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Developing a Novel Interactive Colorectal Cancer Educational Session for First-Year Medical Students to Enhance Interest in Public Health

verfasst von: Roselande Marcellon, Katherine Donovan, Helen Zhou, Shane Fiust-Klink, William Calawerts, Mihir Patel, Olivia Watman, David Miller, Paul Sorum, Kallanna Manjunath, Rebecca Stetzer, Danielle Wales, Hyacinth Mason, Michael Waxman, Heather Dacus, Paul Feustel, Michael Tadros

Erschienen in: Journal of Cancer Education | Ausgabe 1/2023

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Medical students need more exposure to and a greater understanding of their role in public health throughout their training, which may influence more of them to pursue careers in public health or change how they practice medicine in the future. A novel colorectal cancer education session was created for first year medical students to attempt to increase public health interest, improve colorectal cancer knowledge and discuss barriers to colorectal cancer screening. We constructed a novel integrated interactive peer led colorectal cancer educational session of panelists with a wide range of experiences in colorectal cancer and colorectal cancer screening. The session involved a didactic component, case presentation, and group exercises followed by assembly discussion. We surveyed first-year medical students over two consecutive years to assess their interest in public health, knowledge of colorectal cancer, and perceptions of barriers to colorectal cancer screening before and after the educational session. We also evaluated student satisfaction with the session. We compared the pre- and post-survey results to assess for changes in interest, knowledge and perceptions. 74.63% of students in 2018 and 67.7% in 2019 evaluated the session as excellent or good, with knowledge regarding colorectal cancer screening markedly increased after the educational session. Students reported knowledge and access to healthcare among the biggest patient barriers to colorectal cancer screening. Interest in public health increased by 7.5% and 5.6% in 2018 and 2019, respectively. The implementation of this interactive educational peer led exercise can increase interest in public health, improve knowledge of colorectal cancer prevention and facilitate discussions of colorectal cancer screening barriers. We hope to encourage other programs to adopt this preliminary model.
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Developing a Novel Interactive Colorectal Cancer Educational Session for First-Year Medical Students to Enhance Interest in Public Health
verfasst von
Roselande Marcellon
Katherine Donovan
Helen Zhou
Shane Fiust-Klink
William Calawerts
Mihir Patel
Olivia Watman
David Miller
Paul Sorum
Kallanna Manjunath
Rebecca Stetzer
Danielle Wales
Hyacinth Mason
Michael Waxman
Heather Dacus
Paul Feustel
Michael Tadros
Springer US
Erschienen in
Journal of Cancer Education / Ausgabe 1/2023
Print ISSN: 0885-8195
Elektronische ISSN: 1543-0154

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