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Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics

Ausgabe 2/2019

Inhalt (12 Artikel)

Chronic Kidney Disease in Children: Risk-Based Stratification and Treatment

  • Pediatric Nephrology (BP Dixon and E Nehus, Section Editors)

Darcy K. Weidemann, Bradley A. Warady

Pediatric Hypertension

  • Pediatric Nephrology (BP Dixon and E Nehus, Section Editors)

Kathleen E. Altemose, Tammy M. Brady

Chronic Kidney Disease: Treatment of Comorbidities I (Nutrition, Growth, Neurocognitive Function, and Mineral Bone Disease)

  • Pediatric Nephrology (BP Dixon and E Nehus, Section Editors)

Amy J. Kogon, Lyndsay A. Harshman

Chronic Kidney Disease: Treatment of Comorbidities II (Hypertension, Anemia, and Electrolyte Management)

  • Pediatric Nephrology (BP Dixon and E Nehus, Section Editors)

Deepa H. Chand, Rudolph P. Valentini

Resilience Engineering, Safety, and Implications for Pediatric Care

  • Patient Safety (M Scanlon, Section Editor)

Christopher Nemeth

Accelerating Improvement in Children’s Healthcare Through Quality Improvement Collaboratives: a Synthesis of Recent Efforts

  • Patient Safety (M Scanlon, Section Editor)

Michael Terao, James M. Hoffman, Richard J. Brilli, Amanda Finch, Kathleen E. Walsh, Maitreya Coffey

Patient Safety: What Is Working and Why?

  • Patient Safety (M Scanlon, Section Editor)

Thomas Bartman, C. Briana Bertoni, Jenna Merandi, Michael Brady, Ryan S. Bode

Human Factors Engineering: Status, Interventions, Future Directions in Pediatrics

  • Patient Safety (M Scanlon, Section Editor)

Siddarth Ponnala, A. Joy Rivera

Safety in Children With Medical Complexity: Our Canaries in the Coal Mine?

  • Patient Safety (M Scanlon, Section Editor)

Christine A. Schindler, Elisabeth S. Pordes, Steven D. Finkenbinder, K. Jane Lee

Improving Safety in Health Care: Beyond Standard Hospital-Acquired Conditions

  • Patient Safety (M Scanlon, Section Editor)

Vicki L. Montgomery, Christina R. Tryon, Erin B. Owen

Gastrointestinal Dysmotility and the Implications for Respiratory Disease

  • Pulmonary (RP Boesch, Section Editor)

Lusine Ambartsumyan, Samuel Nurko, Rachel Rosen

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) and the Pediatric Population

  • Disaster Medicine (MR Anderson and MW Dingeldein, Section Editors)

Christopher Peluso, Jeffrey Luk

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