Ausgabe 1/2024
Inhalt (6 Artikel)
Advanced computational model of rod ERG kinetics
- Open Access
- Original Research Article
Christopher W. Tyler
S-cone contribution to oscillatory potentials in patients with blue cone monochromacy
- Open Access
- Original Research Article
Giulia Righetti, Melanie Kempf, Susanne Kohl, Bernd Wissinger, Laura Kühlewein, Katarina Stingl, Krunoslav Stingl
Portable multi-focal visual evoked potential diagnostics for multiple sclerosis/optic neuritis patients
- Open Access
- Original Research Article
S. Mohammad Ali Banijamali, Craig Versek, Kristen Babinski, Sagar Kamarthi, Deborah Green-LaRoche, Srinivas Sridhar
Crossed VEP asymmetry in a patient with AHR-linked infantile nystagmus and foveal hypoplasia
- Clinical Case Report
Vasily M. Smirnov, Eulalie Lasseaux, Vincent Michaud, Cécile Courdier, Isabelle Meunier, Benoit Arveiler, Sabine Defoort-Dhellemmes
Slope between positive and negative ERG components in patients with open-angle glaucoma
- Technical Note
Maja Sustar Habjan, Barbara Cvenkel
Correction: Accelerated hydroxychloroquine toxic retinopathy (response to letter)
- Correction
Ayushi Mohapatra, Prasad Gupta, Dhanashree Ratra