4.1 Principal Findings
This study provides further evidence of inequalities associated with socioeconomic status in QALE in England. We find people in the most deprived quintile of neighbourhoods (IMD1) in the country can expect to die 7.0 years earlier and experience 11.1 fewer QALYs in their lifetime than people who live in the least deprived fifth of neighbourhoods (IMD5). These patterns are consistent at different points in the life course, with relative inequalities between most and least deprived quintile groups higher at 65 than at birth. Most of the gap (63%) in QALE at birth between the IMD1 and IMD5 is attributable to differences in mortality, with the remainder a function of inequalities in HRQoL. All five dimensions of the EQ-5D-5L contribute positively to inequalities in QALE. Of these, ‘pain/discomfort’ was the largest contributor to the overall inequality (15.6% of total), whilst the ‘usual activities’ dimension was the smallest (2.3% of total).
Separating the analysis by sex demonstrates two key points. First, adjusting for quality of life almost eliminates the gap in life expectancy between males and females for every deprivation quintile. Second, there are clear differences in the relative importance of HRQoL for inequalities associated with socioeconomic status in QALE for males and females. In females, HRQoL accounts for nearly half (45.7%) of inequalities in QALE, whilst in males, it accounts for just over a quarter (27.9%). These patterns are broadly consistent until later years of life, when mortality becomes a much larger driver for both males and females. These differences between males and females emerge because of inequalities in different HRQoL domains as captured by the EQ-5D-5L instrument. For example, the anxiety/depression and pain/discomfort dimensions of the EQ-5D-5L account for 2.8% and 10.7% of the overall inequality in QALE between males and 10.8% and 20.1% of inequalities in QALE in females, respectively.
Conversely, we find mobility is a relatively important driver of inequalities in QALE in males, with 8% of the total, compared to 5.1% in females. While our data do not permit us to explore the reasons for these differences in greater detail, previous epidemiological and experimental studies suggest some plausible mechanisms. For example, females are consistently found to be at greater risk of chronic pain conditions than males [
31], and females may also be more sensitive to a range of pain stimuli, although evidence on this is less clear and is complicated by multiple factors, including hormonal interactions with nociceptive pathways, social expectations relating to reporting and tolerating pain, and the probability of receiving and responding to analgesia [
32]. Additionally, financial hardship is associated with vulnerability to, and perception of, pain [
33], which suggests that pain is likely to be a more important determinant of inequalities in HRQoL in females compared with males, and this is consistent with our findings.
Comparing the contributions of each of the HRQoL domains to QALE inequalities with their contribution to average HRQoL loss provides some insight on whether the decomposition results would be expected based on how common problems are in each domain. We find broad agreement in females, suggesting that inequalities are proportionate across domains. This does not hold for males, for whom anxiety/depression has a disproportionately small effect on inequality and self-care has a disproportionately large effect, indicating very different patterns of inequality across domains.
Our estimates of inequality in QALE are comparable, albeit lower, than those derived by Love-Koh et al. [
9]. That study used EQ-5D-3L data from HSE and mortality information for the period 2010–2012, resulting in an estimated QALE gap of 11.9 QALYs for those in the most and least deprived quintiles in England. We find marginally higher inequalities in QALE in females (11.3 QALYs compared to 11.2 QALYs) but significantly lower inequalities in QALE in males (10.7 QALYs compared to 12.5 QALYs).
4.2 Implications
This study has important implications for policymakers and practitioners aiming to reduce health inequalities. First, it provides further evidence that measuring mortality gaps across social groups underestimates the extent of existing disparities, and that greater consideration needs to be given to the quality in addition to the quantity of life. Robust instruments for monitoring HRQoL, such as the EQ-5D-5L element of the HSE, will therefore be crucial in guiding the public health and policy response.
Second, it demonstrates that some dimensions of HRQoL are more important than others in explaining social inequalities in overall QALE, and their contribution varies substantially with sex. Although some interventions will address multiple dimensions, interventions that are demonstrably effective for—or that specifically target—key dimensions may need to be prioritised over others, and different approaches may be required for males and females. Although we have focused on inequalities in this paper, decisions will also need to reflect the overall impact of different dimensions on population mortality and quality of life, as dimensions that are more equitably distributed may also make a greater contribution to overall shortfalls in life expectancy. The impact of policies will need to be monitored over time and the mix of interventions adapted; as inequalities in individual dimensions are tackled, other dimensions will come to explain more of the remaining inequality.
Our findings provide an updated set of inputs that can be used in distributional cost-effectiveness analyses that model the health inequality impacts of health programmes and interventions. An implication of our lower estimates of inequalities in QALE (compared with previous work in Love-Koh et al. [
9]) is that the marginal value of reducing these inequalities will be lower. Smaller relative differences in baseline QALE mean that the value of gains to the most deprived relative to the least deprived are slightly lower. This is exemplified in the set of implicit weights provided in Table
3: the implied weight for IMD1 to IMD5, at an Atkinson
\(\varepsilon =10\), drops from 5.66 in the older Love-Koh et al. distribution to 5.22 for the distribution we estimate in this work.
4.3 Strengths and Limitations
The main strength of our study is the use of robust information on HRQoL, derived through a survey of a large, representative sample of the general population in England, alongside mortality rates taken from an official national statistics agency. The large sample size in the HSE permit us to stratify analyses of HRQoL by age, sex and socioeconomic deprivation profile. Furthermore, the EQ-5D-5L instrument is one of the most widely used generic measures of HRQoL and is recommended for use in England by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. The instrument is able to capture the multidimensional nature of health and HRQoL better than single-item questions commonly used in many population surveys and provides QALY weights for sociodemographic groups.
There are a number of limitations to our work. First, it is possible that some of the observed inequalities in QALE reflect differences in reporting style between socioeconomic groups. However, detection of such reporting differences would require external, validated anchoring vignettes, which are not part of the HSE.
We were not able to analyse the inequalities associated with socioeconomic status by the seven different dimensions of deprivation that make up the IMD indicator. Although scores for each dimension are calculated for each small area of England, the data used in our analysis were only available by quintile of the composite IMD score. Were this to become available, further research could investigate how inequalities vary by aspects of socioeconomic deprivation.
Our calculation of QALE required assuming that HRQoL for those aged under 16 was equivalent to those aged 16–19. This could mean we are underestimating QALE for all subgroups if HRQoL were higher for those under 16.
Approximately 11% of participants did not complete the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire and were excluded from the study. Rates of missingness were higher for males and those living in the most deprived neighbourhoods. Missing values were not imputed based on a previous study indicating that imputation had at most a marginal impact on HRQoL scores by deprivation quintile group, finding that the difference between complete case and imputed datasets differed by less than 0.01 QALYs.
Our findings of inequality in QALE and the importance of each HRQoL domain are contingent on the coverage of the EQ-5D descriptive system and the value set employed to translate health profiles into summary scores. We note that the value set used in this study reflects the general population’s average preferences over health states. Again, it may be that different socioeconomic groups value HRQoL domains differently. Our estimates therefore reflect inequalities as perceived by the overall population, which may differ from the perception of the individual subgroups concerned.
Finally, because the EQ-5D-5L instrument was only used in the latest waves of the HSE (from 2017 onwards), our results are not directly comparable to previous estimates based on EQ-5D-3L data collected in earlier waves of the HSE [
9]. Consequently, the HSE cannot be used to measure changes in inequalities in response to key relevant policies, such as Labour’s Program for Action on health inequalities in the 2000s [
34], or following major social and economic shocks, such as the 2008/2009 recession. However, we are not aware of other long-running representative surveys of the general population in England that include multi-attribute utility instruments required for the calculation of QALEs.