Ausgabe 6/2020
Inhalt (3 Artikel)
The Next Generation of JAK Inhibitors: an Update on Fedratinib, Momelotonib, and Pacritinib
- Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (B Stein, Section Editor)
Anand A. Patel, Olatoyosi Odenike
Tweeting from the Bench: Twitter and the Physician-Scientist Benefits and Challenges
- Social Media Impact of Hematologic Malignancies (N Pemmaraju, Section Editor)
Jessica S. Little, Rizwan Romee
New Approaches to Treating Challenging Subtypes of ALL in AYA Patients
- Acute Lymphocytic Leukemias (K Ballen and M Keng, Section Editors)
Kevin Prescott, Michael Jacobs, Wendy Stock, Joseph Wynne