Ausgabe 4/2017
Inhalt (11 Artikel)
- B-cell NHL, T-cell NHL, and Hodgkin Lymphoma (D Persky, Section Editor)
Therapeutic Options for Aggressive T-Cell Lymphomas
Jennifer K. Lue, Anna Kress, Jennifer E. Amengual
- B-cell NHL, T-cell NHL, and Hodgkin Lymphoma (D Persky, Section Editor)
An Update on the Use of Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Lymphoma
Thomas U. Marron, Matko Kalac, Joshua Brody
- Health Economics (N Khera, Section Editor)
Patterns of Care and Survival for Elderly Acute Myeloid Leukemia—Challenges and Opportunities
Abhishek A. Mangaonkar, Mrinal M. Patnaik
- Health Economics (N Khera, Section Editor)
Early Palliative Care for Patients with Hematologic Malignancies: Is It Really so Difficult to Achieve?
Thomas W. LeBlanc, Eric J. Roeland, Areej El-Jawahri
- Health Economics (N Khera, Section Editor)
Equal Treatment and Outcomes for Everyone with Multiple Myeloma: Are We There Yet?
Sikander Ailawadhi, Kirtipal Bhatia, Sonikpreet Aulakh, Zahara Meghji, Asher Chanan-Khan
- Health Economics (N Khera, Section Editor)
Coordination of Care in Survivorship After Treatment of Hematological Malignancies—The Journey is Not Over Yet
Catherine J. Lee, Lori S. Muffly
- Health Economics (N Khera, Section Editor)
Patient and Caregiver Adjustment to Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: a Systematic Review of Dyad-Based Studies
Shelby Langer, Christine Lehane, Jean Yi
- CART and Immunotherapy (M Ruella, Section Editor)
Considerations in T Cell Therapy Product Development for B Cell Leukemia and Lymphoma Immunotherapy
Andrew D. Fesnak, Patrick J. Hanley, Bruce L. Levine
- CART and Immunotherapy (M Ruella, Section Editor)
Novel Immunotherapies for Multiple Myeloma
Mattia D’Agostino, Mario Boccadoro, Eric L. Smith
- CART and Immunotherapy (M Ruella, Section Editor)
Targeting Immune System Alterations in Hodgkin Lymphoma
Natalie S. Grover, Barbara Savoldo
- Acute Lymphocytic Leukemias (K Ballen, Section Editor)
Chimeric Antigen Receptor Therapy in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Clinical Practice
Marlise R. Luskin, Daniel J. DeAngelo