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27.02.2024 | Short Communication

Dysregulated 24 h melatonin secretion associated with intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cell function in diabetic retinopathy: a cross-sectional study

verfasst von: Sirimon Reutrakul, Jason C. Park, J. Jason McAnany, Felix Y. Chau, Kirstie K. Danielson, Bharati Prasad, Andrew Cross, Stephanie Sintetas, Julie Law, Silvana Pannain, Sarida Pratuangtham, Eve Van Cauter, Erin C. Hanlon

Erschienen in: Diabetologia | Ausgabe 6/2024

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The aim of this study was to explore whether diabetic retinopathy is associated with alterations of the circadian system, and to examine the role of reduced intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cell (ipRGC) function.


Participants with type 2 diabetes, with diabetic retinopathy (n=14) and without diabetic retinopathy (n=9) underwent 24 h blood sampling for melatonin and cortisol under controlled laboratory conditions. ipRGC function was inferred from the post-illumination pupil response (PIPR). Habitual sleep duration, efficiency and variability were assessed by actigraphy.


Participants with diabetic retinopathy compared to participants without diabetic retinopathy had smaller PIPR (p=0.007), lower 24 h serum melatonin output (p=0.042) and greater day-to-day sleep variability (p=0.012). By contrast, 24 h cortisol profiles, sleep duration and efficiency were similar in both groups. Six individuals with diabetic retinopathy had no detectable dim-light melatonin onset. PIPR correlated with 24 h mean melatonin levels (r=0.555, p=0.007).


ipRCG dysfunction in diabetic retinopathy is associated with disruptions of the 24 h melatonin rhythm, suggesting circadian dysregulation in diabetic retinopathy.

Graphical Abstract

Nur mit Berechtigung zugänglich
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Zurück zum Zitat Raygan F, Ostadmohammadi V, Bahmani F, Reiter RJ, Asemi Z (2019) Melatonin administration lowers biomarkers of oxidative stress and cardio-metabolic risk in type 2 diabetic patients with coronary heart disease: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Clin Nutr (Edinburgh, Scotland) 38(1):191–6. Raygan F, Ostadmohammadi V, Bahmani F, Reiter RJ, Asemi Z (2019) Melatonin administration lowers biomarkers of oxidative stress and cardio-metabolic risk in type 2 diabetic patients with coronary heart disease: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Clin Nutr (Edinburgh, Scotland) 38(1):191–6. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1016/​j.​clnu.​2017.​12.​004CrossRef
Dysregulated 24 h melatonin secretion associated with intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cell function in diabetic retinopathy: a cross-sectional study
verfasst von
Sirimon Reutrakul
Jason C. Park
J. Jason McAnany
Felix Y. Chau
Kirstie K. Danielson
Bharati Prasad
Andrew Cross
Stephanie Sintetas
Julie Law
Silvana Pannain
Sarida Pratuangtham
Eve Van Cauter
Erin C. Hanlon
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Erschienen in
Diabetologia / Ausgabe 6/2024
Print ISSN: 0012-186X
Elektronische ISSN: 1432-0428

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