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06.09.2024 | Mini Review

Digital health as a tool for patient activation and improving quality of care for heart failure

verfasst von: Aradhana Verma, Zahra Azizi, Alexander T. Sandhu

Erschienen in: Heart Failure Reviews | Ausgabe 6/2024

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The clinical and economic impact of heart failure (HF) is immense and will continue to rise due to the increasing prevalence of the disease. Despite the availability of guideline-recommended medications that improve mortality, reduce hospitalizations, and enhance quality of life, there are major gaps in the implementation of such care. Quality improvement interventions have generally focused on clinicians. While certain interventions have had modest success in improving the use of heart failure medications, they remain insufficient in optimizing HF care. Here, we discuss how patient-facing interventions can add value and supplement clinician-centered interventions. We discuss how digital health can be leveraged to create patient activation tools that create a larger, sustainable impact. Small studies have suggested the promise of digital tools for patient engagement and self-care, but there are also important barriers to the adoption of such interventions that we describe. We share key principles and strategies around the design and implementation of digital health innovations to maximize patient participation and engagement. By uniquely activating patients in their own care, digital health can unlock the full potential of both existing and new quality improvement initiatives to drive forward high-quality and equitable heart failure care.
Zurück zum Zitat Averbuch T, Lee SF, Zagorski B et al (2024) Effect of a transitional care model following hospitalization for heart failure: 3-year outcomes of the Patient-Centered Care Transitions in Heart Failure (PACT-HF) randomized controlled trial. Eur J Heart Fail 26(3):652–660. Averbuch T, Lee SF, Zagorski B et al (2024) Effect of a transitional care model following hospitalization for heart failure: 3-year outcomes of the Patient-Centered Care Transitions in Heart Failure (PACT-HF) randomized controlled trial. Eur J Heart Fail 26(3):652–660. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1002/​ejhf.​3134CrossRefPubMed
Digital health as a tool for patient activation and improving quality of care for heart failure
verfasst von
Aradhana Verma
Zahra Azizi
Alexander T. Sandhu
Springer US
Erschienen in
Heart Failure Reviews / Ausgabe 6/2024
Print ISSN: 1382-4147
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-7322

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