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03.10.2023 | Original Scientific Report

Effect of Thyroidectomy on Tracheal Remodeling and Airway Physiology in Apparently Asymptomatic Patients with Goiter: A Prospective Study

verfasst von: Loreno Enny, Surabhi Garg, Sasi Mouli, Shreyamsa Manjunath, Kul Ranjan Singh, Pooja Ramakant, Anand Kumar Mishra

Erschienen in: World Journal of Surgery | Ausgabe 12/2023

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Tracheal airflow limitation is frequently reported in patients with goiter but is severely underestimated, and studies on how goiter and its treatment affect trachea are scarce. Moreover, the choice of the optimal treatment for individual patient with asymptomatic goiter is not straightforward. Therefore, in this study we aim to investigate the effect of goiter and subsequent thyroidectomy on tracheal anatomy and change in airflow in asymptomatic patient with goiter.


Seventy patients undergoing total/hemithyroidectomy (TT/HT) from Feb 2020 to Feb 2021 satisfying inclusion criteria were enrolled in the study. Neck radiograph (NR) and forced spirometry (FS) were performed preoperatively and on postoperative day 10 and 6 weeks and 3 months.


Out of 70 patients, 84.3% patients were female, and mean duration and weight of goiter were 54.7 months and 72.21 gm, respectively. Of 70 patients, 57 were of benign pathology. Significant improvement in tracheal compression with moderate improvement in deviation was observed after surgery. Preoperative spirometry showed significant reduction in almost all parameters. After surgery, a weak improvement was observed at postoperative day 10 and 6 weeks; however, significant improvement in FEV1, PEFR, FEV1/FEV0.5, and FEF50%/FIF50% was observed at postoperative 3 months. Patient with right sided and those with ≥ 8 mm deviation were associated with poorer pulmonary function. Weak correlation was observed between neck NR and spirometry parameters. Weight of the thyroid gland significantly correlated with ratio of MVV/FEV1.


Patients with asymptomatic goiter can have significant abnormal changes in airflow as evidenced by FS and NR. Thyroidectomy is followed by gradual restoration of tracheal deviation and compression with significant improvement in pulmonary airflow.
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Effect of Thyroidectomy on Tracheal Remodeling and Airway Physiology in Apparently Asymptomatic Patients with Goiter: A Prospective Study
verfasst von
Loreno Enny
Surabhi Garg
Sasi Mouli
Shreyamsa Manjunath
Kul Ranjan Singh
Pooja Ramakant
Anand Kumar Mishra
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
World Journal of Surgery / Ausgabe 12/2023
Print ISSN: 0364-2313
Elektronische ISSN: 1432-2323

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