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20.06.2022 | Epidemiology

Decision quality and regret with treatment decisions in women with breast cancer: Pre-operative breast MRI and breast density

verfasst von: Karen J. Wernli, Rebecca E. Smith, Louise M. Henderson, Wenyan Zhao, Danielle D. Durham, Karen Schifferdecker, Celia Kaplan, Diana S. M. Buist, Karla Kerlikowske, Diana L. Miglioretti, Tracy Onega, Nila H. Alsheik, Brian L. Sprague, Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti, Jill Budesky, Dianne Johnson, Anna N. A. Tosteson

Erschienen in: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment | Ausgabe 3/2022

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We evaluated self-report of decision quality and regret with breast cancer surgical treatment by pre-operative breast MRI use in women recently diagnosed with breast cancer.


We conducted a survey with 957 women aged 18 + with stage 0-III breast cancer identified in the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium. Participants self-reported receipt of pre-operative breast MRI. Primary outcomes were process measures in the Breast Cancer Surgery Decision Quality Instrument (BCS-DQI) (continuous outcome) and Decision Regret Scale (dichotomized outcome as any/none). Generalized estimating equations with linear and logit link were used to estimate adjusted associations between breast MRI and primary outcomes. All analyses were also stratified by breast density.


Survey participation rate was 27.9% (957/3430). Study population was primarily > 60 years, White, college educated, and diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Pre-operative breast MRI was reported in 46% of women. A higher proportion of women who were younger age (< 50 years), commercially insured, and self-detected their breast cancer reported pre-operative breast MRI use. In adjusted analysis, pre-operative breast MRI use compared with no use was associated with a small but statistically significantly higher decision quality scores (69.5 vs 64.7, p-value = 0.043). Decision regret did not significantly differ in women who reported pre-operative breast MRI use compared with no use (54.2% v. 48.7%, respectively, p-value = 0.11). Study results did not vary when stratified by breast density for either primary outcome.

Conclusions and relevance

Breast MRI use in the diagnostic work-up of breast cancer does not negatively alter women’s perceptions of surgical treatment decisions in early survivorship.
Clinical Trials Registration Number: NCT03029286.
Zurück zum Zitat D’Orsi C, Sickles E, Mendelson E, Morris E et al (2013) ACR BI-RADS atlas, breast imaging reporting and data system, 5th edn. American College of Radiology, NY D’Orsi C, Sickles E, Mendelson E, Morris E et al (2013) ACR BI-RADS atlas, breast imaging reporting and data system, 5th edn. American College of Radiology, NY
Decision quality and regret with treatment decisions in women with breast cancer: Pre-operative breast MRI and breast density
verfasst von
Karen J. Wernli
Rebecca E. Smith
Louise M. Henderson
Wenyan Zhao
Danielle D. Durham
Karen Schifferdecker
Celia Kaplan
Diana S. M. Buist
Karla Kerlikowske
Diana L. Miglioretti
Tracy Onega
Nila H. Alsheik
Brian L. Sprague
Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti
Jill Budesky
Dianne Johnson
Anna N. A. Tosteson
Springer US
Erschienen in
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment / Ausgabe 3/2022
Print ISSN: 0167-6806
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-7217

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