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21.02.2024 | Original Research

Critical Values of Daily Sedentary Time and Its Longitudinal Association with Mild Cognitive Impairment Considering APOE ε4: A Prospective Cohort Study

verfasst von: H. Duan, X. He, T. Yang, N. Xu, Z. Wang, Z. Li, Y. Chen, Y. Du, M. Zhang, J. Yan, C. Sun, G. Wang, F. Ma, Wen Li, Xin Li, Guowei Huang

Erschienen in: The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease | Ausgabe 3/2024

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Long sedentary time and physical inactivity are negatively related to cognition, but the cut-off value remains unclear, and apolipoprotein E polymorphism ε4 (APOE ε4) is a known genetic risk factor of mild cognitive impairment (MCI).


To explore longitudinal association of sedentary time and MCI, and to identify a cutoff value that increases the risk of developing MCI, taking into account APOE ε4 stratification and its interactions.


A prospective cohort study.


Population-based study


We included 4932 older adults from Tianjin Elderly Nutrition and Cognition (TENC) cohort study recruited from March 2018 to June 2021 with 3.11 years of median follow-up time.


The primary outcome was newly diagnosed MCI, which was diagnosed by a modified version of the Petersen’s criteria. The information of sedentary time (hours/day) and physical activity (MET-h/week) were obtained by questionnaire. Cox proportional hazard regression models and restricted spline curve were conducted.


A total of 4932 participants were included (mean [SD] age, 67.85 [4.96] years; 2627 female [53.3%] and 2305 male [46.7%]), 740 newly onset MCI patients were identified. Longer sedentary time was associated with higher risk of MCI for all participants (HR:1.069, 95%CI: 1.034, 1.105), especially in APOE ε4 non-carriers (HR:1.083, 95%CI: 1.045, 1.123) whether adjusted potential confounders. Sedentary time had synergistic interactions with APOE ε4 (β:1.503, 95%CI: 1.163, 1.942) and physical activities (β: 1.495, 95%CI: 1.210, 1.846). Restricted spline curve showed a cut-off value of 3.03 hours/day.


Long sedentary time (≥3.03 hours/day) could increase MCI risk, especially in APOE ε4 non-carriers, people with higher PA, aged 65 and above.
Nur mit Berechtigung zugänglich
Zurück zum Zitat Cohen A, Ardern CI, Baker J. Inter-relationships between physical activity, body mass index, sedentary time, and cognitive functioning in younger and older adults: cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Community Health Survey. Public Health. 2017;15198–105. DOI: Cohen A, Ardern CI, Baker J. Inter-relationships between physical activity, body mass index, sedentary time, and cognitive functioning in younger and older adults: cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Community Health Survey. Public Health. 2017;15198–105. DOI:https://​doi.​org/​10.​1016/​j.​puhe.​2017.​06.​019.
Critical Values of Daily Sedentary Time and Its Longitudinal Association with Mild Cognitive Impairment Considering APOE ε4: A Prospective Cohort Study
verfasst von
H. Duan
X. He
T. Yang
N. Xu
Z. Wang
Z. Li
Y. Chen
Y. Du
M. Zhang
J. Yan
C. Sun
G. Wang
F. Ma
Wen Li
Xin Li
Guowei Huang
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease / Ausgabe 3/2024
Elektronische ISSN: 2426-0266

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