treatment modalities and patient characteristics introduce tremendous heterogeneity.
The ultimate goal is to derive ICP thresholds that derive rationally from patient-specific pathophysiology. There is evidence that the tolerability of ICP insults vary between patients depending on autoregulatory capacity [
13] and intracranial pressure-volume dynamics [
7]. Lazardis et al. [
14] used a pressure reactivity index (PRx—correlation between ICP and MAP) cut-off of > 0.2 to define patient-specific ICP thresholds at which cerebrovascular pressure reactivity was deranged. These variable thresholds yielded superior outcome prediction than fixed thresholds of 20 or 25 mmHg. In the context of our findings, which show a time-dependent ICP threshold that usually remains below 20 mmHg, pulse amplitude index (PAx—correlation between pulse amplitude of ICP and MAP) may be superior for the latter strategy, as it is proven to be a superior outcome predictor than PRx at ICP < 20 mmHg [
We explored CPP thresholds using the same methodology. The results showed no identifiable trends, and significant time-dependent thresholds for mortality or unfavourable outcome were often not identified, even in the whole cohort and in well-populated subgroups (males and young patients). As no significant conclusions could be drawn from these results, they have not been included in the manuscript.
This lack of ability to determine global clinically significant CPP thresholds likely stems from the issue of targeting a global CPP target for everyone. CPP thresholds in TBI have remained relatively elusive for some time now, with conflicting literature on appropriate CPP ranges to target, leading to changes in recommendations between various renditions of the BTF guidelines [
8]. Though the lack of significant results within this study does not provide definitive evidence, we believe they do provide further support of ‘personalised’ CPP targets in TBI. Such personalised CPP targets include those suggested by the CPP optimum (CPPopt) concept, with numerous papers to date suggesting a stronger link between CPPopt and patient outcome [
18]. The definitive link between these personalised CPP targets in TBI has yet to be determined, with prospective randomised trials underway [COGITATE,
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02982122].
We do not believe that the lack of results for CPP suggests that ICP is more important and should be preferentially targeted in TBI therapy. It is likely the way we currently view CPP is the issue, arguing for a change in the way we analyse and target it.
First, this study is limited by its retrospective design, making it impossible to control for the influence of treatment targets on the derived thresholds. Additionally, as high ICP may reflect the global severity of a patient’s condition, it is impossible to determine the direct effect of ICP thresholds on the outcome without prospective validation. Furthermore, as these data were collected over 11 years, changing management patterns over time may confound the results. Given the potential for treatment heterogeneity across our patient population, this needs further acknowledgement as a limitation. The information within our database was retrospectively accessed for the purpose of this study, without the ability to re-access charts for missing information. Thus, comments on treatment intensity (i.e. doses of hypertonic agents, use of sedation, cerebrospinal fluid drainage, use of barbiturates) and its potential relation to the thresholds seen cannot be made based on this data. This is an important limitation of our study, as not only can various treatments directly impact the ICP and CPP values recorded, but also those patients with medically refractory ICP may have had a reduction on therapy secondary to futility. Such a reduction in therapy could lead to persistent ICP elevations skewing the thresholds found within our study. However, with that said, we believe that the number of patients that would fall into this category would be quite small within the population studied, as those with persistent refractory ICP issues typically undergo a secondary DC at our institution. All DC patients were excluded from this study to avoid such confounding. Thus, despite the absence of information on treatment intensity, we are confident that the results presented are not significantly skewed due to outliers.
Furthermore, despite the exclusion of DC patients from our study, there were subjects in our study population that had medically refractory ICP (i.e. levels persistently above 20 mmHg during a large portion of their ICP stay). It is unknown why these patients did not undergo DC, as this was not recorded within our database that was retrospectively accessed for the purpose of this study. It is possible that these patients represent those that were ‘too sick’ for surgical salvage therapy. This further adds to the heterogeneity of our TBI population for this study, thus re-emphasising that the results found for ICP and CPP thresholds are preliminary, with further validation in a multicentre cohort required.
Second, although 355 patients were included in the study, the characteristic demographic pattern of TBI meant that the statistical power of less well-populated subgroup analysis was weakened by small sample size, notably in females and patients aged > 55. This may explain the relative absence of statistically significant thresholds in these subgroups especially. Thus, we were unable to definitively comment on whether there is a significant difference in ICP thresholds between age and sex groups. There exists the potential that age-related cerebral atrophy can confound the ICP thresholds seen. With advanced age, cerebral atrophy increases. Thus, to reach the same ICP values as younger patients, one could argue that more severe intracranial injury is required in these elderly patients, with larger mass lesions/oedema volume required. Thus, when assessing ICP thresholds associated with outcome, this potential injury severity discrepancy between the young and elderly, with similar ICP values, may impact the results. Based on the data available in our database, we were unable to assess this. We are planning a follow-up study with the ICU cohort from CENTER-TBI [
15], using upwards of 2000 patients, with detailed imaging assessments, to probe into age-specific ICP thresholds and the impact of intracranial injury patterns.
Third, the time-dependent analysis is limited by values of ICP averaged over 24 h. Therefore, it was not possible in this work to identify time-dependent critical thresholds over a shorter timescale. Moreover, the average ICP values do not directly relate to time spent above putative thresholds, or ICP ‘dose’ [
26]. The drop in ICP-based critical thresholds after the first 24 h of recording may be secondary to either treatment effect, or reflect the ‘dose’ response to ICP, where absolute thresholds may be less useful than the amount of time spent above such values [
26]. While this generally did not have an effect on the derived ICP thresholds, the accuracy of the sequential chi-square method of threshold analysis is limited at extreme ICP values by small cell sizes.
Fourth, a further limitation of this retrospective database study is lack of clarity on cause of mortality. The information available within our dataset includes only a rough global assessment of patient outcome at 6-months (i.e. GOS), without elaboration on cause of mortality. Thus, we are unable to separate those who died secondary to neurological causes from other in-hospital causes within this study. This would have provided potentially interesting insight into differences in ICP and CPP thresholds based on mortality causes. Given this limitation within our study, this will be assessed in the upcoming analysis of the multicentre high-resolution ICU cohort in the CENTER-TBI [
15], with the hope that further light may be shed on this topic.
Fifth, DC patients were specifically excluded to avoid the potential for confounding effects on the ICP thresholding. Much additional work is required in this population to assessed ICP and CPP critical thresholds associated with global outcome. In the presence of DC, the value returned from ICP monitoring is exceedingly difficult to interpret, given an open cranial vault and influence from atmospheric pressure on the readings. Thus, despite the difference in ICP threshold discovered between our work and the original Sorrentino study, we refrain from making generalised comments on ICP thresholds from DC patient populations at this time, until further objective analysis of this population is conducted. This work is currently under way.
Finally, it is important to emphasise that this work is preliminary. Thus, although we have identified differing trends within the non-DC population, and a change in threshold over time, further confirmatory work is required prior to any change in guideline-based threshold targets. We must re-emphasise that the results of this analysis should not change current ICP treatment thresholds recommended in current guidelines. In addition, having separate thresholds for mortality and favourable/unfavourable outcome is not entirely clinically useful, as it pertains to threshold targeting for ICP-directed therapies. These different thresholds only provide information regarding potentially predicting functional outcome. We plan to undertake further prospective analysis using the ICU cohort data-set from CENTER-TBI, to better define ICP thresholds over time and perform more detailed subgroup analysis.