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25.04.2023 | Editorial Commentary

Do Clinical Scores Score in Predicting Neonatal Mortality?

verfasst von: B. Adhisivam

Erschienen in: Indian Journal of Pediatrics | Ausgabe 8/2023

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According to World Health Organisation data (2020), there are approximately 6700 newborn deaths every day, contributing to 47% of under-5 mortality [1]. The current neonatal mortality rate in our country is 24.9 per 1000 live births as per National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) [2]. Preterm delivery, sepsis and birth asphyxia are the leading causes of neonatal mortality. Several maternal, placental, fetal and environmental factors may be interplaying in the death of a neonate. Preterm birth, low birth weight, a low APGAR score at 5 min, failure to initiate early breastfeeding and temperature (≥37.5°C) at admission are important predictors of neonatal mortality [3]. Predicting neonatal survival or death is at times difficult and systems developed for this task should include a judicious mixture of clinical and lab components. Depending on the purpose of the score i.e., screening, diagnosis or prediction, the score components should be appropriately chosen and both sensitivity and specificity of the score should be carefully examined before using. …
Zurück zum Zitat Belsti Y, Nigussie ZM, Tsegaye GW. Derivation and validation of a risk score to predict mortality of early neonates at neonatal intensive care unit: The END in NICU score. Int J Gen Med. 2021;14:8121–34.CrossRefPubMedPubMedCentral Belsti Y, Nigussie ZM, Tsegaye GW. Derivation and validation of a risk score to predict mortality of early neonates at neonatal intensive care unit: The END in NICU score. Int J Gen Med. 2021;14:8121–34.CrossRefPubMedPubMedCentral
Do Clinical Scores Score in Predicting Neonatal Mortality?
verfasst von
B. Adhisivam
Springer India
Erschienen in
Indian Journal of Pediatrics / Ausgabe 8/2023
Print ISSN: 0019-5456
Elektronische ISSN: 0973-7693

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